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Disappointed! Movies That Let You Down


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I sympathize with this choice because I didn't like Lebowski the first time I saw it. I think if you are watching it thinking that the plot matters at all, you'll be left frustrated and annoyed. And really it is about 20 minutes too long. But...watch it 2 or 3 times and you might awaken to its awesomeness. Honestly, hating followed by obsession is the natural arc for Lebowski.

I'll have to try Lebowski again. I haven't watched it since I saw it in the theater, but I love the Coen brothers' movies in general so it's worth another viewing these many years later.

I've always found the Percy Jackson premise to be complete utter crap unfit to be published in a civilised society. That's the kind of idea you could come up with when you're 14 and write fan-fiction, not something an adult could decently want to publish. There are plenty of decent books presenting Greek mythology and legends out there, without adding crappy 21th century crossover - it's quite hard to expect 8/10-years old to read any Iliad's translation, but a well-written summary of the whole myth, on the other hand, shouldn't be a problem - heck, it's what I did instead of doing my homework at that age :D

I disagree. It's not great literature but its solidly engaging and entertaining. My daughter was 7 when we first read the series together and she loved it (and I'll admit her enjoyment probably increased my own.) I love that LA is the gateway to the underworld, that Dionysus's punishment is drying out at the camp, that Percy has ADHD and so on. My daughter particularly loves the Graeae as the crazy NYC taxi drivers. Also, the series got her quite interested in Greek mythology which has led to us purchasing other books for her on the subject.

Anyway, the books certainly had greater potential to be made into good movies than has been realized.

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Ok so I'm that guy who watched Dark knight rises 5 times in cinema <_< I don't think I'll be needing a rewatch for the next 5 years(or at least till Supes vs Bats drops).

I might get strung up for this, but I failed to see the hype around Moonrise Kingdom, IDK maybe a rewatch will do?

One movie I'm aching to watch is Valhalla Rising, it seems really good from what I've read. I'll need to squeeze in Beasts of the southern wild as well, I've been meaning to watch it for a while now.

I loved Moonrise Kingdom, but I'm a Wes Anderson fan. (Oh, are they?)


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The Star Wars prequels

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban-I'm not sure if any of the films really lived up to the books but this one was a shocker

Inbetweeners Movie

And in a league of it's own Troy which may go down as my least favorite film of all time although Brendan Gleeson and Brian Cox were good

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John Carter !!

That movie was a flop and you were disappointed ?

If anything, this movie is under appreciated, in my opinion. I admit that I don't know the source material, but I was surprisingly entertained when I saw it (I expected shit really). The one thing that pissed me off was the ending, since I know there never will be sequels...

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It's... it's like I don't even KNOW you people.

Anyone else thought Prometheus just was a new version of Alien? It's basically just a copy of it.

By the way, Alien did dissappoint me. It is so talked about, but it wasn't scary or had a really good story. The concept is good though. I think it is decent, but my brother even thought it was downright bad.

There are some movies you really have to have a sense of history when you're viewing them. When it came out, there had been NOTHING like it. People get "spoiled" by hearing too much about certain films or books, and it makes them entirely too difficult to impress. Trust me, Alien was quite impressive for its time.

But then I can watch and rewatch Prometheus, so I may be a tad bit prejudiced. :P

The Dark Knight Rises was almost hilariously bad, but I didn't really like the other Christian Bale Batmans that much either so I can't class it as a disappointment per se.

You... you don't like Christian Bale's Batmans??? Who ARE YOU?


Last of the Mohicans - Aside from the ending and some of the acting, this movie was pretty underwhelming. Not bad, but considering its often overly inflated reputation, it wasn't great or even that good.

:stunned: You guys are TOUGH. Last of the Mohicans is a beautiful, poetic, masterpiece of a movie! The scenes where the fort is being attacked was the first realistic depiction, IMO, of how it must have truly been back then during that time.

I... I... I just don't know what to say.

<leaves sadly>

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Just saw 'The Wolverine'. I went in expecting a cliched story and characters and good action. What I got cannot be expressed in words. That won't be stop me trying though. It's actually kind of perversely impressive how they managed to make a film so mind-numbingly awful. I wasn't expecting a masterpiece, but the film managed to transcend even those lofty expectations to a realm of awfulness which might've been impressive to behold if I hadn't spent actual money on it.

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Last of the Mohicans is one of those "serious" movies that I grew up with, to the point that we actually watched in my grade 8 history class. It's a great film, and I do appreciate both the deliberate pacing and the authenticity of the setting.

Otherwise, people saying that the likes of Moonrise Kingdom, The Prestige, or Lost in Translation were disappointing are crazy.

John Carter is pretty ridiculous... so long and... badly acted, despite having as many Rome cast members as Game of Thrones will.

Prometheus definitely was a disappointment. I can't say I was really disappointed by The Hobbit, though, only because I had extremely low expectations going in. It was just a bit more successful than I'd thought it would be. It should have been one movie with only limited CGI. Not that Jackson is capable of that.

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Django Unchained. Never thought I'd be bored to death by a Tarantino film, and the moral of the movie basically seems to be "most black people deserved to be slaves because they didn't fight back". Also, google the original script and try reading a bit of it. Really turned me off QT, on the whole.

Man of Steel. The trailer looked so good :( They say in the comic industry that comic learned the wrong lessons from the success of Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns. Well, I think superhero movies are learning the wrong lessons from Nolan's Batman trilogy. Everything doesn't have to be ultra grim and serious. That isn't the right tone for Superman at all. 9-11 but with superhumans instead of planes isn't "gritty and realistic" it's just hacky.

The Star Wars prequels should be a given, but deserve mentioning for just how bad they are. There's nothing in there for me. Nothing. Not a single character, not a single scene. Not even a cool looking space ship or robot. Ewan McGregor did an ok job imitating Alec Guinness's voice? That's about it.

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So, my husband and I took our daughter to see the new Percy Jackson movie, PJ and The Sea of Monsters. I wasn't expecting to be blown away, but that said, I've read the books with my daughter and found them fairly entertaining. It's no Harry Potter series, but the premise is clever, the characters are good, the dialog is funny.

But the movie, ugghhh. Seriously, couldn't a best selling series have commanded better screenplays, better effects, better... everything??

Usually my problem with books made into movies is they are not true to the story, not deep enough, the casting seems off, but this movie (and I'm guessing the first one was no better) is just so poorly written.

So what movies have let you down?

I agree with you on the Percy Jackson movies. I really enjoyed the books, they could have made very fun movies, and its too bad they really missed the boat with the movie versions. I thought the most telling thing was Rick Riordan hasn't mentioned the second movie at all on his blog. He has pretty much ignored its existence.

The movie that most let me down is "The Dark is Rising". One of my favorite children's books by Susan Cooper it could have made a fantastic movie if they had actually stuck to the story that is in the book. Instead they felt the need to make really stupid changes which pretty much ruined the movie. It was especially disappointing since it was made at a time when a number of children's books to movies were made and all those all did decent jobs sticking to the original stories.

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Oh, Beasts of the Southern Wild, I'm glad somebody mentioned that. This movie being nominated for Best Picture was an embarrassment. If it were a five-minute short, it would have been good. The problem is it keeps going. It is dreck, fulfilling a liberal yearning for "authenticity" in destitution. Don't waste your time.

I can not disagree more... Beast of the Southern Wild was not just a film, it was an accomplishment. It is on a short list of one of the best movies that I have seen this decade. It is an absolute triumph

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The Siege - a pretty amazing prophetic film at the time, but fell felt. Too much Hollywood with five different terrorist strikes cheapening the whole thing. The underlying message of not "shredding the Constitution a little bit" was incredible, and a great warning for us not to stab ourselves in the throat after a major terrorist strike. It would easily be the film that everyone references when it comes to NSA spying and The Patriot Act, but the execution sucked so no one cares. Well acted by Denzel, Annette Benning and Bruce Willis, but it's not their fault the writing wasn't great.

Alien - still enjoyed it and thought it was scary, but unfortunately it was dated by the time I watched it. Too much hype, although it's still a decent horror flick if you can get past the less than stellar special effects. Aliens still holds up IMO.

Prometheus - I thought it's pretty good to set the stage for more Alien films, but it definitely didn't live up to Alien/Aliens. Disappointed but I didn't feel it was a terrible film. I liked how it's back to horror again.

Man of Steel - I know it's a disappointment never having seen it. I just know how I react to Superman films without Chris Reeve. None of the reboots have his charisma. And it's a dumb premise. Guy can't get hurt expect for stupid kryptonite, wow big deal.

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The people saying Blade Runner are making me lose faith in humanity.

I will go with Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull. I don't think its as bad as some make it out to be, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed.

Bladerunner disappointed me the first time due to hype. I enjoyed it more on subsequent viewings. It's understandable how people aren't entertained as it's a super slow film.

Crystal Skull I always knew was going to be crap once a geriatric Harrison Ford revealed himself to reprising the role. That had train wreck all over it. In that sense I wasn't disappointed watching it on cable.

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