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About DanteGabriel

  • Birthday May 16

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  • organically diverse liberal sea lion
  • Gender
  • Location
    Boston, MA
  • Interests
    Game design, video games, literature, illustration, construction of fictional worlds, Jane's Addiction, Transmetropolitan, Alan Moore, Hunter S. Thompson, Neal Stephenson, Terry Pratchett, NFL football, Dunhills, good whisky, doomed nobility, dirty politics, dynastic squabbling, filthy lucre

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  1. Money was pretty tight for the first few years my family was in the US, and sometimes dinner would be a can of pork 'n beans and a pot of rice. I am not a fan of pork 'n beans to this day.
  2. Politics doesn't attract the best grown-ups, though, does it? Your current government couldn't get one soul into heaven if they pooled all their good deeds together (not that those abysmal shitheels could actually pool something together). So why not put some faith in young, energetic people who might actually believe in public service?
  3. By vindicated I just mean "were proven right that the thing they were against was bad" -- so those protesters against the invasion of Iraq were absolutely correct, about the phony justifications for war, the intentions of Bush's government, and their incompetence in managing everything after. That said, the rest of your examples don't really apply, because I am not making an argument about how effective their protests were. The righteousness of a cause doesn't really seem to have much impact on its success. If you are doing something bad enough to inspire widespread student protests, you are probably going to be known as an asshole in fifty years.
  4. I fear this is inevitable. Plutocrats are busily chipping away at the New Deal, instituted through quasi-legal strong-arming by Frankin Roosevelt -- himself a plutocrat who didn't want to end up like the Romanovs. A while ago in the writers' strike thread, I suggested beating a few billionaires to death in public as a lesson to greedheads, then said I was 80% joking. The percentage keeps dropping...
  5. That's what I hear about every protest movement. Black Lives Matter perhaps most recently. If CNN is showing a visceral disgust for them, while still trying to keep a straight face about Trump and the Republican Party's descent into the cult of Fascist McJesus, that's probably solid justification to nuke CNN from orbit. Can anyone cite of a student protest movement that was NOT vindicated by history?
  6. Fair. Let's cut to the chase - I wish more Americans were as just and kind as our PR says.
  7. I'd also argue that the '72 election shaped a couple generations of Democratic electoral strategists, as they've never run anyone anywhere near as liberal as McGovern since. Not saying they made the right choice, especially over time, as I've also been frustrated by their predilection to "centrists" and it's contributed to the party's rightward, corporate drift. I wish there was a way to destroy the "liberal is a dirty word" paradigm that has gripped this country for over 50 years.
  8. This will be tough for HoI to parse since he thinks "Racism is part of the negative reaction to Meghan Markle" is equivalent to "Racism is the only reason for the negative reaction to Meghan Markle."
  9. Ye gods it's so fucking ugly. So funnily enough I drove a Tesla for a few days last week. My car was in the shop and we went for a rental. EVs were actually the cheapest rentals available. Later on the rental dude (Hertz) told us that they were abandoning EVs because the replacement parts were so delayed. Anyway, I actually rented a Bolt but they only had a Tesla Model 3 available. I didn't like it. Interior felt cheap and rickety. There was persistent noise leakage behind my ear like a hissing 8-track (hi, I'm old). I hated the fucking touchscreen being in charge of pretty much every car function except lights and shifting. I hated the stupid fucking flush door handles. Acceleration was nice, I'll give them that, and acceleration is important to me (I've rejected prospective cars I otherwise liked in the past because they were so anemic). At times I really wanted to rip into some curves, but I had groceries sliding around in the back. It took some adjustment to the fact that the car would pretty much brake if I let off the gas. The brake pedal was almost superfluous. So I continue to feel confident in our "not a Tesla" policy for Mrs Gabriel's next car. We're thinking a Hyundai or Kia at this point. Probably can't wait until the VW electric bus comes out (maybe I'll get one after I've driven my current car into the ground).
  10. Come now. Ideology taking over science in medicine is nothing new. You're just alarmed because you feel it's "woke" ideology. Just like the age-old practice of social ostracism and "cancellation" suddenly became a major problem because it started to affect people with views you sympathized with.
  11. Amazing, her reign wasn't even long enough to trace the second lightning bolt in the SS symbol.
  12. It seems her previous book, "How We Fucked Britain in 10 Years" didn't sell so well.
  13. I assume that when the pandemic came around, he used his vast powers of research and deduction, snorted powdered anal polyps to avoid Covid, and got called home.
  14. This is definitely true of my chili and pasta fagioli (though the latter congeals into casserole rather than a soup after more than a couple of hours anyway).
  15. Surely somewhere out there, Meghan Markle has been furiously washing her hands and muttering, "Out, out, damn spot..."
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