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>1cm snow expected in uk, whole country to close indefinately!


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gaaah! *passes shot of Springbank* What happened? (other than snow, of course; that goes without saying)

Heavy snowfall on already icy roads, no gritting whatsoever, no council workers and no police. The council was still in "emergency session" as we finally got home.

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To think that all this could have been avoided if only we had our long-promised hover cars.

Oh, the bitter irony! We'll never be able to find them under all this snow, now. Damn you, Hitler!

Stuck at home, again. (yay!) But the snow better bloody melt by Christmas...

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Stuck at home, again. (yay!) But the snow better bloody melt by Christmas...
Are your trains really that fucked that they are not running at all? That's very impressive. Mine didn't stop running at any point, they just became even more rubbish than normal.

We had some more snow last night but it was pathetic compared to the first fall and hasn't made that much difference overall. We're forecast sun and heavy rain before Christmas so I'm thinking it'll all be gone just in time for the big day. Boooo.

ETA: Slick, did you get any snow down there yet? Someone told me they were having a snowball fight in Gloucester last night but I don't believe them.

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More snow last night - we must have had at least a foot over the north downs overall, on top of what fell last week. It looks like Switzerland outside. It was bloody hard work dragging up a hill a load of hay to the ponies last night in the dark. Looks like I'm going no where today - its going to be a full on expedition to go to Waitrose tomorrow with cramp-ons, ice picks, ropes and thermos of hot coffee!

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Depends on what condiments you have available - even the most incompetent employee can be turned into a delicious pulled longpork with star anise and cardamom, but if all you have is a little mustard then intern carpaccio is strongly recommended.

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I'm back at work, though my chances of leaving if we have any more snow are remote. So, my question is, if I have to eat my staff, should I start with the tastiest looking or the ones with the worst performance issues?

My HR magazine this month has a flow chart for this very purpose. In summary, you should amend your normal performance appraisals to include the following categories: 'plump', 'probably self-basting', 'looks a bit gristly', 'has potential to develop (into good soup)'.

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Are your trains really that fucked that they are not running at all? That's very impressive. Mine didn't stop running at any point, they just became even more rubbish than normal.

They've basically cancelled all the usual trains and are running a "special" reduced timetable. But, as I have a laptop at home for work purposes I took an executive decision not to risk it; I'd rather be stuck here on a frustratingly slow machine than sitting on an unheated train in a hedgerow somewhere outside Gatwick, for hours, as is very likely to happen...

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A funny moment from last night. After eventually getting on a bus, the driver spends five bizarre minutes trying to enforce the number of passengers rule. While the bus driver was refusing to leave, someone outside the bus came up to the door as if to ask if she could get on. Everyone on the bus shouts a long 'No!' It pleased my heart that even at a moment of stress and anger people can still enjoy a bit of panto.

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Looks like I'm going no where today - its going to be a full on expedition to go to Waitrose tomorrow with cramp-ons, ice picks, ropes and thermos of hot coffee!

Take some kind of weapon - I managed to acquire the last jar of goose fat at my Waitrose and if I hadn't snaked through a pile up at the bacon section I'd have had to defend my prize against an angry mob wielding bags of trimmed Brussels Sprouts.

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