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Help! My cat is a sex addict!


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I'm disturbed by how many people are interested in filming the broccoli rape.

Although I always knew you were a bunch of closet furries.

You didn't laugh out loud when Kalbear suggested to have Gangnam Style playing during the video? I knew you were strong, Eponine, but now I appreciate just how strong you are.

I feel shame for my weakness but I would watch that and laugh.

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I'm disturbed by how many people are interested in filming the broccoli rape.

Although I always knew you were a bunch of closet furries.

can you imagine how many "like" you would get on Facebook with such a film? :D

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Although I always knew you were a bunch of closet furries.

I think we've been out of the closet for some time. I also think our coming out happened roughly when this thread was started.



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No matter how many similar tales I will hear from now to the time of my retirement, I will always consider Muppet a unique pervert! Especially with the plushieveggiephilia thing.

My favorite part of this thread is now boarders are looking at their cats more closely and the amount of hidden masturbation appears prodigious. I mean, how many months has Minaku's cat been pounding the panda with no one the wiser??

We knew that Mr. Grim loved soft, fuzzy textures - he's had cat beds before that were plush and fuzzy, and uh, he'd get himself off on them. We haven't had those beds around for a while because of the other cat's tendency to projectile vomit on everything Mr. Grim loves (Pooka is a right bitch). So we kind of forgot about his deviancy until Schnee caught Mr. Grim in flagrante delicto.

Now every time I see Mr. Grim on Rowan's bed, I'm instantly suspicious. Doesn't help that Pooka jumped up there tonight and sniffed Rowan's other stuffed bear, named Nightmare, and then gave me a long, searching look. Mr. Grims has had his way with Nightmare before. I am considering putting the stuffed animals under a penis-proof tarp during the daytime. Ain't nobody got time to wash schmutz off of stuffed animals constantly.

The hilarious part of this situation is that Misters does have a large stuffed rat from IKEA, but aside from the crinkly noise that the long tag makes when I swish the rat's tail, he has no interest in it. I've seen him dragging it around before but it was more of a "recent kill" kind of drag rather than a "Ima fuck this" kind of drag.

I will blame this behavior on the toxins that Misters' kidneys aren't filtering out. Or something.

My image of Mr. Grim is shattered. I believed him far more dignified than this.

Mr. Grim - I name thee imposter.

We thought he was dignified. Then the other day I woke up with him next to me. I gave him a pat or two on the head. He showed me his junk and began cleaning it.


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I had a dog with a 'girlfriend'. It started out as a faux sheepskin throw, it ended up as many tiny swatches of fleece strewn about. Gus liked the rough stuff, apparently.

This thread is so god-damned sigable. Head exploding from the awesome.

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My favorite part of this thread is now boarders are looking at their cats more closely and the amount of hidden masturbation appears prodigious. I mean, how many months has Minaku's cat been pounding the panda with no one the wiser??

I strongly dislike this sentence. And everything it implies.

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You pervs have convinced me. I'm actually going to try to capture the little monster on video. While quite witty, I don't really like the rape reference in The Great Muppet Raper. Any ideas for a more appropriate title to the video?

Muppet Does Broccoli.

Carrot Love.

Hot Veggie Love VII

Produce Produces Love.

My Big Cat Greek Humping.

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You pervs have convinced me. I'm actually going to try to capture the little monster on video. While quite witty, I don't really like the rape reference in The Great Muppet Raper. Any ideas for a more appropriate title to the video?

Muppet Does Broccoli.

Carrot Love.

Hot Veggie Love VII

Produce Produces Love.

My Big Cat Greek Humping.

Frisky Feline: Produce Gone Wild

The Cat Who Mounts the World

Barbed Penis: One Thrust Too Far

Horticultural Humping X

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*stifles laughter* Must...not...think..

Well, when the success of the video spawns it's own plushie merchandising/neutering program... "Curb your animal urges: discover your vegetable urges"

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