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Dating: Matchmakers, dealbreakers and affairs, oh my!


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Just took her cigarette and burned a hole in her tights, to match many other cigarette burned tight holes she has on one leg of her stockings. it was incredibly sexy. She calls them her Kandinsky tights. Only one leg has holes in it, like an 18th century whore might wear.

Then I thought, wait a minute, what if she's a serial killer, and this weird stocking burnt hole thing is her trophy case. So now she's going to seduce me and murder me, and always remember me not by my body, which is disposed of down her sewer drain with knives and acid, but by the hole I burned in her tights.

... totally worth it. Remember me.
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OK so I'm dealing with a lot in my personal life right now. I won't get into detail (except that I consulted with a lawyer) because I know I could get in trouble for that.


I'm struggling to make what should be a very simple decision. Remember that girl on Facebook who invited me to go see her? Well I'm thinking about unfriending her.


I think that if I unfriend her, I could get her off my mind completely and focus on my personal issues. She will play no part in the decisions I make and her bikini photos won't be a distraction. On the other hand, if I do so I might never again have a beautiful woman invite me to go see her. I might be throwing away a great opportunity for an adventure. 


We agreed to meet in December. Which gives me enough time to get my life in order. 

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I can't decide if I think that's superior or inferior to a literal notch on a bedpost. On the one hand, she's not damaging furniture that she could resell when she moves, thus saving herself money. On the other, someone is totally going to accidentally rip those structurally-impaired tights and then she's going to lose count, invalidating the entire process. Also, some drunk dude might actually burn her.

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OK so I'm dealing with a lot in my personal life right now. I won't get into detail (except that I consulted with a lawyer) because I know I could get in trouble for that.


I'm struggling to make what should be a very simple decision. Remember that girl on Facebook who invited me to go see her? Well I'm thinking about unfriending her.


I think that if I unfriend her, I could get her off my mind completely and focus on my personal issues. She will play no part in the decisions I make and her bikini photos won't be a distraction. On the other hand, if I do so I might never again have a beautiful woman invite me to go see her. I might be throwing away a great opportunity for an adventure. 


We agreed to meet in December. Which gives me enough time to get my life in order. 

Keep her as a friend, it sounds like the distractiveness(?) of her bikini photos are just a symptom of a bigger problem that you have.

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Concert date night tonight!  Really excited for it since I'm seeing two of my favorite bands and absolutely LOVE to dance to this music.  Truly, this will be me in my element, so either she'll find it endearing or think me and my friends are nuts.  I don't even care either way, because if this isn't something that happens on the regular, it's never going to work out.  

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So far, still not serially murdered by my ex-coworker. Hung out briefly today, watched a movie with some friends. No face sucking this time around, but that's OK too.  I also got one of her favorite celebrities to autograph a book for her, record a quick video message and take a picture. 



I feel hopeful about this one, as if it could be something real. We've had a brief "where is this going" conversation and her answer was that she's not sure what she wants, but she does keep meeting up with me so that is at least a good sign.

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I am now dating Mr. Jaguar, who is 48, which is weird for me, because I generally don't go for older men.

He's really damn awesome in bed, though. Can converse, and understands my job.

Dr. BMW is also a contender...

Did bailing work colleague ever give an explanation or apology?
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There is an "unfollow" button that is vastly useful


Wait, tell me more of this! Though my problem is actually Skype - New Job has me on Skype pretty much 24/7, meaning annoying crush Questionably Gay Economist Guy is a constant presence at the corner of my eye. I'd just un-contact him (is that a thing? Do people notice when you do that? I've never used Skype much before,) but after a few months of annoying back and forth while I was going through a rough patch, in which we seemed to always be in the middle of a cut-off conversation, (lots of "so sorry, really busy, lets talk tomorrow,") I sent him a rather angry message, which did get a response, which I got passive aggressive about, at which point he vanished again.


So I decided to either be an adult or a complete child about it and sent him an actual honest email. Nothing too sappy, but, well, honest and stuff. And also with a lot of goodbye in it. (I think i've managed to box myself in to the point where there's no way I can bring myself to follow it up.) So...yeah. That's out there. (kinda proud of myself, tbh,) which makes facebook/skype unfriending feel really aggressive and also cowardly somehow. (I don't really expect a response, but I'm worried I'm going to get some awkward half-paragraph of confusingly opaque emotional idiocy in a few weeks or months that's just going to drive me crazy again. On the other hand, his not responding genuinely makes me think a bit less of him (in a way having the general social intelligence of a small rock and a seemingly fundamental misunderstanding about how people actually use text messages as a medium, doesn't, because that's just what it is,) which is helpful.


lessons learned:


- I'm really bad at this

- the internet is a terrible thing in these circumstances

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Not following up is a GOOD thing. You've done the mature Goodbye, and I don't think there's anything wrong with removing him from your Skype contacts - it's been a loooong time since I've used skype, but I'm pretty sure it used to be the case that you can remove people from your main contacts list without actually defriending them, if that works as an interim step - but even a full defriending is OK.

Sure, some people do get irrationally pissy about such things (I have a friend IRL who keeps constant track of her friends count and whines about it if anyone cuts her off, as well as making careful note of exactly WHO fails to click "like" when she posts a new profile pic... yyyeeeaaahhhh), but it's not an act of aggression. You are just doing it to protect yourself from further emotional trauma, and if he chooses to take that as a personal attack, that's up to him, but it doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong.

(now I just need to work out an equivalent real-life option for someone who sits directly opposite me in the office and who I used to have lunch with every day... there was a further incident on Friday where (long story short) he cancelled this outing we'd been planning for the third time in a row, didn't acknowledge or apologise as he blithely made other arrangements with other workmates for the same time right in front of me, then asked me to be lookout while he went to the gym for an hour and a half, then got sorta angry when I told him I was pissed off and hasn't spoken to me since... yep, the guy has to go. But it fucking kills me to have to cut off someone I used to get on so well with. Boys and girls, let this be a salutory warning against any kind of workplace crushing, no matter how sharp their cheekbones or how dazzlingly blue their eyes :( )

eta: typos
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How long ago did you send the email? If it was a while ago and he's given you no response, go right ahead and remove him from your contacts if you want to. You made your position clear, and if he's given you nothing but radio silence then I guess he's made his point too, albeit in a much more cowardly way. There's nothing childish or aggressive about taking him off your social media accounts at this point, I think.

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