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Jim Butcher #2 SPOILERS!


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Argh, now I'm going to be obsessively checking to see if it's been dispatched to me until it actually is - and the book depository is down for maintainance. I'm really looking forward to this one. I've managed to avoid all spoilers todate, (if there even are any), and want to see what happens to Harry. As popcorn reading, that's managed to hook me, I don't think there's something as good as Dresden.

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Ha. They just can't seem to figure dates out. Its not like it's the damn metric vs us system. It's all the same fucking date. This is insulting to the fans and to the publisher. Why even set release dates ifthe fucking Europeans are just gonna release the shit when they damn well please?

Eta: cus typing on my iPhone is a bitch.

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Where ever you are in the world you will always find some shops that put the books on the shelves before the actual release date. And all online retailers have to mail the books before the release date if they want them to arrive in time at their customers doors.

My local Waterstones told me that their release date for Ghost Story here in England is the 28th, so I really don't know what you're bitching about.

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I live close to one of the Amazon distribution warehouses...and got mine this morning. After ADWD being the reading slog that it was, I was able to finish Ghost Story in two sittings. Probably not the best use of my time on my day off, but hey. :)

This is a spoiler thread, but I don't want to spoil too much. I will say that this was by far the most character-driven of the Dresden Files series so far; much less plot driven than the previous offerings. There is more internal dialogue on Harry's part (which works 'cause he's a ghost and all). The mystery of who shot him was a bit of an anti-climax IMO. A lot of the speculation over on Butcher's message board was right on the money, which made things somewhat disappointing. Butcher usually makes you think you have things figured out only to twist things at the last minute, but there weren't any of those kinds of surprises this time around.

Mort turned out to be an *awesome* character with a lot more to him than we've seen. There were certain people not around, like Marcone, Gard, Vince Graver, Mac, any of the White Council, any wardens, etc. It was really a whole lot of Harry figuring stuff out.

I'll contribute more as the discussion continues :)

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I've finished Ghost Story as well, and it was basically what I anticipated it would be, especially after reading Aftermath. There weren't many real surprises, but it was an enjoyable read that met my expectations. The book is heavy on the introspection and has a bunch of flashbacks, which makes sense given the circumstances Harry is in. The mystery element in the book isn't particularly strong, but it had some nice character moments. I thought Butcher went a bit over the top with the pop culture/geek references, it had me rolling my eyes at some points.

I found it kind of amusing how Butcher opens up the book apologizing for Ghost Story being a whole 3 months late.

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I thought Butcher went a bit over the top with the pop culture/geek references, it had me rolling my eyes at some points.

I found it kind of amusing how Butcher opens up the book apologizing for Ghost Story being a whole 3 months late.

Yeah, I think there were about triple the usual amount. A great many of them to characters who didn't understand them. Maybe Harry was using it as a defense mechanism, but I still felt like it was a bit of a crutch.

And yeah, 3 months, that's a blink compared to some books *coughADWDcough*

The Flashbacks were interesting, there was one phrase that He-Who-Walks-Behind used that caught my eye:

The unseen presence of the creature came closer. Its voice lowered to a bare, pleased murmur. “Child of the stars. I will destroy you this night.”

"Child of the Stars" I wonder if that refers to the confluence of planetary events that fortells a demon-killer?

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"Child of the Stars" I wonder if that refers to the confluence of planetary events that fortells a demon-killer?

That was my impression as well, that it was related to the circumstances of his birth that Lash mentioned in a previous book. The thing that struck me about that scene was that it felt like He-Who-Walks-Behind was testing Harry, not that he really wanted to kill Dresden. It makes me wonder about He-Who-Walks-Behind's relationship with DuMorne, was he really just summoned as a weapon against Harry?

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That was my impression as well, that it was related to the circumstances of his birth that Lash mentioned in a previous book. The thing that struck me about that scene was that it felt like He-Who-Walks-Behind was testing Harry, not that he really wanted to kill Dresden. It makes me wonder about He-Who-Walks-Behind's relationship with DuMorne, was he really just summoned as a weapon against Harry?

I think Harry's new assessment of HHWB is probably pretty accurate. Instead of being a Black Council tool HHWB is a full fledged member and a part of the inner circle.

I really enjoyed it. I'm still kicking myself for actually figuring out who Harry's killer was. In retrospect the foreshadowing was pretty obvious.

Last chapter spoilers.

I really hope we get to see more of demonreach in the next book. Considering that he was in the graveyard(that was demonreach in the graveyard right?), I think that he has power over a lot more than just the island, even if that power is diminished. Anyway I'm absolutely psyched to see more of Demonreach.

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I think Harry's new assessment of HHWB is probably pretty accurate. Instead of being a Black Council tool HHWB is a full fledged member and a part of the inner circle.

I really enjoyed it. I'm still kicking myself for actually figuring out who Harry's killer was. In retrospect the foreshadowing was pretty obvious.

Last chapter spoilers.

I really hope we get to see more of demonreach in the next book. Considering that he was in the graveyard(that was demonreach in the graveyard right?), I think that he has power over a lot more than just the island, even if that power is diminished. Anyway I'm absolutely psyched to see more of Demonreach.

Yeah, that was Demonreach in the graveyard. I t will be interesting to see what all Harry has gotten himself into being the custodian of demonreach.

I enjoyed Ghost Story a good deal, though it wasn't as good as the previous three or dead beat, it was very solid. I was surprised he managed to pull off making Harry's situation and limitations in the book work so well really.

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