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Rant & Rave without repercussion S 5 continued [book spoilers]


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FACT! Theon Greyjoy and the old lady have more balls then all the Northern Lords put together this season.

Hey the Northern Lords have balls when they join the pro-Lannister, got Ned killed LF to kill the Boltens after telling the anti-Lannister, Ned supported Stannis to piss off because hey "creatively it made sense because we wanted it to happen"

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Also Olly has the moral high ground. Jon just makes mistakes.

When I asked Martin what was Jon’s biggest “mistake,” the author thoughtfully replied, “Were they mistakes? I guess they were mistakes in some ways since they led to him losing control of part of his group. But it might have been wise and necessary decisions in terms of protecting the realm and dealing with the threat of the White Walkers. I’m a huge student of history, and all through history there’s always this question of what’s the right decision. You look back with benefit of hindsight at a battle that was lost and say, ‘The losing general was such an idiot.’ Was Napoleon a genius for all the battles he won? Or an idiot for losing at Waterloo? Partly I’m reacting to a lot of the fantasy that has come before this. Ruling is difficult whether you’re a Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch or the King of England. These are hard decisions and each have consequences. We’re looking at Jon trying to take control of Night’s Watch and deal with The Wildlings and the threat beyond The Wall, and we’re looking at Cersei and Dany in their kingdoms and their choices.”

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FACT! Theon Greyjoy and the old lady have more balls then all the Northern Lords put together this season.

Which northern lords are you referring to? Total number of northern lords: zero. :p
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Cley Cerwin, umm... umm... Lyanna Mormont? Yea, that's about it :P.


But we never saw them! That's what I meant. :P


Well, we did see those ridiculous plastic mannequins, those were the Cerwyns. Lady Cerwyn had just returned from a trip to Rio de Janeiro, where she got that nice brazilian bikini wax. :laugh:

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But we never saw them! That's what I meant. :P


Well, we did see those ridiculous plastic mannequins, those were the Cerwyns. Lady Cerwyn had just returned from a trip to Rio de Janeiro, where she got that nice brazilian bikini wax. :laugh:


A bikini wax for a Northern Lady?  Oh I know, she was planning on hanging out in the warm waters of Winterfell.  Oppsie, damn Ramsay made a botch of that plan.

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we can have Lyanna and Lyanna, and Olly and Olyvar, but OMG Osha and Asha, NO WAY!!!


Actually, the worst thing about those names are that Olly and Olyvar are original characters and not characters from the books. So nobody would cared if their names were different, while someone people got confused about Yara and Asha. Asha is even a POV character

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Actually, the worst thing about those names are that Olly and Olyvar are original characters and not characters from the books. So nobody would cared if their names were different, while someone people got confused about Yara and Asha. Asha is even a POV character

I wouldn't be shocked if they thought Olly/Olyvar was some clever play on words.
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Actually, the worst thing about those names are that Olly and Olyvar are original characters and not characters from the books. So nobody would cared if their names were different, while someone people got confused about Yara and Asha. Asha is even a POV character


Yeah good point about two made up characters w/almost the same name.


Ugh.  I thought changing Asha's name was stupid.  It's not like they have ever met, or anyone other than Theon even knows both of them, or that they look like or anything else is similar about them or ever have or will appear in the same scene.  


I suppose it's possible that Ashara Dayne is alive somewhere in the future and that's the real reason they changed it, Asha Ashara...but odds are, it was another of their too many to count totally random moves that are inexplicable from any logical view.

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The fact there are no Northern Lords is proof of their Lannister bias.

They made Tyrion mentioned "seven kingdoms united in fear of Tywin Lannister", at the same time they neglected to portray the loyalty of the former vassals of Ned Stark who didn't feared him but appreciated him.

I wonder if, when they (allegedly) read the books they thought Tywin was right on killing Elia and the children and they celebrated the Rains of Castamere. Maybe they did, considering we have like dunno how many versions of it.

(Honestly, considering what really happened with Castamere, celebrate the song wouldn't be like celebrating a song written to honour how nazis killed a jewish town or something on those lines? Because that was a massacre)
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Well, didn't one of them (Benioff, I think) defend the RW with that stupid argument that it's better to kill 10 people at dinner than thousands in a war? And Weiss, I think, is the one who said Tywin is justice neutral or some such nonsense? Benioff also said, when asked if he were to be a character who would he pick, that he'd pick Tywin?

So yeah, both are huge Tywin fanboys. Explains an awful lot, actually.
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But we never saw them! That's what I meant. :P


Well, we did see those ridiculous plastic mannequins, those were the Cerwyns. Lady Cerwyn had just returned from a trip to Rio de Janeiro, where she got that nice brazilian bikini wax. :laugh:

Why marry a Stark if you are a Bolton and you are trying to show how you are unifying the North. No, they just wanted to lock her up and bring her and a heir or two out to show where they came from.

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