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US Politics - A Dream of Swing

Disturber of Peace

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The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) refused to comply with the order from U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan of the District of Columbia to conduct sweeps in mail processing facilities serving 15 states to ensure that all ballots in the system be delivered to elections offices on time. That's landing them back in court Wednesday. That leaves ballots from 300,523 Americans that the USPS has lost track of that may not be counted in areas including Philadelphia, Detroit, and Atlanta.


The big issue is that in some of the most hotly contested areas, like Atlanta, Georgia; Detroit, Michigan; and parts of Wisconsin, ballots had to have been received on Election Day. In Pennsylvania, the receipt deadline is Nov. 6, but that remains a point of litigation by team Trump. T

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1 minute ago, DanteGabriel said:

What Democrats got down in the gutter? There's a difference between Democratic voters and Democratic leaders.

Civil discourse died long before Trump, or have you forgotten all the insults leveled at Obama by actual Republican officials?

Exactly what I've been asking for two pages.  Where are these 10000000000 examples?

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5 minutes ago, Cas Stark said:

Like I said, Trump should have been treated as an anomaly, not have the Democrats get down in the gutter and sling vulgar insults at a sitting president, however nutty he happens to be. Now all the civil discourse parameters that used to apply are dead.  How is that of benefit to anyone in the long term, beyond the short term buzz people got by name calling Trump right back?

But he's not an anomaly, he's the essence of the Republican party distilled. The civil discourse parameters are dead because the Republican wanted them dead and have been systematically killing them for decades.

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I love tone policing.

Trump is a moron, a thug, and an arsehole. It does no-one any harm for people to call him that and worse. As others have said it would be a problem for sheer reasons of diplomacy for actual party figures to do so, but us shit-talking in this thread? It's not just fine it's encouraged. 

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2 minutes ago, TrueMetis said:

But he's not an anomaly, he's the essence of the Republican party distilled. The civil discourse parameters are dead because the Republican wanted them dead and have been systematically killing them for decades.

Eh, he used to be a Democrat and is barely a Republican, what he is is an agent of chaos--a swinger, a reality TV dude, a serial philanderer with 3 trophy wives, this is no distillation of the Republican Party/standard GOP values or norms.  He has been barely and sometimes not at all tolerated by mainstream Republicans, despite the narrative that the GOP is in thrall to Trump, if that was true they would have immediately enacted his slate of immigration policies in 2017, which they didn't.  Other than his court appointments the GOP has been extremely lukewarm to most things Trump.


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10 minutes ago, DanteGabriel said:

What Democrats got down in the gutter? There's a difference between Democratic voters and Democratic leaders.

Civil discourse died long before Trump, or have you forgotten all the insults leveled at Obama by actual Republican officials?

I think he considers calling Trump a racist an "insult." To be civil we're supposed to forget all about his cheering of Nazis and so on.

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3 minutes ago, polishgenius said:

I love tone policing.

Trump is a moron, a thug, and an arsehole. It does no-one any harm for people to call him that and worse. As others have said it would be a problem for sheer reasons of diplomacy for actual party figures to do so, but us shit-talking in this thread? It's not just fine it's encouraged. 

Actual party figures have done so since 2016, where have you been?

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There's always at least one. https://www.yahoo.com/news/republican-state-legislature-candidate-north-090835466.html


North Dakota election officials say Republican candidate David Andahl, who died on Oct. 5 after he had been sick with COVID-19 for several days, won a seat as state representative for District 8 on Tuesday.


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2 minutes ago, Cas Stark said:

Eh, he used to be a Democrat and is barely a Republican, what he is is an agent of chaos--a swinger, a reality TV dude, a serial philanderer with 3 trophy wives, this is no distillation of the Republican Party/standard GOP values or norms.  He has been barely and sometimes not at all tolerated by mainstream Republicans, despite the narrative that the GOP is in thrall to Trump, if that was true they would have immediately enacted his slate of immigration policies in 2017, which they didn't.  Other than his court appointments the GOP has been extremely lukewarm to most things Trump.


What does the Republican Party believe in when it’s offical platform is “We support President Trump”?


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6 minutes ago, Cas Stark said:

Eh, he used to be a Democrat and is barely a Republican,


It doesn't matter. It also doesn't matter that he can barely string two coherent sentences together, and if so, they will contradict each other. What matters is that the majority of the party has decided to be Trumpists, despite and/ or because of this, plus his grifting and nepotism, his blatant racism and misoginy and his open disdain for democracy. They are more than ok with it. This is the GOP now. The few who do care for the GOP of (very) old have dissented either openly or secretly by voting Biden.

And T. is not an anomaly. He's extreme and has been a catalyst, but this devlopment began with the Tea Party (at the latest). While their figureheads were short-lived, their ideology and strategy was not.

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1 minute ago, Ser Scot A Ellison said:

What does the Republican Party believe in when it’s offical platform is “We support President Trump”?


Yes really.  Many Republicans are never Trumpers, having said they didn't or wouldn't vote for him, even endorsing Biden.  I didn't say GOP Party support was non existent, but that it is lukewarm and always has been. 


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1 minute ago, Cas Stark said:

Yes really.  Many Republicans are never Trumpers, having said they didn't or wouldn't vote for him, even endorsing Biden.  I didn't say GOP Party support was non existent, but that it is lukewarm and always has been. 


You’re missing my point.  The Republican Party seems to expressly endorse the Trumpanista cult of personality.  Where does it go from here and how can it claim to stand for anything when it stands for “Trump uber Alles”?

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3 minutes ago, Cas Stark said:

Yes really.  Many Republicans are never Trumpers, having said they didn't or wouldn't vote for him, even endorsing Biden.  I didn't say GOP Party support was non existent, but that it is lukewarm and always has been. 


"many" is what 8%? lol "many".

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2 minutes ago, JEORDHl said:

That thing I said last night about Dejoy being strung up by his Achilles tendons and bled out his ears?

I'm Jeordhi MacPeach, and I endorse that messaage.


Ah yes, I forgot "open abuse of power" on the list the GOP is ok with.

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1 minute ago, Ser Scot A Ellison said:

You’re missing my point.  The Republican Party seems to expressly endorse the Trumpanista cult of personality.  Where does it go from here and how can it claim to stand for anything when it stands for “Trump uber Alles”?

I just disagree with your point, I don't see that the GOP has ever been 'all in' on Trump, especially since it seems pretty obvious he's totally uncontrollable and every single mainstream Republican who has worked with him thinking they could 'manage' him has been burned.  Much more damaging to the long term credibility of the Republican Party is their about face on the Supreme Court, that is a true betrayal, even if I can understand why they did it.  

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