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Daredevil [Spoilers for all S1 episodes]


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Everyone seems to have different takes on what are the best/worst films Marvel has made so far. Well, I think most people are in agreement on IM2, and I've not seen anyone declare the Hulk film a masterpiece, either (but that's the one I haven't actually bothered to watch), but opinions on everything else vary widely. It'll be interesting to see the reactions to Ant Man, particularly since short of it getting praised to high heaven I don't think I'll catch that in theatres.

The risk is presumably much lower with the TV shows, and they will apparently try to give each a different feel. I think it's only in The Defenders that the movie formula might reassert itself.

I think the best are generally considered to be IM1, GOTG, Winter Soldier, and The Avengers in some order, then a whole bunch in the middle, with Iron Man 2 definitely the worst.

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Everyone seems to have different takes on what are the best/worst films Marvel has made so far. Well, I think most people are in agreement on IM2, and I've not seen anyone declare the Hulk film a masterpiece, either (but that's the one I haven't actually bothered to watch), but opinions on everything else vary widely.

Was IM2 really so bad? I liked it. I mean, RDJ in a metal suit could rescue most films for me, but I don't see what was so wrong with it. I think the trouble with Hulk was that at the time, the question was 'is it worth the bother given that Ang Lee's Hulk was disappointing?', which people seemed to think it wasn't. I haven't seen it since it came out but I think going in with 'early MCU' in mind instead of 'post Lee' would change my outlook.

EDIT: so many Marvel threads, I forgot which one I was in. Bit unrelated but never mind.

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I haven't seen the Hulk in a while, so maybe I would have a different view of it now. But I actually consider it to be in the upper half of Marvel films. My fifth favourite I'd say (below TWS, Avengers, AOU, and Iron Man 1). I liked it's more sombre tone compared to the other Marvel films, and I think more films with that sort of tone would diversify the brand.

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Ranking Marvel Movies:

1. Guardians of the Galaxy

2. Iron Man

3. Incredible Hulk

4. Avengers

5a. Captain America: First Avenger

5b. Iron Man 3

6. Captain America: Winter Soldier

7. Thor

8. Thor: Dark World

9. Iron Man 2

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No offense Polish, but I'm gonna nitpick a bit.

Really? Thor Dark World? I should revisit it I suppose. It didn't make me angry, like Iron Man 2 but I fell asleep twice during that movie. (Once in the theatre)

I think Guardians is unquestionably a better movie than Avengers. Why? Well remember the Avengers? It was great! The first decently done ensemble superhero film like EVER! Keep in mind though that in addition to having over eight hours of film introducing their characters, it still took the first 2/3rds of the Avenger movie to bring the team together. It didn't matter. We were so glad that the idea was executed well that no one was looking for him to reinvent the wheel.

Now take Guardians. By the time it came out the idea of superheroes was de rigueur. These were characters most people knew nothing about AND were so far removed from their Jack Kirby origins as to be nearly unrecognizable to even hardened fan-boys. What happened? James Gunn centered a movie around a grounded emotional moment, allowing for real comedy and actual stakes beyond CG destructoporn of New York getting flattened for the umpteenth time.

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I'm aware I'm substantially in the minority on Thor 2, but I really liked it. It's just really comfortable in what its doing (whereas a lot of them are a little torn between the wants of the individual story and the needs of the Marvel 'verse), and possibly the funniest of the Marvel movies too.

Guardians would have been higher on my initial watch of it - it does a lot of things better than Avengers, especially building the entire ensemble rather than one or two characters - but on a second go much of the humour fell rather flat. When you combine that with Avengers having a much stronger villain and that I didn't think the climactic action in GotG was any more memorable than Avengers and in some ways less, I think Avengers edges it.

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Wow... I thought that Guardians was about as dense with jokes as most comedy films. What I enjoyed is that the comedy wasn't like Avengers which felt like it needed an air-horn bleeting out 'Wah-wah-wahhhhhhhh' after Hulk backhands Thor. The stuff in Guardians was a bit more subtle... yeah it had a few slapstick moments but most of the stuff I liked were the Jackson Pollock references and discussions of Pelvic Sorcery.

As for the climax, I think you have a point. The 'Care Bear Stare' ending of Guardians was definitely the movie's weakest point. I wonder how James Gunn will address that in Guardians 2.

Wow First Avenger is hanging out with Iron Man 2? I'll admit I grade First Avenger on a hell of a curve given that Rocketeer is like one of my favorite movies of all time but wow? What was your issue?

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Wow... I thought that Guardians was about as dense with jokes as most comedy films.

It's got loads of jokes. It's just that, while the first time I did find it funny, the second time once the surprise was gone something about the delivery was off and as a result a lot of them went 'clang', or at least 'thpft'.

Wow First Avenger is hanging out with Iron Man 2? I'll admit I grade First Avenger on a hell of a curve given that Rocketeer is like one of my favorite movies of all time but wow? What was your issue?

It was just boring. I really wanted to like it and at the time I kind of convinced myself it wasn't bad but, really, all it's got going for it is the aesthetic (well, and a good cast - I'm so glad Hayley Atwell got to star in Agent Carter, which is brilliant). There's nothing majorly wrong with it; it just isn't exciting enough at any point.

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Haven't seen GOTG but I have the same issue as Polish did but with Thor 2 on second viewing.

Also, this thread is pretty good evidence of how attention quickly disappears from Netflix binge releases :P

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Also, this thread is pretty good evidence of how attention quickly disappears from Netflix binge releases :P

Is this radically different from any other show? After a finale episode, how quickly does attention shift from a comparable 13 episode tv show? Does that extra 7-10 weeks of buzz actually bring in more viewers and create more anticipation for the next season? We can't really answer that question without hard numbers which Netflix doesn't release, but Daredevil is still in the news, it's still being discussed online even if this specific conversation on this website has shifted to include the greater MCU, in which this show exists. Orange is the New Black has experienced a lot of buzz leading up to this upcoming third season. I just don't see any evidence that a binge release is at all effecting a show since waning attention happens at the end of every season, then a buzz starts as a new seasons nears premiere.

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Also, this thread is pretty good evidence of how attention quickly disappears from Netflix binge releases :P

Well, this was very much a Daredevil thread until *sombebody* made a lengthy post about the entire MCU so far...

I kinda hoped Dave's post would direct people towards the appropriate thread.

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Is this radically different from any other show? After a finale episode, how quickly does attention shift from a comparable 13 episode tv show? Does that extra 7-10 weeks of buzz actually bring in more viewers and create more anticipation for the next season? We can't really answer that question without hard numbers which Netflix doesn't release, but Daredevil is still in the news, it's still being discussed online even if this specific conversation on this website has shifted to include the greater MCU, in which this show exists. Orange is the New Black has experienced a lot of buzz leading up to this upcoming third season. I just don't see any evidence that a binge release is at all effecting a show since waning attention happens at the end of every season, then a buzz starts as a new seasons nears premiere.

Honestly, in comparison to threads dedicated to Marvel's AoS and AC, this one is doing OK. I mean, we live in the world where we have few superhero movies a year, where we have several TV shows dedicated to the genre. There is also so much you can talk about something. Basically, this is the consequence of hyperproduction.

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Well, this was very much a Daredevil thread until *sombebody* made a lengthy post about the entire MCU so far...

I kinda hoped Dave's post would direct people towards the appropriate thread.

Guilty as charged or at least partly responsible :)

Is this radically different from any other show? After a finale episode, how quickly does attention shift from a comparable 13 episode tv show? Does that extra 7-10 weeks of buzz actually bring in more viewers and create more anticipation for the next season? We can't really answer that question without hard numbers which Netflix doesn't release, but Daredevil is still in the news, it's still being discussed online even if this specific conversation on this website has shifted to include the greater MCU, in which this show exists. Orange is the New Black has experienced a lot of buzz leading up to this upcoming third season. I just don't see any evidence that a binge release is at all effecting a show since waning attention happens at the end of every season, then a buzz starts as a new seasons nears premiere.

I didn't even mention if it affected the show's success/viewing figures. Although I do have my own take on that which is probably in the thread discussing binge viewing. I'm stating that there's less discussion of binge related shows.

Irrespective of hard viewing figures it appears from (my admittedly small sample size of this board and this netflix show) that there is less chat surrounding binge released shows. Walking Dead manages several threads (including various spoiler threads), True detective managed on average a thread per episode (I'm certain that would never have happened with a binge release).

But lets be fair and compare it to other superhero shows Flash is on page 19 of its second thread, Arrow season 3 is on page 16 of its second season-specific thread, and agents of SHIELD is on 1.5 threads for its second season. Even Agent Carter, which has 5 less episodes than Daredevil, managed 10 pages of its own thread and I think most would argue Daredevil made more of an impact. I've yet to watch Agent Carter.

In fairness there are 12 pages in the Marvel netflix thread dedicated solely to Daredevil discussion which I guess brings its total up to 1 thread. Technically, I guess we need to wait until the other shows finish their runs to do a proper comparison. If my stat skills were better and I had too much time on my hand I'd see whether they were statistically significant once episode numbers were factored in.

From my POV Daredevil has been way better than Arrow and Flash (can't judge the others as I haven't watched). My instinct is that more popular shows get talked about more. It doesn't seem to be the case and the easiest explanation is that there's less time to speculate over episodes. Or netflix is nowhere near as popular as i imagined - to test that we'd need a weekly release netflix show or some other online network for comparison.

Whether it means anything, I don't know, but it does look like there's less discussion.

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Thor: Dark World

Cap 2

Iron Man 3



Iron Man


Avengers 2


Iron Man 2/Cap 1

I'll go with:


Avengers 1

Avengers 2

Guardians of the Galaxy

Thor 2

Cap America 2

Incredible Hulk

I did not like the Iron Man films much, not my thing. I like Captain America but the 1st films really disappointed.

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My ranking:

The Great:

The Winter Soldier

The Avengers

Iron Man

Age of Ultron

The Good:

The Incredible Hulk

Captain America

Thor: The Dark World


The Average:

Guardians of the Galaxy

Iron Man 3

Iron Man 2

To clarify some things, I really was a fan of the Hulk. It's tone sets it apart from the other Marvel films - in a good way I think. I'm putting Dark World over original Thor just because I thought it had settled into its...setting a lot better. Plus I love a more anti-heroic than villainous Loki. I didn't care for Guardians, too little character development. All that said I hold that the MCU has yet to have a bad movie.

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My ranking:

The Great:

The Winter Soldier

The Avengers

Iron Man

Age of Ultron

The Good:

The Incredible Hulk

Captain America

Thor: The Dark World


The Average:

Guardians of the Galaxy

Iron Man 3

Iron Man 2

To clarify some things, I really was a fan of the Hulk. It's tone sets it apart from the other Marvel films - in a good way I think. I'm putting Dark World over original Thor just because I thought it had settled into its...setting a lot better. Plus I love a more anti-heroic than villainous Loki. I didn't care for Guardians, too little character development. All that said I hold that the MCU has yet to have a bad movie.

I'm surprised at The Incredible Hulk not being average to you.

It seemed like the most generic movie ever,without any memorable crossover shenanigans to help it.

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