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Jackson vs Lincoln


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Well, Lincoln fought a war to preserve the union and end slavery as an American practice. On the other hand, Jackson beat the shit out of a would-be assassin with a walking stick, which is probably the best Presidential anecdote.

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Michael Jackson was the first Democrat? That would explain a lot, but judging by the other comments his childhood was plainly even more troubled than I had imagined. Small wonder he turned out so crazy in the end.

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I have no idea but I was recently in the park and a mom called "Jackson! Lincoln! It's time to go!" I wondered what her other children might be named. Carter? Madison? Fillmore?

Probably not Fillmore, but Carter, Kennedy, Reagan, McKinley, and Truman have all had upswings as given names in the USA recently. Plus Nixon is, believe it or not, popular for boys born in Utah.

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He killed more Americans then anybody and suspended Habeas corpus.

Jackson has his major flaws like Abe, but he spread democracy to all the working stiffs

Apparently actual genocide is better than killing people because they attacked you. Though I guess that's only true if the people being killed are American.

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He killed more Americans then anybody and suspended Habeas corpus.

Jackson has his major flaws like Abe, but he spread democracy to all the working stiffs

Generally warmonger is used to describe someone who starts a war, not someone who tries to win it once it is thrust upon him. The word for that is "leader".

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