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Isn't that a pretty easy fix though? I'm still new to the whole PC gaming thing, but I thought there was at least one big game recently where making as simple a change in a .txt file from =no to =yes boosted the frame rate from 30 to 60.

Yeah that was Watch Dogs, and it was a graphical 'upgrade' - changing those text files unlocked all those graphical features they showed off at E3. Features that were turned off for whatever reason. I tried the upgrade, and while it looked much better, it ran just as poorly as the unadjusted version.

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Looking for people to play Destiny with. I'm on PS3, my handle is DustyBuddha.

I have a 24 Hunter, 22 Warlock, and an 11 Titan.

I'll play anything PVE, but I am specifically trying to level up my Titan.

Hit me up if anyone's interested. Unfortunately I have no mic :(

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Bill, maybe you can confirm for me...

In Public Events, I assume you need gold completion to get marks and coins/motes/materials? And can you get them for each event and not just the first gold per day? (I thought I read about getting something on only the first gold per day, but I can't recall what)

They mail you ascendant materials for the first gold tier event you complete each day. There's also a chance to be rewarded with them when you complete an event, and that can happen multiple times a day.

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If you want to have any chance in the Crucible then you're going to need an auto rifle (a hand cannon will do if you're good with them). Shadow Price is my Crucible gun, and I saw a major improvement in k/d once I started using it. Shingen-E is a very popular non-legendary choice.

I got stuck in part because I went phishing the last day of the loot cave and jumped from like lvl 10 to 18 in one day. It some how got me to the end w/o doing one mission on Venus, and a few on Mars, so I didn't earn any of the Vanguard point that one usually gets along the way.

I did 3 things today that got me unstuck. I multi layered my mission. I got Crucible mission completed, and the went into Iron all while wearing Dead Orbit cape. You get more points wear somebodies logo. I got enough points to buy some gear from Dead Orbit which jumped my from 24 and 3 quarters all the way to 25 about half way thru, just buying gear.

I also started melee my way thru Iron, and was lucky enough w/ teams that I only lost 2 out of 10. I guess I learned some things because I was doing much better. Shotgun, knife, Rockets is all that work for me, as of yet.

In Public Events, I assume you need gold completion to get marks and coins/motes/materials1? And can you get them for each event and not just the first gold per day? (I thought I read about getting something on only the first gold per day, but I can't recall what)

Level 24 warlock here. I bought one of the vanguard legendaries last time I was on. I don't think I'll ever play enough to get near the 100 mark limit in a week2, though.

1. You get a package when you complete your first Gold. There are Vanguard missions for getting 3 gold, but other then experience there isn't much reason to do it.

2Then multi task. Do a vanguard Missions like "6 mission on Moon", "kill 10 major fallon", "kill 10 major hives" and "collect 200 tears of" all at the same time, on a patrol of the moon. Then another day get "earn 9,000 experience w/o dying", "complete any strike mission", and "kill 10 majors fallen" and do the lvl 12 strike mission on Earth.

Looking for people to play Destiny with. I'm on PS3, my handle is DustyBuddha.

I am PS4, does that matter? I have had couple of invites, but I haven't been able to connect. I am redoing my modem and getting a new router this weekend, but I lvl 25 Hunter, and need to working w/ a team to take on the vault.

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(Edit: Quote button still isn't working for me, so this looks a bit random.)

Ice Breaker and Voidfang Vestments. Plus a Hunter helmet from the exotic engram, which will be great once I get her up to lvl 20. It was a good morning.

As has already been stated... First gold star Public Event each day guarantees a package to the Postmaster. So you should try to do at least 1 every day. But in addition to that, Events also have something like a 10% change to drop mats/coins/motes upon completion (gold star only probably). So you can get some extra awards if you're farming them for Vanguard Marks or doing them for a Bounty. Although I've heard there may be a hidden limit.

As to the Warlock Bonds, yeah it's just a matter of looks. The Class items don't really do anything. For that particular time, I ended up getting the Tethering (Crucible Bond) from an engram. It's has a purple flame. It's pretty nice really, but I had already bought Spirit of the Vulture from the Speaker, and like that better. Color changing holographic bird bond! Mostly I was just happy about getting a legendary item out of the old loot system.

The higher level you are, the easier it is to max out Vanguard Marks. This week I've done the Weekly Heroic and Nightfall Strikes, 2 Daily Heroic missions and maybe 5 Public Events. About 2 hours of work (not including failed Nightfall attempts), and I'm already 2/3's of the way there. It is a bit of grind at lower levels, but a lvl 24 should be able to pull it off in 6 or 7 hours. That's only an hour a day; 2 Tiger Strikes and a Public Event.

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Is it at least a good hand cannon? I have Thorn, but it's not that great. Maybe after its buff.

It is better than Thorn right now. Way more impact, faster but not great reload speed, and a magazine with seven shots instead of six. At least some of it's perks seem to be random, so it's worth comparing them if you get doubles to decide which one you like better.


Edit: the one in that picture has a magazine of six, but all three that I got had a magazine of seven. Either that's random also, or they changed it since the beta.

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We may need a separate Destiny thread... :stunned:

Yeah haha. I'm surprised by how popular it is here. Everyone I know either won't play it because of its console peasantry or tried it and think it's shit.

Isn't that a pretty easy fix though? I'm still new to the whole PC gaming thing, but I thought there was at least one big game recently where making as simple a change in a .txt file from =no to =yes boosted the frame rate from 30 to 60.

Yeah usually you can mess with a lot of things like that in the config files however it can make the game do weird things because if they've locked it to 30 FPS or 85 FOV etc then everything's probably designed to stay there otherwise they would have just given you the option to change it in the first place unless they're totally inept.

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Anyone here still play League of Legends or Dota 2? I used to play a lot of Dota a long time ago (the Warcraft III custom game version), and I recently played a little LoL and just started playing a little Dota 2. I can't believe that that custom game has spawned all these games. Apparently, Blizzard is coming out with there own version soon too.

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This is my favorite thing about Destiny.

Everybody hates it, but nobody can stop playing it.

I can stop if I want to, I just don't want to.

OK, I can't stop...but that damn dust palace strike is testing my patience. I can't wait for some new content.

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I have yet to try it. Like i said (I think in here) I just hit 20 this week, and haven't went back yet.

If anyone here is playing on the One, my gamertag is DexterHawkins.

I'm in need of people to play with. Going it alone just isn't fun.

And if my phone doesn't stop auocorrecting i might just snap.

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I don't hate Destiny I just got bored with it way faster than I thought I would due to every mission being exactly the same and not feeling any investment in the story whatsoever.

I picked up Shadow of Mordor though, and that's been surprisingly fun so far. I had very low expectations to be honest.

Anyone here still play League of Legends or Dota 2? I used to play a lot of Dota a long time ago (the Warcraft III custom game version), and I recently played a little LoL and just started playing a little Dota 2. I can't believe that that custom game has spawned all these games. Apparently, Blizzard is coming out with there own version soon too.

I've played quite a bit of both, yeah. Never played the original Dota mod though. I'm shit at MOBAs but somehow they keep me coming back. Every few months I'll get hooked on one or the other again for a few weeks, play nothing else until I get burnt out on it and then the cycle repeats itself.

Heroes of the Storm is alright, played a bit of the Alpha, but if I'm gonna play a MOBA I'm gonna stick to either LoL or Dota 2 personally. Still the best there is as far as I'm concerned.

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