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New Game of Thrones Preview: Chaos


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Yeah, I don't really understand the griping about the lack of a trailer. I'm pretty sure HBO has all kinds of metrics that we don't have that suggest to them that a first trailer a month before the show premieres, as opposed to two months before, is optimal. They've used different approaches each season and are, I expect, refining their approach given their audience and reach.

Agreed, last year, the Seven Devils trailer was a smashing success... over 5 million views I think. The problem is that it came too early, and the next 2 trailers (which many thought were better - not me), had a lot less views, under half a million at best.

This is not a feature film, it's a TV show, one month before the first episode might be perfect.

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Nice teaser!

I agree with others that the Hound being in there is interesting... and how he walks away from the "chaos". And Tyrion's expression at the end is a nice touch.

ETA: Oh, and if we're looking closer at the order, Arya comes after Cersei... :devil:

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Yeah, I don't really understand the griping about the lack of a trailer. I'm pretty sure HBO has all kinds of metrics that we don't have that suggest to them that a first trailer a month before the show premieres, as opposed to two months before, is optimal. They've used different approaches each season and are, I expect, refining their approach given their audience and reach.


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Yeah, I don't really understand the griping about the lack of a trailer. I'm pretty sure HBO has all kinds of metrics that we don't have that suggest to them that a first trailer a month before the show premieres, as opposed to two months before, is optimal. They've used different approaches each season and are, I expect, refining their approach given their audience and reach.

I wonder if it is really HBO and not David Benioff and D. B. Weiss who's hand we see here.

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A very nice teaser. Putting the words against each picture does add another layer. :)

The show doesn't need more hype, so I can see why they'd avoid a trailer. Hit people when you really want to grab their attention (i.e. close to the air-date). Makes sense.

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I wonder if it is really HBO and not David Benioff and D. B. Weiss who's hand we see here.

Yeah, because D&D are gonna' dictate to the executives at HBO how to advertise their own series. I'm sure they're given some input, but if HBO wanted to release a trailer they most certainly would have done so. This place loves a good (bad) conspiracy theory.

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I liked this one too, the raven one kinda made me cringe for some reason. Anyone else think the raven one was lame? I am not trying to be negative, but it did make me cringe.

Yeah, I didn't like the raven one. Not a fan of combining the fantastical with our own world. Just struck me as being odd, not to mention that it did seem to unintentionally imply some sort of weird crossover with our world.

This one I'm fine with, not the most exciting thing, but it does have a nice atmosphere about it. Foreboding.

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If you've never read the books that's about as subtle as it gets...nobody who hasn't read them is making that connection from this teaser...you can also look at it that she appeared right before Joffrey...or is sandwiched between Tyrion and Joffrey...hmmmm

Yes, she's literally in between Joffrey and Tyrion, which makes sense given the goings-on in ASOS.

As for the way Sansa and Joffrey look in the promo, getting all conspiracy theorist up in here:

In the Chaos promo, Sansa's wearing her hair in some kind of bun thing at the back, and although she's worn it half-up/half-down, she's never worn it that way before (with a bun in the back). In the promo, she's also wearing--if you look very closely--the dress she's wearing in that Season 3 production still that is from 3x10: the green/blue one with the "scale" pattern. Her hair is worn differently in the promo than it is in the 3x10 still that was released, but the dress is the same. Now, she doesn't appear to be wearing a hairnet in the shot in question, but if she were wearing a hairnet, it would make sense that she would need a hairstyle with a bun: something to put the hairnet over.

If you look at Joffrey's tunic in the Chaos promo (what we see of it), it's this beautiful red velvet thing. There was a very quick Season 3 footage shot of Joffrey wearing this red velvet tunic in one of the HBO winter promos. It seems pretty fancypants, even for Joffrey. Could this be the outfit Joffrey gets married in?

I'm thinking that if both Sansa's dress and Joffrey's fancy wedding outfit are in the promo, then there's a good chance they're from the same episode.

Purple Wedding in Season 3, y/n?

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