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Jon Snow's potential love interests.


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5 minutes ago, OuttaOldtown said:

Consider Jon never once shows a romantic interest in either Arya or Sansa, nor do they for him, it's pretty odd fans have surmised he will. While simultaneously frown on the practice of incest more often than not. All signs point to Val at this time..


Times change.

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6 minutes ago, OuttaOldtown said:

Consider Jon never once shows a romantic interest in either Arya or Sansa, nor do they for him, it's pretty odd fans have surmised he will. While simultaneously frown on the practice of incest more often than not. All signs point to Val at this time..

Of course not... yet.

Yes, I agree, signs are pointing to Val.  But there's already archive of signs since the first book that's been pointing to Arya, more than I can count.  If GRRM so chooses, he will make it happened.

“It wasn’t Longspear, then?” Jon was relieved. He liked Longspear, with his homely face and friendly ways.
She punched him. “That’s vile. Would you bed your sister?
Longspear’s not your brother.”

**Ironically and maybe random (wait! GRRM doesn't do random, he does things in purpose), Jon thought of Arya when he looks at Ygritte the first time he saw her.



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10 minutes ago, IceFire125 said:

Of course not... yet.

Yes, I agree, signs are pointing to Val.  But there's already archive of signs since the first book that's been pointing to Arya, more than I can count.  If GRRM so chooses, he will make it happened.

“It wasn’t Longspear, then?” Jon was relieved. He liked Longspear, with his homely face and friendly ways.
She punched him. “That’s vile. Would you bed your sister?
Longspear’s not your brother.”

**Ironically and maybe random (wait! GRRM doesn't do random, he does things in purpose), Jon thought of Arya when he looks at Ygritte the first time he saw her.



You do realize that Jon, in that quote, was relieved long dick Longspear wasn't  one who had sex with Ygritte? There's a lot of insecuritiy from him whe he learns Ygritte wasn't a virgin. When there's a guy KNOWN to have a large penis and he's your gf's best friend, a regular, insecure, Jonsnowish man would be jealous, and Jon was, for a while at least, there. 

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6 minutes ago, King Merrett I Frey said:

You do realize that Jon, in that quote, was relieved long dick Longspear wasn't  one who had sex with Ygritte? There's a lot of insecuritiy from him whe he learns Ygritte wasn't a virgin. When there's a guy KNOWN to have a large penis and he's your gf's best friend, a regular, insecure, Jonsnowish man would be jealous, and Jon was, for a while at least, there. 

Yes, on the surface that's what the author may indeed wanting to impart to the readers.  I was like you too, concluding the same thing. :)


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1 hour ago, IceFire125 said:

Of course not... yet.

Yes, I agree, signs are pointing to Val.  But there's already archive of signs since the first book that's been pointing to Arya, more than I can count.  If GRRM so chooses, he will make it happened.

“It wasn’t Longspear, then?” Jon was relieved. He liked Longspear, with his homely face and friendly ways.
She punched him. “That’s vile. Would you bed your sister?
Longspear’s not your brother.”

**Ironically and maybe random (wait! GRRM doesn't do random, he does things in purpose), Jon thought of Arya when he looks at Ygritte the first time he saw her.



Please don't cherry-pick. I can make a case there is always a bear around every corner if I cherry-picked Dolorous Edd. While that would be cool and make for great jump-scares... sadly, that is not the case.

Read the rest of that scene. It is NOT about Jon wanting to bed Arya. It is about Jon not knowing who he is, and is starting to figure it out on some deep down level. It is about Jon NOT wanting to offend the Old Gods, like Craster did. GRRM has pointed out through Targaryens and Cersei/Jaime how incest in vile and corrupt.  Then it is about Jon learning how the wildlings marry. That bit will come in handy later in the story.

Jon has no interest in bedding any closely related family. Jon starts his story "knowing nothing" because he is still a boy. He learns along the way. By the end of Dance, Jon sees himself as more of a wildling... First Man... and of the old gods. Jon will not offend the old gods. And the wildling term  to "steal" translates into the southern word to "marry". The southerners have a hard time accepting the true northerners and therefore perpetuate translation and misunderstanding issues.  (sorry, for some reason I cannot get BOLD to turn off in this section)

A Storm of Swords - Jon III

"It wasn't Longspear, then?" Jon was relieved. He liked Longspear, with his homely face and friendly ways.
She punched him. "That's vile. Would you bed your sister?"
"Longspear's not your brother."
"He's of my village. You know nothing, Jon Snow. A true man steals a woman from afar, t' strengthen the clan. Women who bed brothers or fathers or clan kin offend the gods, and are cursed with weak and sickly children. Even monsters."
"Craster weds his daughters," Jon pointed out. *sidenote: Jon is asking for more info here, and Ygritte sees it.
She punched him again. "Craster's more your kind than ours. His father was a crow who stole a woman out of Whitetree village, but after he had her he flew back t' his Wall. She went t' Castle Black once t' show the crow his son, but the brothers blew their horns and run her off. Craster's blood is black, and he bears a heavy curse." She ran her fingers lightly across his stomach. "I feared you'd do the same once. Fly back to the Wall. You never knew what t' do after you stole me."
Jon sat up. "Ygritte, I never stole you."
"Aye, you did. You jumped down the mountain and killed Orell, and afore I could get my axe you had a knife at my throat. I thought you'd have me then, or kill me, or maybe both, but you never did. And when I told you the tale o' Bael the Bard and how he plucked the rose o' Winterfell, I thought you'd know to pluck me then for certain, but you didn't. You know nothing, Jon Snow." She gave him a shy smile. "You might be learning some, though."
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1 hour ago, TheDemonicStark said:


Times change.

You are correct. And the idea of Jon and Arya changed completely, via not going to happen, before GRRM finished book one. George said so himself. And if you pay close attention to the outline, that is well known to not be a legit source for predicting anything, you will see that GRRM shifted the idea of incest away from Jon/Arya and over to Jaime when he later invented Cersei (she was not in the outline). Then George shows us time and again that incest is corrupt and and offensive to the Old Gods. That is now the point of Jaime's arc. NOT Jon and Arya. Tyrion was shifted to Sansa, Jon was shifted to someone else, and Arya was also shifted somewhere else. There is nothing left of that timeline trio.

And your constant "shipping" of Jon and Jeyne Poole makes zero sense other than you are trying to push your own fanfiction around the forum.

Shipping because someone is hot, or pretty or has gold or is lonely for home are the key pieces of evidence that this shyte ain't gonna happen. Shipping for these reasons needs to end because it does not make narrative sense.

Read below if you want George's most current (May 30, 2016) thoughts on the outline and Jon/Arya:

My con friend (a major Jon/Arya shipper) asked about the Jon/Arya relationship again and brought her (impressive) Game book that had all of her references marked out with little flags. She brought up the Ygritte connections to Arya that Jon saw in her. George did not directly answer yes or no if there would be anything romantic between the two. 
He did say, despite what readers see as clues to a romantic relationship between Jon/Arya in the books themselves, he did not confirm this so easily but inferred that what Jon saw in Ygritte was a "comfort" level of femininity
1.    Instead, George said he was "pissed" that the outline was posted in the office building and that someone took photos and shared them. He said it was a letter for him and the publisher only. He was very firm when telling this and it showed on his face. 
2.    He then said that he is not good with writing outlines, making book deadlines, and that often in outlines he was "making shit up", and "characters changed along the way". * “quoted” words are his words exactly. 

After the Coffee Talk just outside the room:
1.    My friend asked about Arya and Jon again. This time GRRM gave some very pointed replies:
a.    Friend: Ok, if you foreshadowed something in the first book, like, really cleverly hidden, would you then follow through on that hint? For sure?.. GRRM: Well, this goes with what I said before, the story changes and expands as I write. I wish I was able to go back and make revised drafts, but that's not giong to happen. (He said way more than this, but this summarizes it. ) 
2.    She asks about the hints for Jon/Arya in the second and third book, the comparing Ygritte and Arya, which wouldn't be there if GRRM had made up the romance for the outline.
a.    "You know, I don't think it's a reference for that [for romance]. It's a reference to a certain physical type, and  a certain indication of what Jon finds admirable. It's like someone who reminds you of, you know... Other people might be put off by this, you know, hair that looks like small rodents have been living in there." 
b.    GRRM finished (in the hallway now) by saying that he "wished some past things weren't such strong foreshadowing," and that he "wished some new things had stronger foreshadowing then." 

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I'm hoping that it's Val.  But I figure it will be Dany.  Either way, so long as grrm doesn't pull a jkrowling and wait a few years and then tell us that Jon and his wife are getting a divorce and shouldn't have ended up together, I'll be fine.  Seriously, why would jkr pull that crap on us.  I finished those books as a kid; I wanted to believe in that happy ever after ending. To drop that bomb years later never sat well with me...

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6 hours ago, TheDemonicStark said:

Giving how many shippers there are for Jon Snow, I have been thinking about who Jon Snow could end up with by the end, as we all know he will return, and R+L=J will be confirmed. So, I've complied a list of possible love interests for him.

Sansa Stark: Unlikely. Neither has interacted with the other throughout the whole book series once. They barely even are in the same chapter together at all.

Arya Stark: Might have been the original end game pairing, but even less likely then Sansa x Jon. Jon was raised with Arya, and regards her as his little sister. They share a close brother sister relationship, and I would prefer if it doesn't blossom into romance. Seriously, family love is what they feel for one another. Arya hasn't even had her first period as well, for Christ sake's! I don't want another Ceresi x Jamie relationship, even if they are just cousins.

Daenerys Targaryen: Neither one knows the other exists. Jon has heard the rumours of dragons, and that is about it. Plus, he wouldn't be comfortable marrying his aunt. He was raised in the North, where that is frowned on.

Margaery Tyrell: She's the widow of Joffrey. Seriously, why would he marry Joffrey's widow?

Elia Sand: I had this idea because it actually seems rather symbolic. Jon marrying the niece of the woman his father left for his mother, who is also the namesake of his bride. I liked the idea for a while, but dismissed. Again, neither knows about the other. 

Jeyne Westerling: Hmm....the former Queen of the North. Not sure at all, really. She might not survive long enough, for all we know.

So, given that I have exhausted all the popular ships, and with Ygritte never coming back, we have two potential love interests left.

If Jon marries or loves Sansa, Arya, Daenerys, Margeary or Jeyne Westerling ill go mad. So much for trope breaking.....

6 hours ago, TheDemonicStark said:

Val: Defiantly a strong possibility. He is attracted to her, and she does respect him as well. This does stand a chance of happening. Provided Val survives until Jon returns, of course. No one is safe from the GRRM Reaper, people.

I think that if Jon is gonna get an intrested in females Val will teach him to "love" again. Not sexually but more like a therupaut.

6 hours ago, TheDemonicStark said:

Jeyne Poole: I think this one could happen because if Jeyne does arrive at the Wall and Jon returns from the dead, she'll see him as a protector, and probably fall madly in love with him. We have a heavily traumatised girl who has been trained as a whore by Littlefinger, married to Ramsay Bolton, was forced to pretend to be someone she is not, and then the person she thought would protect turns out to be dead, only to come back to life? Yeah, she'll see him as the hero from one of the stories she grew up hearing about, of brave heroes saving a damsal in distress from her evil husband. Of course she'll be head over heels in love with him! The only question is, what will Jon do? He thought about sending Arya to Bravoos, but once he learns it was Jeyne Poole the whole time, well, that option goes out the window. No one would take care of a steward's daughter, let alone one who has been trained as a whore. There isn't really anywhere he can send her that is safe. The Wall is going to be a battlefield once the Others attack, and there are plenty of people who would take advantage of her, or even rape her. So, he may end up taking her with him to protect her. He would feel he has a duty to her. Whether or not he does marry her is up to debate, I admit. He might do it before Ramsay dies, because Jeyne's marriage to the Bastard of Bolton is technically false, as Ramsay is supposed to be married to Arya Stark, not Jeyne Poole. If he does marry her, it would probably be out of pity and because he feels compelled to do so. This would also put him in such an awkward position once R+L=J is confirmed, as he would be unable to marry the highborn daughters of certain great houses, and these great houses would not exactly except Jeyne Poole as their queen for obvious reasons. Trust GRRM to subvert the "common girl becomes queen" trope. One potential clue for this relationship is that Jeyne is the fArya, and we all know what the final shipping was going to be.

It all makes sense now :)

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It would be very funny if GRRM follows his initial plan and make Jon have an affair with Arya (the one who marries Ramsay). Or make him look more like Ned and marry his brother's widow.  

I think Jon doesn't fit into Daenerys's taste for men. Daario and Drogo were more dangerous and violent than Jon.

I bet on Val, even though I would like to see Asha-Jon or Meera-Jon.

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2 hours ago, The Fattest Leech said:

You are correct. And the idea of Jon and Arya changed completely, via not going to happen, before GRRM finished book one. George said so himself. And if you pay close attention to the outline, that is well known to not be a legit source for predicting anything, you will see that GRRM shifted the idea of incest away from Jon/Arya and over to Jaime when he later invented Cersei (she was not in the outline). Then George shows us time and again that incest is corrupt and and offensive to the Old Gods. That is now the point of Jaime's arc. NOT Jon and Arya. Tyrion was shifted to Sansa, Jon was shifted to someone else, and Arya was also shifted somewhere else. There is nothing left of that timeline trio.

And your constant "shipping" of Jon and Jeyne Poole makes zero sense other than you are trying to push your own fanfiction around the forum.

Shipping because someone is hot, or pretty or has gold or is lonely for home are the key pieces of evidence that this shyte ain't gonna happen. Shipping for these reasons needs to end because it does not make narrative sense.

Read below if you want George's most current (May 30, 2016) thoughts on the outline and Jon/Arya:

My con friend (a major Jon/Arya shipper) asked about the Jon/Arya relationship again and brought her (impressive) Game book that had all of her references marked out with little flags. She brought up the Ygritte connections to Arya that Jon saw in her. George did not directly answer yes or no if there would be anything romantic between the two. 
He did say, despite what readers see as clues to a romantic relationship between Jon/Arya in the books themselves, he did not confirm this so easily but inferred that what Jon saw in Ygritte was a "comfort" level of femininity
1.    Instead, George said he was "pissed" that the outline was posted in the office building and that someone took photos and shared them. He said it was a letter for him and the publisher only. He was very firm when telling this and it showed on his face. 
2.    He then said that he is not good with writing outlines, making book deadlines, and that often in outlines he was "making shit up", and "characters changed along the way". * “quoted” words are his words exactly. 

After the Coffee Talk just outside the room:
1.    My friend asked about Arya and Jon again. This time GRRM gave some very pointed replies:
a.    Friend: Ok, if you foreshadowed something in the first book, like, really cleverly hidden, would you then follow through on that hint? For sure?.. GRRM: Well, this goes with what I said before, the story changes and expands as I write. I wish I was able to go back and make revised drafts, but that's not giong to happen. (He said way more than this, but this summarizes it. ) 
2.    She asks about the hints for Jon/Arya in the second and third book, the comparing Ygritte and Arya, which wouldn't be there if GRRM had made up the romance for the outline.
a.    "You know, I don't think it's a reference for that [for romance]. It's a reference to a certain physical type, and  a certain indication of what Jon finds admirable. It's like someone who reminds you of, you know... Other people might be put off by this, you know, hair that looks like small rodents have been living in there." 
b.    GRRM finished (in the hallway now) by saying that he "wished some past things weren't such strong foreshadowing," and that he "wished some new things had stronger foreshadowing then." 

I was wondering when you would show up.

I settled on the Jon x Jeyne Poole pairing because it seems logical to me for this to happen. I did the math and work myself. It probably will happen as a trope inversion.

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3 minutes ago, TheDemonicStark said:

I was wondering when you would show up.

I settled on the Jon x Jeyne Poole pairing because it seems logical to me for this to happen. I did the math and work myself. It probably will happen as a trope inversion.

Yeah. This is my last thread for any type of pairing at all because posters just want to ignore new info that is provided to them, rather than saying, "hey, if that change is happening, maybe I should consider other options?"  

So. Carry on :cheers:

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8 hours ago, TheDemonicStark said:

Jeyne Poole: I think this one could happen because if Jeyne does arrive at the Wall and Jon returns from the dead, she'll see him as a protector, and probably fall madly in love with him.

While I am a big fan of both Jon and Jeyne Poole, I've seen nothing to indicate any connection between them.  I think Jeyne will play a substantial role in the future story, but with Arya and/or Sansa.  She is much closer connected to both of them, and a meeting with either of them would have major ramifications.  If she met Jon, Jon would feel sympathy for her, and try to help, but that is as far as it would go.  If she arrives at the Wall, the most likely time for it is during the chaos right after the assassination (attempt?).  Because of the danger involved in her staying at Castle Black, she will probably continue on to Braavos with the banker and Massey and never actually meet Jon, leaving Jon to believe that his sister was really there, and possibly creating more confusion.

As far as an actual love interest for Jon, I will go with most of the other posters and suggest Val.  The other choices seem unlikely, although a political marriage with someone like Wylla Manderly is a reasonable possibility.

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20 minutes ago, TheDemonicStark said:

I was wondering when you would show up.

I settled on the Jon x Jeyne Poole pairing because it seems logical to me for this to happen. I did the math and work myself. It probably will happen as a trope inversion.

What is logical? Jon to fall in love with someone who doesn't even meet during the books? 

14 minutes ago, The Fattest Leech said:

Yeah. This is my last thread for any type of pairing at all because posters just want to ignore new info that is provided to them, rather than saying, "hey, if that change is happening, maybe I should consider other options?"  

So. Carry on :cheers:

I think that people just try to find more and more ridiculous pairings in order to be original no matter if they are possible or not.

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5 hours ago, Masha said:

What about Meera Reed?

I think Meera Reed makes a lot of sense.  I see her as a softer version of Ygritte: Strong, independent, capable in the outdoors, but much less martial.  I can see her and Jon getting along quite well, and I don't think she and Bran are staying in that cave indefinitely.  In fact, I see them leaving by the middle of Winds.

Another character with potential is Asha Greyjoy, another strong independent type, who is also strongly sexual and quite martial.  She could definitely strike sparks with Jon.  In fact, I like both Meera and Asha as romantic partners for Jon better than I do Val.

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1 hour ago, Jon's Queen Consort said:

What is logical? Jon to fall in love with someone who doesn't even meet during the books? 

Nothing, no logic whatsoever. Just wishful thinking with zero support or evidence in the text. In other words... Not. Gonna. Happen. 

1 hour ago, Jon's Queen Consort said:

I think that people just try to find more and more ridiculous pairings in order to be original no matter if they are possible or not.

This. The more absurd and outrageous, b/c hey, "if it happens, I was the only person who brought it up". Once more: Not. Gonna. Happen. 

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1 hour ago, TheDemonicStark said:

I was wondering when you would show up.

I settled on the Jon x Jeyne Poole pairing because it seems logical to me for this to happen. I did the math and work myself. It probably will happen as a trope inversion.

You did the math? There are equations that can be applied to this? Would you mind showing your work? Or did you just look in the back of the book for the correct answers?

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