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Watch, Watched, Watching: The Shed and Breakfast Edition


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Alright people, let's have a show of hands. Who here is watching Cinemax's The Knick (directed by Soderbergh)? If not, than you are missing out on something great. If they don't mess up the ending, this will be the best new show of the year (yes, better than TD).

Your thoughts about The Drop sounds like my thoughts about Killing Them Softly. Damn, I had hgh hopes for The Drop, especially since it was Gandolfini'slast role.

Gandolfini is excellent in it. As were all the actors, but especially Tom Hardy. Despite the story being a bit wonky, it's still a solid movie imo. If you don't go in expecting a great movie and just take it in for what it is you'll enjoy yourself very well :)

I think Ed could work if they cast her right and tone down the whackiness just a tad. The limitations of live action should cut out a lot of the jarring visual shenanigans which go with the character anyway. She's not my favourite part of the show but I don't mind her, and I think having a hacker on board (before hackers were as cliche as they are now by the way) added an important dimension to the way the crew is able to work.

Even then, she just didn't fit in with the rest of the crew. The best solution imo, if they really needed a hacker character, would be to

Use that intelligent computer they encountered in one episode. One of the things that most bothered me about Bebop was that they never brought the computer up again. I was sure that, after Ed had downloaded the program on some harddrive, the AI would save the day somewhere. If they ever make a movie, they should just use that AI and call it Edward. Problem solved ;)

I don't know who should direct it though. I love the way James Gunn brought Guardians of the Galaxy to life, especially with his great understanding of how to use music, which is a vital part of Bebop, and he's good with humour too, which is another vital part of Bebop. Part of me wants to see a Wachowskis adapatation though, especially given how much they love philosophy.

I'd like it to be someone with an abundance of talent ;) That's all.

I just watched the last episode now. I think it was a brilliant show. And it feels like there's so much layer underneath the story. Like you need to rewatch it to really get the tiny details and small nuances that's there, but maybe hard to catch on the first watch.

As a story, I think this was a brilliant one. I'm not a fan of episodic shows, but it worked with Bebop because nearly every episode had such high quality. There were maybe 2 or 3 episodes that felt a bit weak, but what show doesn't have a weak episode very now and then?

True, imo Bebop only has two weak episodes (2 and 17). All the others go from just good to classic and everything in between.

And the show also has that poetic feel, and it's hard to find shows that are similar, which also gives it an original feel. Firefly is similar, but I think Bebop is a much better story. It goes into human nature, whereas Firefly is great entertainment, but Bebop asks better questions, and has a better story at the end of it. More layered characters too, in my opinion.

Also very true. Firefly is one of the most entertaining shows I ever watched, but it's nowhere near as deep as Bebop. Of course, it might have gone their eventually, but we'll never know sadly.

I liked how philosophical and deep the story actually got at times. There's a lot of brilliant dialogue, and many thoughtworthy moments. There's a lot one could analyze and think about here, if one would want. And the characters really go through a journey during the show, even Edward, although she's given much less time to grow than the others. The three main characters are just brilliantly realised, flawed and troubled characters. By the end, you do feel like you know them, and I think Faye's arc was especially well realised.

Faye's arc was excellent, though I'll always appreciate Spike's arc more. He had imo one of the best endings ever

The way he died (confirmed in the credits with the star dying out) was totally in line with everything we ever learned about him. He was a man ruled by his pasr. The only thing that kept him in the present was his family (the Bebop crew). And as soon as that started breaking up, the past caught up with him. Brilliant, brilliant ending

Oh, you should definitely watch the Cowboy Bebop movie. It's not as great as the series (though it had a lot of potential, as evidenced by a couple of great sequences), but for a Bebop fan it's nice to see the gang reunited one last time.

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Alright people, let's have a show of hands. Who here is watching Cinemax's The Knick (directed by Soderbergh)? If not, than you are missing out on something great. If they don't mess up the ending, this will be the best show of the year (yes, better than TD).

I've watched the first few episodes, will catch up but not rushed to watch the last three.

It's good but it's nowhere near Hannibal, or True Detective till the end (though if The Knick pulls it together with a great ending it'll have achieved the opposite of TD).

There's a topic around somewhere.

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I've watched the first few episodes, will catch up but not rushed to watch the last three.

It's good but it's nowhere near Hannibal, or True Detective till the end (though if The Knick pulls it together with a great ending it'll have achieved the opposite of TD).

There's a topic around somewhere.

I wanted to say best new show of this year. Still, the show will be better than TD, if they continue on this track. Last four episodes have all been homeruns imo. Last weeks episode was the Knick's equivalent to episode 4 of TD.

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On to season 8 of It's Always Sunny

How did you like season 7

Chardee Mcdennis is my all time favorite ep

Really need to get around to watching the Knick. I love Soderbergh and Clive. High praise seeing people say its better than Hanibal and True Detective. Not sure its comparable though. Seems more comparable to Boardwalk (the real best show on tv imo :D)

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Watched Happy Valley on Netflix this weekend and really, really enjoyed it. At only 6 episodes, it's a tight, grim crime drama with fascinating characters, a suitably creepy villain, and a beautiful setting. Felt like I finished reading a gripping airplane-level crime novel, but there's been some psychological mindf*ck stuff that I've noticed lingering in my head today, which imo elevates the show from "average crime show" to "something pretty special".

Felt like they used flashbacks from previous episodes a little too much and there were times when my American ear had trouble understanding whether some of the characters were speaking English or not (sorry), but overall, Happy Valley was really, really great.

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Gotta admit, I felt...conflicted...while watching it and thinking that the bad guy was really hot. :lol:

He is attractive even though he was sort of repellent in the show, especially in the last ep /side-eye/ nah im just kidding :P

I just completely loved her kicking his ass at the end. I almost cheered at my TV.

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I loved that ep mark.

also loved the high school reunion ep SO MUCH.


When the bullies gave Charlie and Frank wedgies and Charlies underwear ripped apart in the guys hands I almost cried :lol:

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I loved that ep mark.

also loved the high school reunion ep SO MUCH.


LoL this episode rules so hard. It's the episode where Dennis really comes into his own, forget the DENNIS system, it's all uphill in terms of his character from here on.

The Gang Solves The Gas Crisis is still my favorite episode though.[emoji14]

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Watched Edge of Tomorrow finally. Thought it was pretty awesome tbh. Don't know why it took me so long to get round to.

:cheers: Best blockbuster of the year. Glad that more people get around to watching it :D

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