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Disappointed! Movies That Let You Down


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Django Unchained. Never thought I'd be bored to death by a Tarantino film, and the moral of the movie basically seems to be "most black people deserved to be slaves because they didn't fight back". Also, google the original script and try reading a bit of it. Really turned me off QT, on the whole.

DU felt like a bad parody of QT... who usually already feels like a parody of himself.

It was boring and a little insulting. And Waltz's performance (one of the main reasons I watched the movie) was nowhere near as enthralling as his part in Basterds

To say that Crystal Skull was a disapointment is an insult to disapointing movies. The movies was shittier than Lucas' bowel movement after a greasy barbecue at Spielberg's.

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The Star Wars prequels

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban-I'm not sure if any of the films really lived up to the books but this one was a shocker

Inbetweeners Movie

Youre crazy, Prisoner was the best of them by a million miles. Also, the Inbetweeners movie was cool.

Django Unchained...

Man of Steel...

Totally agree. Django could still have pulled it back it back if it had ended with Dicaprio shaking Woltz's hand and them walking out with the guy's wife. Not every body that deserves to die should get to die in a fountain of blood. Unless i'm playing a video game.

The Star Wars prequels should be a given, but deserve mentioning for just how bad they are. There's nothing in there for me. Nothing. Not a single character, not a single scene. Not even a cool looking space ship or robot. Ewan McGregor did an ok job imitating Alec Guinness's voice? That's about it.

I liked the bit where Anakin swatted some kind of creature off some chicks face with his lightsaber. Then he jumps out a window. i'm sure that happened in one of them.

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There are some movies you really have to have a sense of history when you're viewing them. When it came out, there had been NOTHING like it. People get "spoiled" by hearing too much about certain films or books, and it makes them entirely too difficult to impress. Trust me, Alien was quite impressive for its time.

Indeed. Alien should be watched as young as possible, before you're actually spoiled of the plot.

I mean, the chestbuster scene should definitely be seen when you still have no idea what's going on. Then, you freak out. Otherwise, it obviously loses a good deal of its impact because you go all "oh, a chestburster, fun".

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No. There. Are. No. Sequels.

That's good because I have a great idea for a screenplay where it turns out the immortals are actually ... Nah, forget it. That would be STUPID.

(although the animated series is cool. Fuck you if you don't agree)

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Beasts of the Southern Wild. It got 5 star reviews all over the place, including twice by Empire magazine, who I usually trust. I looked forward to seeing this, and found it just watchable but very mediocre. Thin plot, unlikable characters (a fail, because they're meant to be sympathetic), just a string of dull conversation pieces set to the main characters floating down a river for near two hours. Some sequences featuring aurochs are thrown in not so much because whatever metaphor they provide works, but because the people behind it thought it would be poetic. Trying too hard, methinks, along with not trying hard enough. Of course, critics thought it was somehow topical so that's often a gimme for good reviews.

We Need to Talk About Kevin. A very good film, technically, with excellent performances, but what ruined it for me was its implied pretension to social significance. The film is phiilosophically empty. Whatever points it appears to be making are hackneyed and trivial at best. Had the film not been lauded as a masterpiece, my response would have been better. Melancholia is still probably, after three viewings, my favourite movie of the last few years.

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A recent one, World War Z. I'm fussy with screen adaptations when I love a book, because more often than not they're reinterpretations that leave a sour taste in my mouth- although they can still work at times as standalone pieces of work. World War Z wasn't even an adaptation though, it only borrowed the name. And it was a cack film, too.

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No, it wasn't good. I'd originally not wanted to see it, because I was busy with appointments I couldn't get out of straight through the extras auditions they were holding in George Square, Glasgow, and thought I'd really missed out on being a part of something. But the extras in those scenes are just blurred shapes anyway. The money was just what I missed, then. Pretty standard zombie movie fare, that I've heard is nothing much to do with the book.

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Crystal Skull I always knew was going to be crap once a geriatric Harrison Ford revealed himself to reprising the role. That had train wreck all over it. In that sense I wasn't disappointed watching it on cable.

Crystal Skull is not bad, it's mediocre. Mediocre is still good when talking about Crystal Skull. There are no words to describe just how awful it really is.

But you know, if the movie was bad only because of old Harrison, that would be one thing, but it's not even it. George Lucas, the plot, a fridge, stupid monkeys and Shia Laboeuf ruined everything. I laughed out of embarassement when I saw it in theaters.

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Argo. How it won the best picture oscar is beyond me.

The trailer for Sightseers looked incredible but the film was just okay, at best.

I have a couple of friends obsessed with LOTR, so I decided to watch them in order to know what the hell they were talking about. Never been more disappointed in a film(s).

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Ser Scot

Those are some of the changes that bugged me as well, along with Legolas being Rambo, and I do not support them in anyway.

Peter jackson was, IMO, a victim of "The Man", the same "Man" who insists on having mereneese knots & sagging tits in every GoT episode, the same "Man" who thought a Spock-Uhura romance was needed in nuStarTrek.

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Argo. How it won the best picture oscar is beyond me.

Argo was nothing more (or less) than a nearly perfectly-crafted political thriller with great comic relief. I think the criticism was it was just a slick Hollywood entertainment?

In my opinion, movies of any genre should routinely be up for Best Picture. 1988, for example, should have been a battle between A Fish Called Wanda and Die Hard. Tom Hanks probably should have won his first acting oscar for Big rather than Philadelphia.

ETA: Wait, I'm an idiot. The 1989 Oscar Ceremony was for 1988, that means Goodfellas was up. Obviously, that should have won. Still, Wanda and Die Hard should not have been disqualified from consideration just because of their genre.

ETAA: double idiot - Goodfellas was in the 1990 ceremony as noted below.

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