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Community: Apparently, We Like Dan Harmon Anyway


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What to make of Abed deleting a bunch of Hannibal/Mentalist/Something episodes at the end? I think Hannibal is absurd anyway, so I enjoyed the shout out, but maybe some (meta)comment on him trying to grow out of the special-because-Asperger's characterization?

Hannibal/The Bridge/Johnny Spectrum

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That was magnificent. I'd been thinking the episode was a little light on Britta, but that was because Britta was the bandit!

Really Britta is only one possibility. There's a good possibility it's Jeff or Annie, given their final exchange and the fact both go missing during the bleacher cracking.

Hell it could be Pierce unless we get confirmation about a body.

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Yea, but then they showed several other characters and connected them to quarters, suggesting it may have been them. I don't believe it could really be Shirley, but I thought the suggestion they made in that ending bit about her having a motivation to do it so she can upcharge on sandwiches because she's not able to give change was pretty funny.

Pierce still makes a lot of sense to me. It's definitely the kind of thing he would do and find funny. I'm reminded of the trampoline episode when he tells Jeff and Troy he's going to "slit [their] butts' throats!" He's also been banished from the campus so it would make sense for him to come back in disguise and try to insinuate himself into Greendale life, but ending up doing it as a villain, as was his character's pattern. I could see them sending him out on that note.

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The reason I say Britta is that, right after Annie reminds Jeff that the 'he' could be a 'she', we see Britta typing 'INTO THE MIND OF THE ASS CRACK BRITTA' (Before erasing and replacing BRITTA with BANDIT.)

Sure, this is Community and they're not going to resolve everything neatly for us, but I think that's pretty strong evidence.

That's why I thought it was everybody - otherwise it's too obviously Britta. He's like a dark alterego everyone embraces in moments of crisis.

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I disagree on Pierce, Onion. Wouldn't it make more sense that TACB can hide in plain sight? Pierce is terrible at disguise and would be caught immediately.

Its still Troy. Or Rich. Or some combination of Rich, Troy, and Abed.

Well, I guess it's a fair point that Pierce is not exactly a master of disguise. But, then, he did win second paintball by disguising himself as a City College stormtrooper.

I don't think it can be Troy, given that we see the ACB behind him in the scene where he's attacked. Well, I suppose it can be Troy, but only under the 'everyone took a turn' scenario.

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Ah, so you think everyone took a turn, DP?

I'd be more inclined to believe that if it weren't for the phone messages. That implies, to my mind, some kind of organisation or goal that I don't think would be there through sheer copycatting.

Someone is the original bandit, sending out the messages and making the phonecalls, but s/he's long since retired from active coin-dropping. Now it's just a meme, mutating independently out in the wild...

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The reason I say Britta is that, right after Annie reminds Jeff that the 'he' could be a 'she', we see Britta typing 'INTO THE MIND OF THE ASS CRACK BRITTA' (Before erasing and replacing BRITTA with BANDIT.)

Sure, this is Community and they're not going to resolve everything neatly for us, but I think that's pretty strong evidence.

Amazingly I didn't catch this... even the fact that it's a clear Zodiac reference. Now I want to watch Zodiac.

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The reason I say Britta is that, right after Annie reminds Jeff that the 'he' could be a 'she', we see Britta typing 'INTO THE MIND OF THE ASS CRACK BRITTA' (Before erasing and replacing BRITTA with BANDIT.)

Sure, this is Community and they're not going to resolve everything neatly for us, but I think that's pretty strong evidence.

You have a misunderstanding of the term "evidence".

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Ok, I didn't get the reference. I thought the montage at the end was to show that it was everybody, or almost. Everyone has moments when they need to be the bandit...or something like that.

I thought this was the entire point of the ending montage.

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I thought this was the entire point of the ending montage.

yeah it was showing that all of them can use the ass-bandit to their own advantage. While the episode wasn't amazing I like how these gimmicky episodes don't feel forced at all (which was often the case in season 4 even though it still produced laughs). I also liked the weirdness of Chang's scenes.

And the dig at emotionally crippled/or mentally quirky detective shows was long overdue, It seems you can't do a detective show this time without some kind of "idiot" savant. I'd add Carrie from homeland to the list above although she isn't actually intelligent and merely has the ability for her to be right.

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I think TBCB is some dextrous guy Pierce hired to prank on Greendale. It was said that this was the last time he did this, so that puts Pierce ahead of City College.

Yet TBCB's motives seemed deep and genuine. He would have had them before someone funded his campaigns.

I liked the idea that a lot of people had been TCBC over time but nobody came forward saying they just did it once or twice since all the blame would fall on them immediately.

But i think most of the people at Greendale, and probably everyone you suggested, lacks the skill to match TBCB, especially in sneaking and vanishing perfectly every time.

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