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Winterfell should be the capital of the 7K

Khal Shaggydog

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Thats part of the OP. The Starks keep repeating that line, so its either them being a muttering insane worry wort, or they should start heading their own words, starting with Ned himself when he has the chance to actually take that step. Sanity is a pretty fluid concept in this world.

Or they could be actually be referring to winter. We see inside Ned's thoughts so we know he doesn't expect an invasion from the Others.

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Thats just it. He didnt see it then. He didnt see it with the direwolves just happened to show up mirroring that generation of Stark children, with the mother killed by a stag. Im saying he should have realized that was a point in history when something could have changed, more than just going from the Targaryens ruling the system they set up and they built, to Robert Baratheon.

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So Kingslanding is a good place?

You dont guard yourself well from the Long Night and White Walkers by being further south. They bring winter with them, so a desert would be the worst possible place to be. You want to be in a place girded against winter, with a history of fighting winter and a cold threat, with the allegiance of acutal direwolves, a history of communication with the COTF. You also need to head the threat off, and if WInterfell falls, they can fall back to the neck and at least funnel them into as small a place as possible.

You are suggesting moving the capitol for an event that happens every 5 thousand or so years?

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Total ignorance to the laws of politics and traditions.

Forget politics and traditions, how about economics and warfare? The Reach has a rich, active trade city that's bigger than KL and a House with an undeployed army that's almost as big as every army fielded in the Wo5K put together. It's one of the breadbaskets of the realm. That's just one of the 7K.

No matter what the new world order at the end of the books is based on (dragons, trade, politics etc), the North ain't shit.

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A good capital location should be somewhere in the middle of the continent as to give both the north and south a fairly equal distance in reaching the location, and should be away from major threats and have strong defenses in case of an attack. You don't want a part of your kingdom taking 3 months to reach the capital in case you needed supplies or a threat is happening on the continent that you should of known about but didn't because the capital was too far away if that makes sense.

Winterfell is too far north and too close too the wall to make a good capital. Kings Landing is too close to the bay, causing it to be attacked from both land and sea. High garden is to far south for the north, and Lannisport has the same problem as Kings Landing, being too close to the sea. Harrenhal is in a good location, but damn near impossible to defend. Having the capital in the vale would be good for defense but would be hard to access especially in the winter.

I think that Riverrun is in an excellent location for both north and south to get too, and you do have to divide your army in thirds to lay seige to it. The farthest north I would have a capital at is actually at the twins. They have a strong defense and is centrally located enough for both the north and the south to reach. Those are my two locations where a capital should go. And before you start screaming at me I am not suggesting that Walder Frey should be king. Just that his spot is a good spot to have a capital of the seven kingdoms.

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Yeah, let's give control of the kingdom to a bunch of violent isolationist backwater heathens, that's just the perfect thing for a cohesive rule.

King's Landing is pretty much perfectly situated for a capital, it's a coastal city, and is situated in a densely populated area.

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Federal as in the pertaining to the entire continent of Westeros. And yes, I am aware that this is beyond the current conception of how Westeros is currently governed, this would be an idea for progress, just as Aegon conquering and uniting the 7K was a notion towards progress as well. Change happens, and out of disorder. Eddard Stark had an opportunity to change a system that had failed to works since the dragons died out, both by his lineage and his personal connections, and by his unique, in this world, sense of what a leader should be concerned with.

I am aware this is a break in the traditions of Westeros as it stood at the end of RR. I am also aware that Eddard was an infinitely better ruler of people than Robert ever was or could be. Since he didnt crave power, he would be most appropriate to wield it.

I am not suggesting that the capital up and move now, where we are at in the story. I am suggesting that Winterfell would have made a better capital of the continent post-Targaryens.

wf is in the middle of nowhere, far from the rest of Westeros, isolated at the best of times, and not only isolated but physically unreachable in the winter.

Westeros is the size of South America. Roads suck. Ships sink. Ravens are the only means of communication. How is wf supposed to be any kind of a capital? How are people even supposed to reach it in the winter?

I say move the capital to Oldtown, or start building up Harrenhall and its lands.

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Why should Winterfell be the capital?

Is it the strongest fortress? No.

Can it sustain a city sized population? No.

Is it a center for trade/commerce? No.

Is it easily accessible by the rest of the realm? No.

Does it have ports? No.

But the Starks don't take part in politics except when they do and that's what a capital needs, a lack of political relevance.

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Those people who believe the Starks are superior to other houses should read the world book once again...

They are superior because the Starks are awesome!!!

But no one is saying that the Starks don't play the game of politics of course they do they are the ruling house of the North even Robb's bannermen play that politics game.

I just said they don't play the game of thrones with that ugly chair they are isolated and like it that way(some of them)why would they want the south intruding in their region and having their ancient seat the main power base in Westeros.

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Arguing for the North independance I can see. But Northern supremacy? The Southern kingdoms won't bow down to the North and the North is not powerful enough to make them so... Well, that's it.

And the North doesn't care.

The Northernmen doesn't care about the South they don't want to rule them.

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KL ain't so bad but excluding it:

Oldtown by a mile.

Major city, major port, Seat of the Citadel (and of the Faith before Aegon moved it to KL).

Climate in south is less punishing than the north as the winters aren't as harsh so Reach is most fertile and populous part of Westeros.

Added advantage is it is not the personal fiefdom of one of the "old" kings.

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