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The horrors of Nuttella and the Power of Purchase


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The other day, I was at the grocery store with a friend. I was doing some general shopping and went to pick out a peanut butter. Now, I am pretty old school with my selection here. I like my Peter Pan extra crunchy. As I was reaching down to pick it up off the shelf, my friend stopped me and asked me if I had ever tried Nuttella. She was quite persuasive and promised me that it was incredible, so I spent twice as much money to get half of the product.

Let me tell you this. A peanut butter and Jelly sandwich made with this stuff tastes like you are snorting raw sugar through a straw. It is terrible. I only spent $9 on this, but it may be the single worst purchase I have made in the last couple of years.

Inversely, I bought a Nook Color a couple of years ago. I spent $200 on it. I use this piece of technology more than anything in my life. More than my laptop, more than my phone, and more than my TV. It is probably the best purchase that I have made in years.

So... Here is the thread... What are your best and worst purchases over the last couple of years?

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I'll just say that you're using Nutella wrong. It's not really a substitute for peanut butter. But if you spread a little on a piece of toast or crackers, it's pretty tasty. You can't use as much of it as you do peanut butter though, because it really is quite rich. I guess that's why the jars of it are generally smaller?

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Hahahahaha, you bought Nutella thinking it was peanut butter??

That shit is chocolate spread, man. Treat it as such and enjoy accordingly. It is awesome on croissants.

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If it is a large, chain grocery store, you should return the product for a refund. When they ask you what was wrong with it, tell them it was terrible. They'll give you your money back.

Or else make your friend give you $9.

Or do both, and it will become the best purchase of your life.

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Dude, Nuttella is like legal crack in a jar.

Worst purchase: one of those nappy bins that cost about £15 and I've used about five times.

Best purchase: china glaze fast dry top coat. Manicures now take no time at all. Approx £7


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Last time I had Nutella was in Italy when I was 7-years-old. But yeah, really agree with everyone else, it's not meant to be substituted for peanut butter and really not meant to be mixed with jelly.

Even though it was a long time ago I remember I liked the Nuttella sandwich well enough, but NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING can compare with the awesomeness that is Peanut Butter. Peter Pan is a great brand too, something else I remember as a kid, a commercial jingle: "Picky people pick Peter Pan Peanut Butter, it's the peanut butter picky people pick!"

But it comes in second to Jif and I like smooth and creamy over crunchy.

Best purchase over the last few years? Probably my Nintendo Wii. I hadn't bought a video game console since the Nintendo 64. I still haven't played any of the actual Wii games, but I love it for all the streaming channels I get now on my TV. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Youtube. Plus the old console games I can download on it. I play Military Madness on it all the time. I use the Wii every day and love it!

Worst purchase: I know what it is and it was a major folly on my part, but I ain't saying more.

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Worst purchase: I know what it is and it was a major folly on my part, but I ain't saying more.

Mail-order donkey-bride? Don't worry, drawk, you're not the only one to be fooled by that clever bit of marketing!

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I am alarmed to find that Nutella will now need to come with an instruction manual in some regions of North America.

Off the top of my head, my most recent purchase: Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing and Health Professions 9th Edition was superbly timed and came in rather handy for my exam this morning.

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I like to split a Portuguese muffin in half, toast the halves, spread Nutella on one side, peanut butter on the other, and put the halves back together. Heavenly.

I find the Boloco chain to offer generally poor food but I really enjoy their Nutella milkshake with strawberries. I would drink that if it was pouring down the crack of Satan's ass.

HP, I am sorry your recent purchases thread became a Nutella thread. You clearly underestimated the cultural power of Nutella. ;)

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Nine dollars for a jar of Nutella? Is that standard? Coz I love Nutella but if I was paying six pound for a jar I'd want a pretty fucking big jar.

Worst purchase; I dunno. I accidentally bought the wrong version of Conan the other day. Not even the shitty version last year, some completely unrelated thing I've never heard of. I was in a hurry but browsing HMV's closing down sale and though hey, I've never seen Conan, I'll grab that.

Only a fiver though...

Best purchase; prolly my laptop. Served me well down the years, hasn't broken when my siblings' newer, better, ones have, when I've spilt tea on it it only got in the keyboard and I could change that myself, as opposed to sending it off for hundred-pound repairs like other laptops I've spilt tea on have had to, and I got a fairly hefty discount because they went over the guaranteed delivery time.

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Nutella does not work like peanut butter or cream cheese. The amount of enjoyment you get is not proportional to the thickness of the spread. Go easy on the Nutella, man.

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Nutella does not work like peanut butter or cream cheese. The amount of enjoyment you get is not proportional to the thickness of the spread. Go easy on the Nutella, man.

That is Vegimite or Marmite. Nutella can be used with as thick a spread as anything else spreadable, just the joy :)

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