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Are selfie sticks tacky ?


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So would I. Doesn't make compliments on your looks inherently bad.

It's not but

1) My looks will fade with age and I really don't want to get into any habit of relying on them to feel good about myself. A little pick me up on a rare ocassion is fine. Really, I get enough affirmation about my beauty from my hubs. I see it in the way he looks at me and I know he is seeing more than just my outer shell. That too me is all I want.

2) As a woman, I really do try to get away from the idea that our worth is tied to our looks. I just don't want to participate in it.

ETA: Jax :kiss:

ETA2: Been thinking more about this so before anyone scoffs at me thinking, "Everyone feels good when they feel they are looking particularly kickass somedays. Don't act like you're all austere and shit." And this is right, I do like how I feel when I feel I'm looking particularly kick ass somedays.

And some days I just don't give a shit. I am just personally cognizant that if I get too hung up on my looks (I am vain), I am in for a world of hurt as they start to go. So I'm preparing myself to not hang my self confidence on my appearance.

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i like knowing which makeup and hair looks best on me.

Yes, but you can judge that even if you have a photo on your camera/photo/computer/paper, you do not have to share them on fb or wherever, right?

I am not trying to pick an argument with you, I am just trying to understand why taking a picture must necessarily be connected with showing it to a bunch of other people these days.

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I get why people find selfies annoying, I know some people that all they post are selfies,

However, as much as I find selfie sticks embarrassing and tacky, I do slightly wish I could use one; there have been so many times that me and my boyfriend want to get a nice quality, decent photo of ourselves together, usually in the kind of places you'd want to have a selfie together, like in a memorable place or on holiday or something.

I'm not a very social butterfly so I find it hard to pluck up the courage and ask a stranger to take a photo of us together. Plus the front camera's on iPhones are shitty quality.

But saying all this, I saw a couple using a selfie stick last week and it just really made me cringe, I thought it looked so stupid, they were posing and ahh it just all looked very silly.

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  • 1 month later...

How does it come back at the end?!?!! What if it develops consciousness and flies away!?!

I think there is supposed to be some sort of controller. Though it could also be controlled with a chip inserted in the brains.

I'm just picturing a thousand mini drones flying around Times Square during high tourist season.

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I think there is supposed to be some sort of controller. Though it could also be controlled with a chip inserted in the brains.

I'm just picturing a thousand mini drones flying around Times Square during high tourist season.

We are living in the future :uhoh: :uhoh:

I was hoping it would return to them at 600mph, through their skulls.

This was also one of my concerns. Not hopes though.

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I think it's just one of those generational things that's basically an uninformed instinct confirmed within the generation without wondering why.

As a generation X-er I find selfies, and everything to do with them tacky; this is pure opinion. I instinctively feel that they demonstrate narcicism/vanity etc (or at least, the posting of selfies on social media); but this is uninformed instinct.

Equally, the baby-boomers considered the Gen-X "habits" of apathy, swearing and slovenly clothing (etc) to be tacky; and to indicate poorly developed social skills (caused by those cursed computer thingamajigs); poor language skills (caused by poor social skills) and generalised laziness (caused by the apathy).

They were perfectly entitled to think us tacky; and I was probably as offended by the other accusations that went with that assumption as the millenials are with the accusations associated with thinking that selfies are tacky.

Thinking, or saying that something is tacky is fine, it's entirely subjective, and doesn't really need to be defended. Extrapolating personality flaws from that is missing the point, wrong-headed and no-one's Fing business.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There are so many people who deserve to be tied to rockets and fired into the Sun, there just aren't enough rockets...

Why? Is a selfie at a disaster site so much more horrible because it happened with a stick? Or is a selfie at a disaster site just so much more horrible than standard media disaster porn? Either way, does it really warrant space death?

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Why? Is a selfie at a disaster site so much more horrible because it happened with a stick? Or is a selfie at a disaster site just so much more horrible than standard media disaster porn? Either way, does it really warrant space death?

A selfie at a disaster site is horrible whether it happened with a stick or not. Not sure why you are trying to make a distinction.

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A selfie at a disaster site is horrible whether it happened with a stick or not. Not sure why you are trying to make a distinction.

Because it's a thread about selfie sticks, and the poster I replied to wasn't clear what he was responding to. The whole thread is asking whether a selfie is more tacky when it's done with a stick.

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There's a world of difference between memorializing a disaster site - this photo shows what awful thing happened, and inserting yourself into a photo of a disaster when you are not part of the narrative - hey look at me in front of where this awful thing happened. It speaks to a loathsome level of vanity, insensitivity and lack of world awareness.

Fine. Selfie sticks or no selfie sticks, it's in poor taste.

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Is it tacky to take so many pictures of your own face that you need a specialised implement to make it easier? How is that even a question?

This question made me laugh. :D

Am still holding out for a selfie stick that doubles as a cattle prod or weapon.

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