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Breastfeeding in public, why do people still freak out about this?

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Leap to make sure we are all on the same page, I don't think you are anywhere saying that a woman who has chosen to breastfeed shouldn't have the right to feed her child in public usin her chosen delivery system. Instead I read you as saying people's discomfort might be explained by the fact that an organ that is sexualized whether rightly or wrongly is being exposed. Is that correct? If so maybe let's just all Agee to drop the peeing analogy and move on?

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I think it's problematic that people are uncomfortable just because something might be used for sex. I mean, any time you shake someone's hand they could've used that to masturbate with that morning. Not to be grotesque, but taken to a logical conclusion a person could go nuts worrying about this.

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I think it's problematic that people are uncomfortable just because something might be used for sex. I mean, any time you shake someone's hand they could've used that to masturbate with that morning. Not to be grotesque, but taken to a logical conclusion a person could go nuts worrying about this.

I really wanted to make a joke about masturbation and going nuts but I couldn't think of a good one. Maybe that's for the best.

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Why does the purpose of the liquid matter? They're both necessary, natural functions. Why is anyone who feels uncomfortable at both ostracised? As I, and others, have said - it is the nudity that could make people uncomfortable. Not the baby or the bottle.

I wonder though if you are as uncomfortable around people in bathing suits? What about women in low cut shirts? Would you avoid seeing a movie in the theater if you knew there'd be nudity? Are you equally offended if a man is walking around shirtless?

If a woman is breastfeeding then there is the head of a baby attached to said breast, showing less than most bikini tops. Sure, there may be the flash of a nipple between pulling the shirt/bra down and the baby latching on, but that time is usually brief and not something you'd typically see unless the woman feeding was in very close proximity to you or you were really paying attention.

The human body is very clinical to me and I've seen lots of nakedness, so a bare breast would barely make a blip on my radar. As such, I'm genuinely curious and not trying to pick on you or anyone else.

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Just like peeing in a bottle and breastfeeding would be a bad example if you ignored the fact that both breast and penis are perceived as sexual, and therefore the cause of discomfort.

It's not the penis that makes me uncomfortable, it's the piss. It's a waste product and I don't want to see it happening generally, I don't care if it's coming out of a penis or a vagina. You can then try and make a dumb analogy that being bothered by waste product is the same as being bothered by seeing a body part, or food. It's just as stupid as this analogy was in the first place, but regardless it doesn't alter that you are just assuming that peoples issue is the body part, not the function being performed. I'm pretty uncomfortable with someone vomiting too, and that sure as fuck aint because it's coming out of their mouth and that's sexualised.

Speaking of the mouth, there is an example of a body part that people have no trouble accepting holds multiple roles one of which is sexualised. Do the same fucking thing with breasts (and genitals for that matter...the penis even comes with a handy alerting system for whether it's being used in a sexual role or not for the vast majority of them).

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It's not the penis that makes me uncomfortable, it's the piss. It's a waste product and I don't want to see it happening generally, I don't care if it's coming out of a penis or a vagina. You can then try and make a dumb analogy that being bothered by waste product is the same as being bothered by seeing a body part, or food. It's just as stupid as this analogy was in the first place, but regardless it doesn't alter that you are just assuming that peoples issue is the body part, not the function being performed. I'm pretty uncomfortable with someone vomiting too, and that sure as fuck aint because it's coming out of their mouth and that's sexualised.

Speaking of the mouth, there is an example of a body part that people have no trouble accepting holds multiple roles one of which is sexualised. Do the same fucking thing with breasts (and genitals for that matter...the penis even comes with a handy alerting system for whether it's being used in a sexual role or not for the vast majority of them).

Except the mouth doesn't work that way in our society. It's out there all the time and serves many, many roles.

Breasts are almost entirely about sexuality in our society. It's the way we treat them and it's not exactly new. (though of course you can disagree with that treatment being the right way to look at them) And we keep sexuality rather private in many ways.

Breasts mostly only come out in public view (fully or partially) for 2 situations: titillation and breast-feeding. And more the former then the latter by alot. So if ya whip a breast out in public to feed a baby, people are gonna be kinda looking away slightly uncomfortably alot of the time cause it's a situation they aren't used to dealing with involving a sexualized part of the body.

The same way whipping your dick out to piss or take a shower in a locker room or something will get alot of "I'm deliberately avoiding looking at your junk" reactions. Cause that's another part of that body that is considered private.

Doesn't mean women shouldn't be doing it if the baby needs feeding. Just, you know, you can't whip out a private, sexually-associated part of the body out in public and not expect that some people are gonna shuffle a bit uncomfortably over the whole thing.

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I thought the whole reason the story blew up was because she did it at a graduation ceremony, in cap and gown, among all the other graduates.

Personally, I don't give a shit. It does make me curious if the breast feeding activists would stipulate any time or place in which it would be inappropriate to care for a child in this way.

How about on a job interview? How about at a press conference?

At the graduation ceremony, would it also be appropriate to finish off the meal by changing a diaper?

Is it necessary to take an extremist position in order to avoid inconsistency or further the cause of greater breast feeding acceptance?

Also, I think it is silly to suggest that a breast should become instantly and totally non-sexual when it is performing its primary function. Doesn't that suggest that a mother should not be viewed as a sexual being? Is that what we want?

Don't get me wrong, I cherish the fantasy of having the control to become instantly asexual to others but I acknowledge it as a fantasy. Also, I only recently became aware of this. It leaves me speechless. I'm sure that it ties in with the whole controversy but I can't articulate it.

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In this day and age, where breast pumps are readily available, a woman can express milk for her child if they are going out. There's little need to breast feed in public.

Let me assist you with your ignorance. There are limitations to the storage and "shelf-life" of expressed milk. If you freeze your expressed milk, you don't always have facilities to warm the milk when your baby needs it. Not all babies can drink out of a bottle, particularly ones that are used to drinking from the breast. Some babies also need the proximity of breastfeeding to fall asleep when sleepy and hungry at the same time.

I'm guessing you don't have children, because the advantages of breastfeeding in terms of availability, portability and comfort for the baby are unmatched.

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The next time I see a woman breastfeeding her baby I'm going to stare at her breasts until she's the one made uncomfortable then she'll know what other people feel.

I'm sure if I had a kid and saw my wife breastfeeding I'd get used to it but seeing other people breastfeeding with their babies is just plain disgusting to watch IMO. I know it's natural and all. And I know what people are going to say. "It's your problem then if you find it disgusting don't watch or turn the other way or whatever" Well what if I'm on a bus and a woman starts breastfeeding right in front of me. Why do I have to be subjected to that ? I don't need to see a woman's boobs in public and them being sucked on by a baby. Go to a bathroom or something. IMO it would be stupid to have a law that prevented it but there are unwritten rules in life and that should be one of them. Please ladies just be considerate to others.

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I'm sure if I had a kid and saw my wife breastfeeding I'd get used to it but seeing other people breastfeeding with their babies is just plain disgusting to watch IMO. I know it's natural and all. And I know what people are going to say. "It's your problem then if you find it disgusting don't watch or turn the other way or whatever" Well what if I'm on a bus and a woman starts breastfeeding right in front of me. Why do I have to be subjected to that ? I don't need to see a woman's boobs in public and them being sucked on by a baby. Go to a bathroom or something. IMO it would be stupid to have a law that prevented it but there are unwritten rules in life and that should be one of them. Please ladies just be considerate to others.

I'm hoping against hope that this is meant to be some kind of joke. Because otherwise it's grotesque.

The bolded bit - on a bus?

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The next time I see a woman breastfeeding her baby I'm going to stare at her breasts until she's the one made uncomfortable then she'll know what other people feel.

I'm sure if I had a kid and saw my wife breastfeeding I'd get used to it but seeing other people breastfeeding with their babies is just plain disgusting to watch IMO. I know it's natural and all. And I know what people are going to say. "It's your problem then if you find it disgusting don't watch or turn the other way or whatever" Well what if I'm on a bus and a woman starts breastfeeding right in front of me. Why do I have to be subjected to that ? I don't need to see a woman's boobs in public and them being sucked on by a baby. Go to a bathroom or something. IMO it would be stupid to have a law that prevented it but there are unwritten rules in life and that should be one of them. Please ladies just be considerate to others.

Poor you :(

All those mothers needing to feed their babies are SO inconsiderate, I agree - subjecting you to a slight flash of nipple or breast until their babies start their gross...feeding process...why can't those babies just wait a couple hours until she gets home!?! Why are they so greedy??? She has no respect for herself...showing off her breasts in public. Let's make women cover up their ankles too, those used to be off limits from male eyes. It's only decent!! And it will make ME happy!!

Um, no. How many times do you really see a breastfeeding woman a day? How long does this ORDEAL really last for you?? You'll forget about your discomfort a little while after its over. You're not being fucking traumatised here.

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Let me assist you with your ignorance. There are limitations to the storage and "shelf-life" of expressed milk. If you freeze your expressed milk, you don't always have facilities to warm the milk when your baby needs it.

I didn't remember this being the case with my daughter. She's now a year and a half, so that wasn't long ago when we would bring frozen expressed milk on trips. When she'd get hungry, we'd put the frozen milk in a container of lukewarm/tap water and it should be ready to drink in maybe 10 minutes. It doesn't have to be warm... cool is okay... just not cold and just without any frozen bits remaining.
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It honestly depends on the setting, I think if there's a lot of adults and little to no children around breastfeeding is fine, but you shouldn't be at Chuckie Cheese breastfeeding or any shit like that

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Oh yeah but doing it in front of others is okay. I'm also giggling right now writing this because this is a hysterical joke that I think is funny.

Don't worry, we'll just sit next to you on the bus with a screaming hungry infant instead. A great improvement.

Are you laughing yet?

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I realize that breastfeeding is a wonderful, natural act. But at the same time, I can also see where people are coming from when they say that such a thing can be considered inappropriate.

If done discreetly, there should be nothing wrong with it being done in public.

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I was banished to the bathroom of my former workplace to pump milk for my newborn...they added a chair and a nightstand to the last stall to make it feel 'nicer' (than sitting on the toilet, that is).

That's awful.

It should be a law to make companies dedicate a room in the workplace for mom's who need to express milk for their newborns, and keep it hygenic.

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It honestly depends on the setting, I think if there's a lot of adults and little to no children around breastfeeding is fine, but you shouldn't be at Chuckie Cheese breastfeeding or any shit like that

why? My sis in law got mad at me for bf coz her then 4 yr old daughter bf her baby dolls and said she was feeding her babies just like aunty Pip. I thought that was cute. sis in law did not. And I'm not sure why if I'm honest with you. She bf both of her babies and her daughter watched her bf so why was I not ok? This is a genuine question though I don't understand why bf is not acceptable in front of children? How else is it meant to be seen as "normal" and acceptable if we are never exposed to it until we are old enough to sexualise boobs?

I understand why some people are uncomfortable around it, but if you state your discomfort to the bf mother you are being insensitive to her and her child. It is natural and I think beautiful (but I'm aware many don't feel as passionately about this as me). Whether a mum chooses to breast or bottle feed I'm all for it and I think society should be too. Being a mum is hard enough without worrying about others discomfort as well. I'm very sorry if my bf in public has offended or made anyone uncomfortable but at the end of the day I did what suited me and my baby at the time and I'm proud of that. Think what you want about bf in public but I'm glad I haven't met any opposition in the general public and I think I'm very lucky not to of. I just hope many mothers feel as comfortable with any choice they make as I have.

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