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A Phobia Thread

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Do you have a Phobia? They are a pain.

This is the first definition that came up when googled.

A phobia is an uncontrollable, irrational, and lasting fear of a certain object, situation, or activity.


I have a phobia of floating away, and then falling from a great height.

Yeah, I KNOW it is crazy, and I KNOW it is irrational.

I KNOW how gravity works.

But my phobia still makes it's appearance known under certain circumstances.

(After riding roller coasters repeatedly, while driving though wide open country, and while walking across long bridges)

Intellectually I know my fears are nonsense. And I know what I fear is impossible.

But I'm still terrified every time, no matter how many times I force myself to take the actions to prove to myself the fear is groundless.

Do you have a phobia?


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Gosh, I'm trying to think if I have one.  Can't come up with it.  I used to have a few . . . claustrophobia, for one.  MRI's were challenging.  Since my doc put me on a mild dose of Paxil, I am not bothered by closed-in places at all.  

I feel like I SHOULD have a phobia, but I don't!  WAH!  



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6 minutes ago, Madame deVenoge said:

Cockroaches. Oh, dear god. Aaaaaugh!!!

Yes oh yes. No problem at all w/ any other critter, not at all afraid or bothered, but cockroaches... yyyyyyiiiiiikkkkkeeeeeeeessss! :uhoh:

And in the non-critter department, sleeping with socks on. Eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww! 

Edited by kissdbyfire
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Mine is so vanilla it's almost embarrassing to mention it in a serious thread: spiders.

Though it's not really even a complete phobia, little spiders that I know can't bite me in any way that I can feel it don't bother me at all. So I guess the real phobia is being bitten by a spider.

Interestingly the two critters I have some fear of are the two critters that I got bitten by when I was a kid and had no phobias up to that point. I got bitten by a [non poisonous] spider when playing with a spider and by a weta* when playing with a weta. I was obviously freaking the two critters out and they were probably afraid for their life, hence the bite. So if I had been more aware of their fears at the time I probably would not have those fears now.

*what is a weta?

Cockroaches in groups give me the ick, but definitely not a phobia.

Edited by The Anti-Targ
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Bathmophobia! I use stairs every day, but every time I climb or descend them I picture myself falling and breaking my neck. Even when I watch other people use the stairs, I get nervous for them. Especially kids!! :crying:

Another one I have is bones breaking/dislocating. Obviously, I think most people have this fear, but mine is so great that the thought of it lives in my head rent free. I don't allow it to deter me from being really active, but it still gnaws at me and I cringe every time I think of it. Like, if you describe any bone fracturing or something dislocating, I will physically curl up into a ball and go LALALALALLA because I don't want to hear about it.

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5 minutes ago, Ser Arthurs Dawn said:

Bathmophobia! I use stairs every day, but every time I climb or descend them I picture myself falling and breaking my neck. Even when I watch other people use the stairs, I get nervous for them. Especially kids!! :crying:

Another one I have is bones breaking/dislocating. Obviously, I think most people have this fear, but mine is so great that the thought of it lives in my head rent free. I don't allow it to deter me from being really active, but it still gnaws at me and I cringe every time I think of it. Like, if you describe any bone fracturing or something dislocating, I will physically curl up into a ball and go LALALALALLA because I don't want to hear about it.

These sound terrible but at least they’re much more original than cockroaches! :P


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Very mild trypophobia. Not so strong that I can't rationalize myself through it, but :stillsick:... I think it was unlocked by watching the scene in the Flash Gordon movie where they put their arms in the rock thing, and there's a monster in there that stings you, or whatever it was.

What really gets to me though is stuff living inside skin. Botfly larvae and the surinam toad spring to mind.

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4 hours ago, ljkeane said:

I don’t love heights but it’s not like a crippling fear or anything.

I would absolutely nottt go anywhere near climbing on the roof of my house to clean the gutters. I could do most of it standing in a ladder, but there was just one part where my son had to get it because I just couldn’t do it. However, I stood on that 10 foot ladder, so I don’t think it was a fear of heights per se, more like a fear of falling off that roof?

So, I’m right there with you. 

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5 hours ago, ljkeane said:

I don’t love heights but it’s not like a crippling fear or anything.

Weird thing for me is while I’m fine with heights when I’m conscious, I have a lot of dreams where I’m terrified of heights/falling one way or another.

Really big critters freak me out, but I wouldn’t really call that a phobia.  Like, during the Superbowl I saw about a three inch cockroach on the ceiling of my kitchen.  It freaked me out, but I still grabbed a paper towel and killed it.

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I'm afraid of dead animals (maybe zoothanatophobia, or maybe something else). I have a clear recollection as a child to refusing to go into a street with a dead cat in it until an adult got rid of it, because I just couldn't bear it. As an adult I can control it better, but I still might gasp and shudder if I see one, and try to look another way. Amusingly enough, dead people don't trigger it.

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One is driving during winter or a rainstorm! I avoid it so much because it’s dangerous! Another is sort of mild but I fear going out at night even if just to take out the trash. These two things definitely do take hold over my life because I cannot do things because of them

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19 hours ago, Tears of Lys said:

Whoa!  You're right!  

How about flying cockroaches????

I was once a young little thing, on holiday in the sunny climes of Tunisia. As I loved to do, I departed from the mothership and went for an evening stroll around the hotel grounds. Beautiful. A light breeze stirred the trees. It was warm, lovely, peaceful. Oh, what's that? A leaf has blown into my top, I should brush it awa- 



The above is a true re-telljng, and cost me dearly to recall

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7 hours ago, Madame deVenoge said:

I would absolutely nottt go anywhere near climbing on the roof of my house to clean the gutters. I could do most of it standing in a ladder, but there was just one part where my son had to get it because I just couldn’t do it. However, I stood on that 10 foot ladder, so I don’t think it was a fear of heights per se, more like a fear of falling off that roof?

So, I’m right there with you. 

That is a logical fear.  When I was a kid, our nextdoor neighbor, who was an antenna installer (blast from the past there!)  He fell off a roof and broke his back.  

I used to go out with this guy whose parents lived in a 28th-story penthouse.  He regaled me with stories of how he and his brother used to run and throw themselves against the glass in play.  

Uh-uh.  nope.  absolutely not.  no way.  

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3 hours ago, HexMachina said:

I was once a young little thing, on holiday in the sunny climes of Tunisia.

This reminds me when I was in high school, I think 16, we went on a family vacation to Kiawah, SC.  It was only my dad and I at the place we were staying at.  I was..using the restroom, and I looked down and saw the biggest spider I’ve ever seen - still to this day.

Now I’ve always been fine about killing critters.  But with this one, I got up, went to my dad, and was like “that’s all you man.”  He chuckled and was like OK, then went into the bathroom and literally was like “oh fuck!”  We still laugh about it to this day.

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