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The Flash - Don't Blink


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What if Thawne still is Reverse Flash but not the Thawne in them police force? Wells is most likely a time traveler of some sort so what if he is the descendent of the Eddie Thawne and Zoom?

I didn't read through the entire thread so someone might have already thought of this lol

See the spoiler tags.

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Feeding the prisoners would be easy enough, just rig up some automatic system that drops a tray in, and with the poison gas fella just make sure it's only got one door open at a time. Cleaning up after them would be more difficult, and other things like going to the toilet etc. I'm honestly less concerned about the logistics than I am by the ethics.

And if we're going for the 'the storm chose Barry' thing, then why is it also seemingly picking absolute dicks to give powers to?

I can forgive TV for occasionally having shaky CG.

My main complaint about this show is that sometimes the characters aren't really talking they're giving speeches. If they dial that down a bit I think that'd be an improvement.

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Man, that episode seemed so illogical. Why was everything predicated on the fact that he had to hit the guy with his hands? Seemed so fucking stupid. Not to mention that he should have superfast reflexes, but whatever.

I'm guessing it's 'cause they were intent on pretty much lifting a riff from the comics where the Wally West version ran a few miles back so he could built up enough momentum to knock Grodd out with a punch.

And like in the comics, any version of Flash seems to not have super-fast reflexes whenever it might make things too easy (or to make guys like Deathstroke or Batman look real badass).

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I'm guessing it's 'cause they were intent on pretty much lifting a riff from the comics where the Wally West version ran a few miles back so he could built up enough momentum to knock Grodd out with a punch.

And like in the comics, any version of Flash seems to not have super-fast reflexes whenever it might make things too easy (or to make guys like Deathstroke or Batman look real badass).

Yeah, same can be said for Superman, Darkseid, etc. They would be unbeatable without good ol' comic/tv plot holes.

It's just how superheroes are.

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I'm guessing it's 'cause they were intent on pretty much lifting a riff from the comics where the Wally West version ran a few miles back so he could built up enough momentum to knock Grodd out with a punch.

And like in the comics, any version of Flash seems to not have super-fast reflexes whenever it might make things too easy (or to make guys like Deathstroke or Batman look real badass).

Oh lord, don't remind me.

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Don't you know? Deathstroke can figure out where the Flash will be...even though the Flash is moving at light-speed...

For that matter, anyone with a gun pointed at their chest can figure out where the bullet will be. That's why guns are completely ineffective.

But logic and habeas corpus aside, I'm still enjoying this show.

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My guess is there will be, as in the comics, two Reverse Flashes.

Wells will probably be the Eobard Thawne version who is from the future and obsessed with Barry Allen. He'll probably kill Iris at one point. Which will make Eddie Thawne go crazy and become the Hunter Zoloman version that wishes Barry was a better hero.

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He'll probably kill Iris at one point.

I doubt that'll happen. It's the CW. And based on comics. Iris is The Love Interest. Even when increasingly strained will-they-won't-they has killed all potential chemistry, she'll be The Love Interest. If she dies, I will be very surprised.

ETA: Not a knock against the show, I do enjoy it for what it is. Just my feelings based on past experience.

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I doubt that'll happen. It's the CW. And based on comics. Iris is The Love Interest. Even when increasingly strained will-they-won't-they has killed all potential chemistry, she'll be The Love Interest. If she dies, I will be very surprised.

ETA: Not a knock against the show, I do enjoy it for what it is. Just my feelings based on past experience.

CW has shown this year, at least the producers behind Flash and Arrow, that even the love interest doesn't have to mean safe. Unless it's the wrong interest for the main character. So there is hope for Iris. Even if she's the love interest of the wrong Flash...

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Arrow spoilers through episode 1 of season 3:

Oh, okay. See, I wouldn't have classified Sara as The Love Interest the way I was thinking of one, but my fault for not explaining what I meant. I was using the arbitrary capitalization to try to get across the idea that a hero has one particular fated love interest, while everyone else is a speed bump along the way. In Arrow's case it would be Laurel, even if the writers really screwed up the character in season 2, even if one had the opinion that, say, Sara's a better BC or that Felicity has more chemistry with Ollie. In Flash's case it would be Iris. Not that either or both shows might not break the trope, I just kind of see it that way.

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