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3 hours ago, Tywin et al. said:

Is RINO even half way applicable when the president, and leader of the party, is a RINO?

Or is just blind obeisance all it takes to be a Republican? Funny how a liberal New Yorker  who hates the common man became the king of the Republican party.

Power is more valuable than anything your Bible taught you, @Ser Scot A Ellison, sorry to say. 

That really depends upon what the individual in question values and which world is the world they believe is important.

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1 hour ago, Ser Scot A Ellison said:

That really depends upon what the individual in question values and which world is the world they believe is important.

Now that's a fun macro vs. micro debate.

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According to this post by Harry Enten, state level polls suggest Biden has a lead of 8 points, in other words, slightly better than the nation polls.


In other words, the state level polls suggest that Biden has a national lead of around 8 points.

That's actually a little greater than the 6.6 points Biden has in the high quality national polling average taken during the same period. I should note that if we weight the average of state polls to each state's population, we get a margin just north of that 6.6 point mark. (Weighting by population leaves us somewhat more susceptible to outlier polls, as we have fewer polls from the most populated states.)


Concentrating on just the competitive states, the polls undersold Trump by 2 points (RealClearPolitics) or 3 points (FiveThirtyEight). If the polls in the competitive states were off by as much as they were at the end in 2016, Biden would still be ahead in states like Florida, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Still 6 months out, but some encouraging news. I should note that this is sort of peak Biden or close to it, so I think we may see some tightening as we approach November. Still, its better to be ahead than behind, since then Trump will have to make fewer mistakes or missteps to regain some of those voters (and drive the economy back up)

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21 hours ago, polishgenius said:


You're not allowed to make any negative judgements on Cuba around Zorral unless you've been there. His experience of what people there think is the only relevant one, regardless of what other first or second accounts you might have seen or read, especially if those accounts are negative.

Having been to Cuba many times I think I am qualified to say that their leader is smarter than Trump. But then, so is a turnip. 

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19 hours ago, mcbigski said:

FISA is not the same issue.  Or at least, there are other FISA violations apart from the Flynn case.  Carter Page was, apparently, in contact with the Russians on behalf of the CIA.  But that latter bit wasn't included in the warrant request to the FISA court when looking into, I believe, the pee dossier.  (The most salacious allegation of which never made any sense to me - how does having prostitutes pee on your hotel room's bed get back at Obama somehow?  I'd think it would just smell bad and raise the humidity somewhat but maybe I'm a little too vanilla.)  So the FBI, knowing that Page's (or maybe it was Papadaupolous? but I think Page) contact with the Russians was on behalf of US intelligence, spins it as pro Russian to let them listen in ("wire tap" was Trump's technically wrong but essentially correct description) of the planning going on in Trump's inner circle.  IIRC the FISA stuff started before the election, Flynn specific stuff was during transition period.

Curious to see what's going to happen in the Senate now.  McConnell is actually ruthlessly effective when it comes to getting what he wants, eg judicial appointments, but he has a much bigger connection to the establishment than Trump.  That he has forced Burr (RINO squish) off of the Intelligence Committee may be a sign that he's picking a side...


If I remember the timelines, it was  British ex-intelligence agent who brought out all the damming info about Trump. Most of which is available in public documents, if you have the time and inclination to dig into. The peing prostitutes were from this agent's Russian contacts from his British intelligence days. How British  intelligence talking to Russians to reveal info about Americans is a violation of any law us really a stretch. Just admit that yeah, I am backing a legless horse in this race and move on. 


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1 hour ago, felice said:

Do you think the US embargo might be a factor in that?

Not to mention that it was owned by US corps -- and the mafia -- until the Revolution, which then was followed by you betcha blockade, embargo etc.

However, even so, even in the worst days of the Special Period when the soviet sugar daddy dissolved, there were no murders in the streets, no school shootings, no chasing of down of people of color and shooting them for being of color (which of course has been matter of course since 1619), no drug gangs-economy, no HIV and crack addicted babies, while the infant mortality is one of the lowest in the world, maternity mortality also, and incidentally along the way Cuba significantly assisted Angola to keep its independence from the colonial power that had essentially owned it since the 15th century, and kept South Africa from coming in, taking its place and establishing another apartheid state in Africa. 

And in those years what were the US's great achievements beyond perhaps the Space Program and Civil Rights and feminism, which a huge section of the country has mobilized to take out ever since?

The Cuba or the US? Which is the better country, can be deeply affected by whether or not one is a person of color.  Among other issues that affect the answer.


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3 hours ago, felice said:

Do you think the US embargo might be a factor in that?

The failure of the Cuban economy to become competitive in the global market certainly was not helped by the breaking off of trade ties with its biggest partner back in the day (trade ties that were inevitably going to be broken by nationalizing industry, cozying up to the Soviets, and applying communist command economy principles, so this is a bit of a situation where a trade was made) ... but it soon swapped the US for the Soviet Bloc, and still, it failed to become a diverse and functional economy. In large part due to its ideologically-driven policies. Agriculture, even for domestic consumption, was stagnant for a very long time and is currently one of the only growing parts of the Cuban economy.

Cuba can't trade with the US, but it does trade with pretty much everyone else you can think of -- the EU, Canada, other Latin and South American countries, Asia -- but it just doesn't have much to offer. Compare to Honduras or Panama who have rather more diverse exports (and thus more diverse industries) than Cuba.

Back in the 50s, Cuba was certainly an oppressive and unequal country that was economically advancing and would have been on par with Italy or Spain if the UN had its Human Development Index back then... and now it's more comparable to Bolivia or Zimbabwe or Honduras. The Cuban people chose poverty over inequality, while leaving oppression comfortably in place, and the Cuban government failed to use that solidarity of purpose and control of all aspects of the economy to recover economic ground loss and then go beyond it.

The embargo hurt, especially early on. Sovietization of the economy has a longer-term negative impact even after Cuba replaced its trading partners.

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So Trump (or his team) posted this on facebook/twitter about 1h ago:


The number of Coronavirus cases is strongly trending downward throughout the United States, with few exceptions. Very good news, indeed!


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3 minutes ago, A True Kaniggit said:

I don’t think he can tell the difference between his dream world and the actual world. 

Perhaps he's a birdbrain, one might say?

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3 hours ago, Ran said:

The failure of the Cuban economy to become competitive in the global market certainly was not helped by the breaking off of trade ties with its biggest partner back in the day (trade ties that were inevitably going to be broken by nationalizing industry, cozying up to the Soviets, and applying communist command economy principles, so this is a bit of a situation where a trade was made) ... but it soon swapped the US for the Soviet Bloc, and still, it failed to become a diverse and functional economy. In large part due to its ideologically-driven policies. Agriculture, even for domestic consumption, was stagnant for a very long time and is currently one of the only growing parts of the Cuban economy.

Cuba can't trade with the US, but it does trade with pretty much everyone else you can think of -- the EU, Canada, other Latin and South American countries, Asia -- but it just doesn't have much to offer. Compare to Honduras or Panama who have rather more diverse exports (and thus more diverse industries) than Cuba.

Back in the 50s, Cuba was certainly an oppressive and unequal country that was economically advancing and would have been on par with Italy or Spain if the UN had its Human Development Index back then... and now it's more comparable to Bolivia or Zimbabwe or Honduras. The Cuban people chose poverty over inequality, while leaving oppression comfortably in place, and the Cuban government failed to use that solidarity of purpose and control of all aspects of the economy to recover economic ground loss and then go beyond it.

The embargo hurt, especially early on. Sovietization of the economy has a longer-term negative impact even after Cuba replaced its trading partners.

The failure was that of the USA, from pressure of the mafia and corps to get CUBA BACK FOR US.  Leading to the clown show of the Bay of Pigs.

Which oppression are you speaking of? The Batista-Mafia torture sop of the 1950's?

 I've spent long personal time with individuals who were imprisoned during the earlier years of the Revolution -- then let go, allowed to go to Europe, from which they then went to Miami and NYC.  And nothing they went through compares to what the prisons were like under the regimes prior. 

And now Cuba was sold back to Russia by the deathcultistChief.  Wonder why.

But again, the point is that BIDON tried to use this as a vote getting ploy. SHEESH, what a piece of stupid shyte that was -- and NOW, of course, there is no hiding what the USA is doing to its own citizens throughout, leaving as many to die as possible for the good of the economy.  Cuba isn't and never has done that since the Revolution.  That is the point.

The USA has always, systematically tried to  literally destroy the lives and bodies of people of color and Native Americans -- it's the feature, not the bug.  Cuba does not do that.

The US has no moral highground to claim here, none whatsoever.  Never has.

If you are not white.

So instead of talking about what the Dems should be doing to bring down the dementos, lets howl about Cuba.  Some more. Sheesh.



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Back to this nation's superiority and morality:

The Masked Versus the Unmasked
How can Trump opponents take on people who will stop at nothing?

According to the writer, Roger Cohen, NYT columnist, and the vast majority of the nearly 1500 comments that came in before being closed, the only sane answer, is ,"Gun Up."


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