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Fragile Bird

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About Fragile Bird

  • Birthday 09/16/1954

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    cairn terriers, lawyer jokes

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    Fragile Bird

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  1. The US had huge surpluses of dairy products. There was so much butter they stored tons of the stuff in caves.
  2. We were just chatting about foods we have negative memories about. For me it’s canned tomato soup, not because it was a go-to because we were short of money, but because it meant my mom was too busy to make soup herself. She made wonderful soup, but had cans on the shelf to use if she was too busy to cook. What food did you used to eat that you no longer have any interest in?
  3. Beans on toast is literally a can of Heinz beans warmed up and poured onto a piece of toast, right? I think I once saw a suggestion that you fry up a sliced onion, red or yellow, add the beans to warm them up and pour that on the toast. I do like a mess of mushrooms fried up and put on toast. (What do you call a bunch of mushrooms? Mess seems ok)
  4. Not off the top of my head but yes, I’ve seen the ridiculous list. eta: when Boris was PM and he had another kid, you guys talked about his background and his names.
  5. Congratulations! That did not come up when I googled the same phrase. There were two Samogitian uprisings, Wikipedia tells me, the first one failed and the second one provoked the Teutonic Knights to declare war on Poland. If your peasant revolt brings war to a third country maybe you think that was a success story, maybe not so much for Poland. And after Polish-Lithuanian forces defeated the Knights, damned if the Samogitans continued conflicts, so to hell with them. As for the remensas (auto correct keeps changing this word) their rebellions brought some relief but the they were still serfs in the end. The UK peasant revolts were actually more successful in bringing reform, even though they were failures. ETA @Spockydog One of the more famous Japanese peasant revolts ended up with 37,000 peasants being beheaded. Man, those Japanese didn’t screw around. And none of them changed the system, though taxes may have been reduced.
  6. No peasant revolts were successful, were they? Unless you want to count the French Revolution. But a major cause of the French Revolution was the fact that in his eagerness to harm the British by supporting the American Revolution (not really peasants leading people over the wall there) the king bankrupted France and people were literally starving in the streets. And an estimated 3.5 million died as a result, which Wikipedia tells us was the population adjusted equivalent of French losses in WW 1. For all the talk of anti-war protests here, I hardly think the potential death of millions would be looked forward to. Writing that brought a line I recently heard to mind: the reason why the rich can never understand the poor is because they don’t understand why the poor don’t just ring the dinner bell if they’re hungry.
  7. I have on numerous occasions said I am worried about the future of the US and am deeply concerned about my American friends. The concern relates to the loss of civil liberties of citizens and the unfair treatment of non-citizens. Perhaps I am naive but gunning down student protestors or running them over with tanks has never been one of those concerns. I think Kent State was a shocking aberration in US history. Gunning down strikers or people who are not white, not so much, let’s face it there’s a long history of that. As for the heavily armed response, two days ago 8 police officers were shot trying to serve a warrant, 4 of them shot dead, in North Carolina. Not a peep in this thread. As a foreigner if I saw the barricades and heard the students say “we’re unarmed”, would I believe them? In a country where high school students take daddy’s rifle to shoot protesters? But as an American, knowing the American love of guns, would other Americans really trust that claim? I kinda doubt it.
  8. Gee, what’s the death toll at Columbia?
  9. Ok, the dog’s name was Cricket, and he killed the neighbor’s chickens. She doesn’t seem to brag about it, she just presents herself as a person who can deal with reality. Then she apologized to the neighbors with the chickens, helped them clean up the mess and wrote out a check for the damages. That seems pretty straight forward.What I hear in my mind: “ hey guys, I can kill dogs and goats without getting emotional about it and you can bet I could kill North Koreans, Russians, and whoever else needs killing (like maybe people crossing the border illegally).” The latter might be me going overboard but, hey, she can do the tough jobs.
  10. Yes, but maybe they were talking about something that happened at the end of the week?
  11. Was there some shocking news at the Trump trial yesterday? There was a live broadcast that popped up on Google that I listened to, but because I haven’t been following it closely I didn’t quite understand. Was some admission made?
  12. I still shake my head about how much I liked him in Lewis. Damn.
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