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Bakker XXV: A Few Questions


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We know the gods exist. Whether demons or large ciphrang as the Cish suggest, or the hundred as the inrithi viewed them. Now metaphysics aside, we know communicate with people and can "try" to shape events.

My question is based on the fact that kellhus knows they are against him. Why? Is it because kellhus grasping the absolute and becoming the god of gods renders them moot. Or that they will be shut out when he reaches the absolute. Therefore, in theory his goals align with the consult regardless if he has accepted this or not.

I'm really starting to believe that why he is mad, is because the TTT can lead him to the absolute. Although it can't show him the effects of what reaching the absolute will actually mean. Whether he is the god of gods or basically the no-god reincarnate.

I got a itchy feeling its the latter. And, this 3rd series yet to be named is going to be the "true" 2nd apocalypse.

ETA: correct me if I'm wrong, but when akka has the dream whenbking celmommas give his prophecy of the return of one if his kin at the end of the world, it never stated that that kin will be a savior is it? I don't think so only that one will return. I take it the mandate just believes he will save the world. Maybe their wrong and they'll have to save the world from him.

Can someone give me your thoughts on my questions? Seems like the heart in butt is at a end,Lol. Thanks

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My question is based on the fact that kellhus knows they are against him. Why? Is it because kellhus grasping the absolute and becoming the god of gods renders them moot. Or that they will be shut out when he reaches the absolute. Therefore, in theory his goals align with the consult regardless if he has accepted this or not.
There's a third option that you're missing - that Kellhus is a lying liar who lies. He is a false prophet. The gods might not care at all about his goals - only that he seeks to blind people to the truth (or their desired version of it).

Note that it isn't clear that all the gods are against Kellhus. Yatwer is the only one we know of that is explicitly fighting him - and Yatwer is apparently doing so not because of Kellhus' goals but because he is upsetting the power of Yatwer.

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You're right, he just says 'an Anasurimbor will return at the end of the world'.

It's odd that the Mandate have built it up so much considering he also says "My son....he says such sweet things to comfort me...". So even if (big if) these aren't the delirious ravings of a dying man and Nau Cayuti really is speaking to him, Celmomas himself thinks it's just to comfort him.

As to the rest of your post, as with so much of tSA, we just don't have enough to go on. Any given theory about Kellhus must point to evidence, and everything he says is subject to the triple pronged theory-killer: he might be telling the truth, he might be lying, or he might be mad. So we don't know he ever believed himself holy, we don't know if he thinks the Gods are against him now. It could simply be what Kellhus wanted everyone else to think, because that makes it easier to achieve some entirely different goal.

The only thing we can rely on is that he believes the No-God speaks to him, as we see his internal thoughts on the matter. IIRC, we never see his thoughts on any Gods be they for or against. And I really don't know what to make of the No-God speaking to him.

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So even if (big if) these aren't the delirious ravings of a dying man and Nau Cayuti really is speaking to him, Celmomas himself thinks it's just to comfort him.

Unless Nau-Cayuti was saying things like "What do you see?" and Celmomas mistook it for "One of your seed", and then filled in the rest.

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Unless Nau-Cayuti was saying things like "What do you see?" and Celmomas mistook it for "One of your seed", and then filled in the rest.



One piece of evidence we should not discount when it comes to the halos:

The halos everyone sees around Kellhus are Golden.

The halo Mimara sees around herself with the Judging eye is Silver

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Very quiet on the release date front again. Scott said a month back that he estimated two more weeks of work, but no word since.

Overlook's schedule has gone up until December and TUC is not on it. Looking more and more like it will be another year without TUC. It'll be 4 years since WOW was released. I remember the optimism at the time that TUC would come out soon because a good deal had been written already, back-to-back with WLW.

I'm thinking early 2015 is the best bet at this point, but I'm willing to be surprised.

At this point I sort of understand the desire to make it as good as it can be. The core fans aren't going to drop the series because of 6-12 months of more wait time, and hitting it out of the park with critics is more likely to bring in new fans.

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I'm greatly amused by the fact that we've run this so far into the ground that we can't even tell when we're serious or not.

I think it's better for all concerned that we don't come to a determination on the issue. The way I see it, many will be shocked at just how serious some posters are when it comes to the subject of Kellhus' anal cavity, where at the moment they assume it all a joke.

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The heart in the ass is essentially a perfect example of Schrodinger's butthole. Unless it is revealed directly by the author we cannot tell with absolute certainty both the position and momentum of the heart and where precisely it is in Kellhus' ass.

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Kalbear, thanks. He could truly be mad and completely full of shit. But, I go back to the celmomas prophecy. Its never stated what said kin will do. But, we know its a huge burden on seswatha, celmommas says so. I think the mandate got it confused. Kellhus us gonna wreck shit. Til yatwer or mirmara intervenes.

I think kellhus knows it too. Hence the proyas fireside talks. I don't think crazy is really it. He is obsessed with the TTT, and he will reach the absolute. He just ain't got a clue what happens after.

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You're right, he just says 'an Anasurimbor will return at the end of the world'.

It's odd that the Mandate have built it up so much considering he also says "My son....he says such sweet things to comfort me...". So even if (big if) these aren't the delirious ravings of a dying man and Nau Cayuti really is speaking to him, Celmomas himself thinks it's just to comfort him.

As to the rest of your post, as with so much of tSA, we just don't have enough to go on. Any given theory about Kellhus must point to evidence, and everything he says is subject to the triple pronged theory-killer: he might be telling the truth, he might be lying, or he might be mad. So we don't know he ever believed himself holy, we don't know if he thinks the Gods are against him now. It could simply be what Kellhus wanted everyone else to think, because that makes it easier to achieve some entirely different goal.

The only thing we can rely on is that he believes the No-God speaks to him, as we see his internal thoughts on the matter. IIRC, we never see his thoughts on any Gods be they for or against. And I really don't know what to make of the No-God speaking to him.

That's why I'm saying the mandate got it wrong. He speaks to the no-god. I think he heading to consult views. I believe he thinks the no-god is something to obtain the absolute.

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Even if the heart was in his butt, a miracle was performed to light it on fire. Unless Kellhus took the precaution of keeping some volatile chemicals in there as well, which I suppose we can't rule out :-/

no need. His followers cut him down and gave him a blanket for cover. Could have slipped him fuel and spark then. ;)
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Man, I just saw a thread on general chat that was mis-posted asking about spoiler policy, and for some reason my mind went to "So long as there are men there are spoilers!" "No, only so long as men are deceived." For some reason I found such a dialogue hilarious.

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I think Kellhus really believes he is a prophet - whether that posits a truth or not I do not know. I also think he is mad aand went mad during circumfixion but I am getting through TWP so I may change my opinion on a re-read when I get there.

I cannot eplain the halos other than either some mass hypnosis, Kellhus bending the Onta to his will somehow or some Psukhe-like trick. Either Mundane or Sorcerous. Even if the halos are mundane and some clever invention of Kellhus does this denounce him as a prophet? Are they exclusive?

I have read that only prophets can heal and so because Kellhus has not healed he is not a prophet. If he ripped his own heart from his chest and still lives and breathes he must have healed his own body so that argument is counter-intuitive.

I have absolutely no idea and neither does anyone else because Bakker is a big git and is purposefully ambiguous and vague and I am sure TUC is going to throw a big curveball.

I saw TUC listed as for sale on a reputable book site as July - I cant find the link now but ill keep looking. I dont mind if he takes his time with it and we have to wait to 2015 as I have plenty of other books to get through after a re-read of these.

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Scott just posted this on his blog,

My agent has the book, and I’m having several copies of the manuscript printed up and bound to distribute to some keen-eyed friends today. That’s as much as I can say detail-wise, at the moment. As soon as my publishers and my agent and I have the details hashed out I will post them here post-haste.

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