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TTTNE 454 - The Incredible Sulk

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Well when I say I wish it was me I don't me hit me with the baby and nobody gives a crap about the rest. I mean I wish I were in that stage of live now as they are, having a partner they are engaged/married to, living with them in a rental flat, at least one of them having a job. And if I were at that stage right now being 22, I wouldn't hesitate a moment to get married or have a baby. Only, I'm not there yet. As for careers, I feel like I have/had more grip on that. I know that if I wanted to I could do this uni project and take that job and do this and do that to get started on my career, and I don't do those things because I don't want to. Yes, I'm lazy too, no denying that, but I never had that kind of career drive.

Oh everybody can buy whatever they want here too. The rating is just a guideline and usually for young adult books (to help parents/teens/whoever) to decide which they want to buy their child/themselves/friends/relatives/whoever. It just written on the back of the book that it's recommended for ages 12/14/16/18 up (That was when I was a teen, now there might just be three age brackets).

Helena and Ab,

I read that piece of Star Wars news too and I was outraged

It basically destroys the entire Han Leia romance, not to mention that it's rather ad hoc with not a single hint about Han not being single in any of the movies. I absolutely hate this change.

Buckwheat and Helena,

I know people who got pregnant as a teen too (at 16-17 sorta). My previous hairdresser has been married to her husband ever since, their daughter is graduating high school around next year I think. And about 4-5 people from primary school who were 1-2 years older than me also had babies in their teen years, not sure when.

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#being single : I myself have been considering getting a cat, so that someone will find (and eat) my corpse when I die. I feel like being single sucks, but I still feel no regret over any of the times I rejected or ended dating sy. Also I haven't yet done online or rapid dating, maybe I'm just too reserved for that but I like to think it's because I'm that desperate yet :eek: in any case, keep a place reserved for me at your convent, just to be safe so I don't have to buy a cat.

And @helena very true :lol: being single = all the liberties in hair removal

:lmao: Welcome to adult singledom. It gets better. Get the cat so your conversational skills don't go to waste. The convent is overrated. Let me know if y'all want to escape :)

Solo? Married? How dare they add that to canon and turn SW into reality TV. Screw Disney!

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Due to kabob grilling, I am going beyond the George Foreman that is big enough for a sandwich. I am going for the big indoor grill that I got 1.5 yrs ago that never seemed worth pulling out.

Call me BexKabob, Grill MIstress Supreme.

Let's cook :p

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