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Why people drink?


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A truly magnificent past time


That's another thing, some folks think it's unhealthy to use alcohol to change your mood... I don't think it's bad at all to use alcohol for a bit of courage or to get yourself primed up to dance, or talk to somebody, or do whatever.:) I remember last year I went to a neighbor's get together but I wasn't allowed to drink alcohol because I was on medication after my appendix was removed... it was no fun at all.

I mean it only would have taken a pint or two for me to build up just enough buzz to join in, but being completely sober I was just not in the mood to dance and worrying I'd look silly, regretted it as soon as we left :( they played some really neat songs.

I dont see a problem at all with drinking socially enough to be carefree and enjoy oneself.

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I mean it only would have taken a pint or two for me to build up just enough buzz to join in, but being completely sober I was just not in the mood to dance and worrying I'd look silly, regretted it as soon as we left :( they played some really neat songs.

I dont see a problem at all with drinking socially enough to be carefree and enjoy oneself.

I am quite the opposite. :P If I am slightly inebriated, I worry that I would look silly even more (if that is even possible) than if I am being sober. I like having complete control over my movements.

That said, I have only been a bit drunk twice, both in similar social situations.

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Alcohol basically works by making you stupid, and then you find things amusing because stupid people are more easily entertained. So I do not like engaging with people who are in any way intoxicated, since the degree to which they are intoxicated is the degree to which they are made dumber, and stupidity, in general, annoys me.

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I enjoy social drinking--I'm kind of uptight anyway and a drink helps me relax.

Mine is also a cart-before-the-horse situation. I have goats. I have goat milk. I make cheese. I always have lots of cheese. Wine tastes good with cheese. Ergo, I buy wine to go with the abundance of cheese.

My brother also lives near Napa Valley, CA and sends wine on a regular basis.

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Your own post here must bug the shit out of you then.

The same thought occurrd to me, but I graciously decided to let someone else jump on that potential warning point grenade.

Re beer garden, yeah basically a patio/grass area attached to a pub. One of my favourites is part of a 14th century East Sussex pub I occasionally visit when visiting my mother down south.

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I like to drink for the sunshine. :D

You remember those commercials - a day without orange juice is like a day without sunshine? Stolen, shamelessly stolen, from the saying, a meal without wine is like a day without sunshine - Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. (He also said, 'tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are', and is considered the father of the low carb diet, since he thought eating sugar and white flour led to obesity, way back in the early 1800s.)

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Alcohol basically works by making you stupid, and then you find things amusing because stupid people are more easily entertained. So I do not like engaging with people who are in any way intoxicated, since the degree to which they are intoxicated is the degree to which they are made dumber, and stupidity, in general, annoys me.

You must be an absolute joy to be around. Want to be besties?

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Why do I drink? It's fun and I like it.

I've gone through periods of not drinking - once out of regret after an unfortunate evening, and at other times through lack of funds, and I found I was having much less fun than I was before, especially when I was socialising.

I try not to drink excessively, and maybe occasionally I misjudge it, but I (and others) have got some good stories out of that so it's not the end of the world.

That's basically all there is to it.

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I'm a pretty likable guy, but probably not when I'm slandering the fair name of your drug of choice.

Is it possible to slander an inanimate object? That's not what is irritating. It is the smug superior attitude where you presume those who drink, even only occasinally, are stupid, that I find irritating.

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Is it possible to slander an inanimate object? That's not what is irritating. It is the smug superior attitude where you presume those who drink, even only occasinally, are stupid, that I find irritating.

I'm not saying drinkers are inherently stupid persons, but that drinking itself induces a state of temporary stupidity, in any person, to a degree dependent on the amount consumed within a given time period (and a host of other factors, of course, like body mass). It impairs cognitive function in a negative way. Not really controversial stuff.

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The problem with alcohol -and many things that might cause any kind of addiction- is that people don't take it seriously. They say "oh, alcohol is fun!" without even considering the chances of being susceptible to addictions or diseases caused by alcohol.

Alcohol, drugs, gambling and many other things like that is like having a box in front of you. If you open it, you can have a moment of fun and happiness. But there is also the chance that that same box blows up and kill you and hurt your family. Some take the chance. I definitely won't never take it, I love my family very much.

I know more people who binge eat than binge drink. This is why I've never taken the chance of eating a dessert. I love my family more than you.

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Alcohol basically works by making you stupid, and then you find things amusing because stupid people are more easily entertained. So I do not like engaging with people who are in any way intoxicated, since the degree to which they are intoxicated is the degree to which they are made dumber, and stupidity, in general, annoys me.

You sound like you need to lighten the fuck up.

A drink would help with that.

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