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[BOOK SPOILERS] Nitpick Without Repercussion


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I thought the scene was nice, but it wasn't really worth bringing them back early. And also, they had to regress Jaime a bit from all the character development he got last season, even though he did pretty much admit Sansa is definitely NOT safe in KL. At least that.

Yeah, I was saying in the other thread, he knows Brienne is right. That's why he couldn't look at her without getting snarky. She sees right through him and he knows it. I like that they still have that going on, I imagine we'll see a them against the others thing going once he gets his nose rubbed in it a bit more.

That, they played right indeed, but the refusal to have sex...? That wasn't quite so in the books. :leaving: And that Mother's altar scene was so epicly funny and gross in the book.

And I absolutely agree about Jaime and Brienne scenes.

We're going to see that, it's coming up, episode 3, pretty sure. That's a great scene in the books!

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I don't like the new Daario, the old one was not as flamboyant as the guy from the books, but still he was something. This guy just seems bland and boring so far. Maybe things will change in future episodes. We shall see.

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I think Daario is meant to be closer to how they introduce Oberyn. This confident, suave, sensual, sexualized and stunniny guy who Dany wants to be with. Yes, he gives her flowers and makes OTT professions of love. But its more like how Oberyn in the show talks to Ellaria. Not him looking all sweet and bashful.

Plus a whole season of sexual tension before these two get together is going to get annoying. Especially since a lot of the contextual reasons why Dany gets with Daario in ADWD don't exist; she won't be encountering the same grim situation n problems of ruling Meereen until next season. Plus, they really should do scenes between Jorah and Daenerys because, hes going to be exiled very soon and I am sorry but his exiles more important to the story than HBO building up to Dany/Daario sex scenes. Iain Glen is a show regular since the first season, Daario is a completely new face; most unsullied would probably be more interested in him being exiled. This isn't a stab at ADWD or Daario relationship per sae. But her being with Daario only becomes important when Quentyn arrives and with her marriage to Hidzhar. Hidzhar may be getting briefly introduced but I don't think anyone believes they'll get married this season; its far too soon. Whereas Jorah being exiled comes at the end of ASOS and has a very strong impact on Dany emotionally; more so than caging the dragons even. Shes shocked when she sees the bones of the child and loses Drogon, but shes not reduced to tears by it as she is when she finds out Jorah was spying on her.

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Not sure how I feel about the new Daario. I agree with other posters, while not what I imagined, the original Daario at least stood out in a crowd and had a sex appeal. The new guy is polar opposite. If I was a new viewer I wouldn't pay him any attention.

I just always assumed Daario would be this absurdly comical, larger than life character. Always struck me as a wild west pirate. Hopefully this new guy can change my mind.

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Daario. I don't know why they have such a hard time casting that role.

And Shae. I actually like Shae in the books. Show Shae is horribly obnoxious. Always has been and this episode just hammered that home even more.

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I think Daario is meant to be closer to how they introduce Oberyn. This confident, suave, sensual, sexualized and stunniny guy who Dany wants to be with. Yes, he gives her flowers and makes OTT professions of love. But its more like how Oberyn in the show talks to Ellaria. Not him looking all sweet and bashful.

Plus a whole season of sexual tension before these two get together is going to get annoying. Especially since a lot of the contextual reasons why Dany gets with Daario in ADWD don't exist; she won't be encountering the same grim situation n problems of ruling Meereen until next season.

Wot? From the trailer can we see her sitting on a throne in a pyramid. There's also an attack by the Sons of the Harpy. Hizdahr has been cast. This season for Dany will be Book 3-5.

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I don't see this Daario as an upgrade, he's not even good looking really, totally non descript. If they deal w/Emelia and Sibil's one note acting ability I don't know why they got rid of Ed, at least he stood out in a crowd.

I agree. I dislike the new Daario for exactly this reason.

I love the dynamic between Arya and the Hound, which just gets better. But as awesome as "A man's got to have a code" line was, I thought it was silly that Arya was asking why he didn't have any money when she was there when the BwB stole his gold and the reason she's with him is so he can ransom her back to her family.

I also really enjoyed the Sansa and Tyrion scene (for once), but wish she played an active role in the escape plan.

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I agree. I dislike the new Daario for exactly this reason.

I love the dynamic between Arya and the Hound, which just gets better. But as awesome as "A man's got to have a code" line was, I thought it was silly that Arya was asking why he didn't have any money when she was there when the BwB stole his gold. Even if he did rob Joffrey, it would have been taken.

I also really enjoyed the Sansa and Tyrion scene (for once), but wish she played an active role in the escape plan.

I've let go of the smaller logical lapses in the show like that. I will only still flip out of really big one's like, yes I am still bitter, the nonsensical Mel telling Stannis that the lamb never sees the knife because it spoils the blood and the next scene Gendry shrieking in fear while she drops leeches on him, LOL.

So, I let it go already about Jamie being in KL while Sansa is there.

But, I really don't see why they recast Daario, what was wrong with Ed or what happened behind the scenes because the new guy, I don't even get a 'sexy' vibe from him but I know some people do.

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Daario. I don't know why they have such a hard time casting that role.

And Shae. I actually like Shae in the books. Show Shae is horribly obnoxious. Always has been and this episode just hammered that home even more.

I don't know why they refuse to make up some Jack Sparrow dupe with died beard, give him some cocky lines and be done with it. What are they playing on? Daario is a completely one dimensional character, not hard to portray at all, but they have basically reduced him to zero-dimension. I can't even tell him apart from a random sits-behind-Polliver-in-the-tavern-soldier.

My problem with Show-Shae is her split personality. There's just no room for both the ridiculous loyal and loving friend to Sansa and the stuck-up full of herself bitch to Tyrion in one person.

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I'm really annoyed by this weird plothole that D &D seem to have created for Jaime.

Setting aside the Sansa issue, which is just lame, they brought up something else which is much more problematic. When Jaime was talking to Tywin, his dad mentioned the precedent of Barristan leaving the KG. But the problem with bringing this up on the show, as opposed to the books where it makes sense, is that Barristan was kicked out because he failed to protect his king (due to age).

Last night they hammered home twice that Jaime is 40 is his best years are behind him, and they brought up Barristan. So, Tywin desperately wants Jaime out of the KG--so why doesn't he kick him out after next episode when he fails to protect Joffrey?

Even Cersei wouldn't protest, considering how she was all like, who cares if you are in the KG or in King's Landing. And, I am guessing that she is going to blame Jaime for Joff's death because he was there, unlike in the books. So why will Jaime still be in the KG again?

Basically, this is going to bug me, because now it makes no sense for Jaime to be in the KG after the Purple Wedding. Sigh.

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I'm really annoyed by this weird plothole that D &D seem to have created for Jaime.

Setting aside the Sansa issue, which is just lame, they brought up something else which is much more problematic. When Jaime was talking to Tywin, his dad mentioned the precedent of Barristan leaving the KG. But the problem with bringing this up on the show, as opposed to the books where it makes sense, is that Barristan was kicked out because he failed to protect his king (due to age).

Last night they hammered home twice that Jaime is 40 is his best years are behind him, and they brought up Barristan. So, Tywin desperately wants Jaime out of the KG--so why doesn't he kick him out after next episode when he fails to protect Joffrey?

Even Cersei wouldn't protest, considering how she was all like, who cares if you are in the KG or in King's Landing. And, I am guessing that she is going to blame Jaime for Joff's death because he was there, unlike in the books. So why will Jaime still be in the KG again?

Basically, this is going to bug me, because now it makes no sense for Jaime to be in the KG after the Purple Wedding. Sigh.

Jaime could just refuse to be kicked out. What's Tywin going to do, exile or kill his golden child?

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Littlefinger's sigil on the wall of the brothel was all kinds of silly - since when does Littlefinger publically advertise that he owns brothels? Why would Tywin tolerate a man whose sigil is hanging beside a brothel's door in the Small Council? Owning brothels is LF's "undercover" activity, he would not show publically that he owns it. And then Oberyn would, out of all the brothels in the city, walk directly into the one where he can expect the most spies?

I am quite surprised that this was not mentioned before actually.

I really dislike Shae. And the prostitute-man (I was quite surprised to see him back!) has an annoying face. but maybe I just think so because I think there are already too many prostitutes in the show and those scenes bother me. <_<

No Ghost. I am pretty sure half the viewers do not know anymore that the Stark children are supposed to have wolves as pets. :(

On Jon remembering Robb, I thought Jon did not have quite a good perspective - I think Robb definitely was not better than Jon in everything, but Jon just likes to pity himself from time to time. So what he said about Robb besting him at everything was not entirely objective.

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