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Random Thoughts About ASOIAF

The Bard of Banefort

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So in Gaelic riaghloir (rhllor) means "ruler" and I was just browsing the greek dictionary, and harakono / harakas (hyrkoon) means "ruler" and it is right above two words that mean "dawn" (haravyee and haramata)

I figured out Elia Martell's name, helios means "sun" and in this dictionary it is spelled phonetically as eeleeos. And the Martell's sigil is a sun and they live at Sunspear. 


Jon and Yennifer.  The word gene as in genesis, "to be born" is spelled phonetically "yeen" in this dictionary, and yenna means "birth, childbirth" and the main plot of Yennifer from the Witcher is that she could not bear children, and one of her nicknames is Yenna.  Yennifer has purple eyes and raven black hair and her fate is bound to that of the White Wolf Geralt (come from Gaelic gearait = "warlike, heroic, valour, cunning, champion")

yennarees (Jon Arrys) means "January" and yeeneema means "offspring" (and Ned's other wife is Nemain).  Which all points to Jon being born of Yennifer's counterpart in ASoIaF, Ashara Dayne.


I figured out C3PO's name, he was a droid made of iron, and one of the greek words for iron is seetheeropeereetees (C 3 P --) and theopeeo means "to idolize" and the Ewoks idolized C3PO.

Right below that is theoyeemnos, which means "stark naked" and Theon was raised by the Starks.


The Skein worship the Greishka, and proskeeno means "to worship" and skeenoma means "corpse"


Yeron means "old man"

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17 hours ago, By Odin's Beard said:

This is my craziest theory to date.  In greek peetouro means "bran" and I have previously noted that pyat and piat / piadoir mean "magpie" which is a kind of crow.  I think Bran is Petyr Baelish.

In Hindi patr means "wing, feather, leaf of a tree, letter, documents"  (and letters get carried by ravens, and all ravens have CoTF spies inside them)


In H.G. Wells' The Time Machine, I am pretty sure the Time Traveler is named Bran, as the whole story is a re-telling of the Voyage of Bran, and there is a whole subplot about the riddle of the Sphinx.  And the riddle of the Sphinx is an Oedipus reference, because Oedipus had to solve the riddle of the Sphinx or be eaten, and the Time Traveler had to solve the riddle of the Sphinx or be eaten by the Morlocks.  And Oedipus goes on to kill his father and have sex with his mother.

So the Time Traveler is Bran and he is heavily associated with Oedipus.

Petyr Baelish tries to have sex with Catelyn and he gets Eddard killed.  So if Bran is Petyr Baelish, it is all very Oedipal.  Bran tried to have sex with his own mother and he killed his own father. 

Why though?  We learned from Patchface that going into the weirwood network makes people go insane.  (Bran means "chessboard, grid" and Patchface has a chequy / chessboard pattern tattooed on his face.  Bran spent too much time in the weirwood network and lost his mind.  (In Sandkings, the White Maw / weirwood is insane also)  And Patchface mentions King Crow, and Bran means "King" and "Crow"  and under-the-sea is a metaphor for being in the weirwood network.


In Hindi patr means "father" and in Later pater means "father" and Petyr succeeded in having sex with Lysa (second best to having sex with his real mother), and I think Petyr is Sweet Robin's real father.  In Gaelic tuilidhe means "bastard" and all the Tully kids are bastards.  And Robin is a mirror image of Bran who sits on a weirwood throne on a weirwood hill with a ring of white towers and hears singers and is named after a bird. 

Interesting to note that Petyr fought Brandon and lost, and Petyr nearly died.  Bran dominated Petyr and took over his body. 

And now Petyr is trying to have sex with Sansa who is a nearer version of Catelyn than Lysa.




In Hindi patr means "father" and patthar means "stone" and "anything troublesome" and pata means "clue, information, trace" and patur means "prostitute" and patri means "a small vessel, dish, bowl"


In Gaelic:

baileach means "frugal, stingy, prosperous, careful, thrifty" and right below it bailigim / bailiughadh mean "collect, amass, accretion, a sum of money"  and builich means "administer, manage, spend"  Petyr was a tax collector who scammed the kingdom.

peata means "pet, tamed animal" and he was Catelyn's pet.

beillic means "a cavern under a large stone, large stone, tombstone"  and petra means "stone"

bealgach means "deceitful" and baoghalach means "dangerous, perilous"

beulach means "fair-spoken, flattering"

bealach means "breach in a wall, gate, gateway"

boilich means "telling lies"


you're right, it is the craziest theory thus far:P though , I can see how you get to that , let us agree that hopefully George won't write that! ;)

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6 hours ago, EggBlue said:

you're right, it is the craziest theory thus far:P though , I can see how you get to that , let us agree that hopefully George won't write that! ;)

The more I think about it, the more I am convinced I am right. 

"To eat of human meat was abomination, to mate as wolf with wolf was abomination, and to seize the body of another man was the worst abomination of all." 

Bran is committing the worst of abominations already.  And incest is repeatedly called an abomination.  And Craster's kids are called abominations (and cras/kraz means "crow")--the Crow is already guilty of incest.


Bran thought about using Hodor's body to comfort Meera, and it is only a small step beyond that to use someone's body to have sex.  And in the Meathouse Man stories George already has a character having sex with telepathically controlled corpses.  FYI, the idea of using reanimated corpses for gladiator matches comes from Lovecraft's The Mound, and they use reanimated corpses as sentinels to guard the Mound, which suggests that the undead around Bloodraven's cave were guarding it for Bloodraven.


The story of Bael the Bard involves a Brandon Stark, and the King-Beyond-the-Wall pretending to be someone else, and impregnating a Stark, and then there is patricide, with the father's head on a spike.   Bran is becoming the King-Beyond-the-Wall and as Baelish commits patricide and tries to have sex with Cat (and does with Lysa), and Ned's head on a spike.  Bael and Bran and patricide all go together. (and patr means "wing" and pitr means "father")

And Tyrion is a Bran parallel and he commits patricide also.



Robin Arryn

ahereran means "to shake, to tremble" and Robin has epileptic seizures. (right above "arine")

ahryran means "to cause to fall, destroy" and Robin is obsessed with pushing people out of the Moon Door.  And Bran was also pushed out of a tower, and he may have done this to himself, because it was a crow cawing that alerted Jaime to his presense. 

Bran was eavesdropping upside-down when this happened, and spideoir / spiadaire means "eavesdropping, spying" and spideog means "robin, a little bird, a frail creature"

So little birds are synonymous with spying. 



faol-choin means "falcon" and "wolf" and falach means "veil, hiding" and falcas means "shadow, shade" and the Arryn sigil is a Falcon eclipsing the moon.  (falc means "flood" and tuille means "flood")  And falc means "crescent, reaper"

Robin is obsessed with the Winged Knight/Night, and Bran is the Winged Wolf, and the Winged Wolf Fenrir devours the sun and moon at Ragnarok.  And patr means "winged" and pitr means "father" because he is Robin's father.

Petyr and Lysa had a son who is a mirror image of Bran, who is a greenseerer literally sitting on a weirwood throne, and aire means "weir".


I just realized that Bran wanted to feed the crows, which is a kenning for "killing people"--and I just learned the corneille means "crow" in French.  So Bran means "crow" and corneille means "crow" and that's corn, corn, corn.

Edited by By Odin's Beard
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Just realized that there is an Edd / Oed wordplay with Eddard and Oedipus, and it is an Oedipal drama.  Oedipus was lamed as a child and Oedipus means "swollen feet" and Bran was lamed as a child, (and the Time Traveler was lamed)


Nead means "nest, circular hollow" and Bran means "crow" And in the broader scheme, the weirwood network is Bran's father and he is going to destroy the weirwood network, so that all checks out--he is going to kill his father.


In Hindi pitrai means "verdigris" and in H.G. Wells' the Time Machine, the pedestal of the White Sphinx is covered with verdigris.  So Petyr is associated with the Oedipal Sphinx.

patar means "thin, frail" and Robin is thin and frail,  and patan means "throwing down" and Robin loves throwing people out of the Moon Door.

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3 hours ago, By Odin's Beard said:

Just realized that there is an Edd / Oed wordplay with Eddard and Oedipus, and it is an Oedipal drama.  Oedipus was lamed as a child and Oedipus means "swollen feet" and Bran was lamed as a child, (and the Time Traveler was lamed)


Correct me if I'm wrong, but Oedipus was the person in a Greek play who married his mom (Jocasta if I remember correctly) and had....four kids?

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In the Oxford Hindi dictionary rat  means "night, night watch, demon, night prowler, thief" and "night attack" and "red"

And the rat cook was at the Nightfort, in the Night's Watch, and made cannibal human meat pies, which I only just realized is a Rats in the Walls reference, and I have listened to that story about 50 times.  The Delapoers are werewolves whose castle is built above a cave with a secret hidden door that is the entrance to hell, where the mad faceless god dwells in the dark. 

Cannibal feasts, rats in the walls, and the Black Gate secret door is the entrance to hell, as Beyond-the-Wall means "dead, in the afterlife" and Bran is declared dead when he passes the Wall.  The faceless gods are north of the Wall.


And those definitions link The Thief with the color red, and Mars is the Thief.  I have theorized that Mars is red because it is covered in weirwoods.  Weirwood leaves are red hands, and red-handed = Thief.

And Mars is the Smith, and in Hindi lohit means "red, Mars" and loh means "blacksmith" and lohi means "dawn" and loha means "iron, weapon" and loharin means "a smith's wife"


And on that same page lomas means "shaggy" and "the name of a sage" (Lomas Longstrider)


On that same page with the rat words, is rani which means "queen"


Other random Hindi words:

bharath (Baratheon) means "war" and bharat means "king" and bharat means "alloy of copper, tin, zinc, lead" (and Stannis means "tin" in Latin)

bharak (Beric) means "blaze, burst, explosion, flash, flame, splendid, glitttering" and bharakna means "to flare up in flame, to shoot up"  and he is a stand-in for Azor Ahai with a flaming sword, and he is also an Odin/greenseer stand-in.

Dabos means "flint"

jhat means "quick"

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3 hours ago, Takiedevushkikakzvezdy said:

GRRM said that Eddard is just a tweaked version of Edward.

Authors lie about where their names come from.  In Dwelly's gaelic dictionary adhar/ aidhre means "snow, frost"

In O'Donovan gaelic dictionary  oidhir (~Eddard) means "snow" and oidhre (~Eddard) means "ice, heir" and oidhreacht (~Edrick) means "heirdom" and oidean (~Edd + Dayne) means "love" and gean means "love"

In Dinneen's gaelic dictionary oidhre means "inheritor of paternal characteristics, a strong likeness, a copy" and Jon looks just like Ned, and Robert's bastards all look just like him, Jaime's bastards look just like him.   And right below oidre is oidreacht which means "heir" and Edrick Dayne is Ned Dayne, and naoidean (Ned + Dayne) means "baby" 

On the facing page (810 and 811) of oidre and oidreacht, is oigreata (~Ygritte) which means "icy, frozen" and oigreach meaning "red, rosy" and oigreog meaning "strawberry" and "ice and snow" and Ygritte is a red haired woman from the frozen north who falls in love with Jon.  And she is a winter rose. (and in Latin aegritudo means "grief, sorrow, love sick")

And on that same page oideann /oigeann/oiginn/aigen (~Aegon) are all variations of the same world meaning "cauldron"/"Blackwater" (and Odin's eye is the God's Eye, and the Blackwater flows from it, like the black waters of the Ash flow from the Ash Eye in Asshai)


So with all these Eddard names that start with "Oid", it makes it even more plausible that there is and Eddard/Oedipus wordplay.


Another example, George has said that he did not know where the name "tuf" came from, and that he saw the name "haviland" at a sign-up sheet at a chess tournament, but I posted earlier in Hindi a word that starts with "tuf-" means "catastrophic flood" and Tuf gets a spaceship that is Noah's Ark.  And that words that sound like "haviland" in Hindi mean "steward, controller of a space ship"


Another example, Lovecraft lied constantly about where the name "Cthulhu" came from, and he repeatedly denied the name Cthulhu had any basis in the known languages of men--I think he was lying and trying to remain mysterious, and he tried to obfuscate the issue by repeatedly changing the pronunciation.  He tried to make it sound ancient and mysterious, but really he got almost all his names from Gaelic, Welsh, and Hindi dictionaries. 

I think he wanted a name based on the word chthonic meaning "underworld," so he flipped open the Gaelic dictionary to the "c" section.

cith = "havoc, rage, fury, mist, lake, snow, particle"

cuiteal = "cuttlefish"

cathu = "offensive fish smell" 

cuithe = "trench, pit, deep moist place, snow, enclosure"

cathar = "swamp"

cath = "battle fight"

cat mhara = "sea devil, fish frog"

cath = "riddle, bran, snow, crown"


and in the Oxford Hindi dictionary;

cit = "overthrow" or "piece of paper"

citharna = "tear to pieces"

citr / citna / citera = "paint or engrave"

cita = "funeral pyre"

citt= "mind, understanding"


and in Welsh

caeth = "captive, prisoner"

caethiwo = "to enslave"

ceithiw = "captivity, siege"

cethru = "to pierce, to goad"

cethrin = "horrid, cruel"

cethern = "fiends, mob, host"

cythrawl = "devil"

cythreulig = "devilish" (Bonus points Cthulhu and R'yleh in the same word)

catau = "to fight"


And thus we have a telepathic undead sea devil cuttlefish, that is imprisoned deep under the sea, and waits in fury to overthrow the world.  He deals in riddles, and the riddle is solved by finding a piece of paper by accident, and artists are inspired to carve images of him.  He is worshiped by fish frog people.

His followers say the chant "Cthulhu fhtagn" which they say means "cthulhu sleeps" 

in gaelic feitigim means "I calm, quieten"

Dead Cthulhu lies waiting in his stone city at R'yleh, Lovecraft originally was going to call it L'yeh

in gaelice Lige (pronounced liya or lie) means "grave"

reilig / railge / railig means "grave, burying place, crypt" and reighlios means "church, shrine, sanctuary"


I figured out the phrase that Cthulhu's followers chant:  "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" which in the text he says means "In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming." 

Its not gibberish, it is Gaelic, but the words are all misspelled, and the spaces are in the wrong spots.  From previous research I have found that Lovecraft primarily used Dwelly's Gaelic Dictionary, and if you flip through Dwelly and just map corresponding words in the phrase with Gaelic words:

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

becomes something like:

fan glum muigeal uine aibh' Cthulhu reilige uaighean aigeal feith aigean

which translates to:

"waiting in the temple under the deep, dark pool, dark, time, abyss, cuttlefish tomb/crypt grave abyss waits in the bottom of the ocean"

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As I said in Gaelic adhar means "snow, frost" and in Welsh adara means "bird catcher, fowler"  and in the Ice Dragon Adhara is a winter child who is icy, and she catches the Ice Dragon.  And in Hindi adhara means "pond" and the Ice Dragon melts and becomes a pond. 

And Adhara and Eddard share these characteristics, Eddard is Ice and has an Ice sword that he cleans at his sacred pond. 

But here is where interesting, he catches birds: adain (a Dayne) means "wing" and is on the same page as adara in the Welsh dictionary, and there are a bunch of Ashara words on the same page. (aches = "sea";  achar = "dear";  acharu = "to desire"; achres = "genealogy")

and on the next page adein means "to fly" and aden means "wing" and adeni means "afterbirth, revival" and adian means "lineage"  (and in Gaelic, words beginning with gein and slio means "genealogy") and iaschaire means "kingfisher, crow"


In gaelic draigean means "sloe, blackthorn" and Ashara is the Sloe-Eyed Maid.  And the Daynes are descended from dragon riders. 

Ashara's sister is Allyria, and aileron  / ailier means "wing, arm" which I think comes from the Latin word valeria = "eagle", and also ailleurs means "elsewhere, somewhere else" and is on the same page in the french dictionary as aider, and aigrette.


So Eddard catching a Dayne and having her very briefly until she melts away, is a retelling of the Ice Dragon.  And Jon is the character most associated with the Ice Dragon. 

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I was just searching "eagle" words and found that in Harper's Latin haly / hali means "eagle" --like Halley's Comet.  And Valeria means "eagle".  And the Volcryn was a red comet-like telepathic creature, and volucrine means "bird" in Latin.

royd eris from Nightflyers comes from the gaelic word radaireacht = "night-walker, wanderer" (night-walker / nightflyer)


And rolloir means "rolling-stone [i.e., wanderer], swathe" and is right next to ruad, "red, red-haired" and Red R'hllor is the Red Comet, and a red rolling-stone that is a swathe is a good description of the Red Comet.  And his flaming sword is the Red Comet also.


And on the next page in Harper's is halo and halitos which means "exhalation, breath, vapor" and Aristotle's belief was that comets were exhalations of vapor from the Earth, and that was the dominant theory on comets for 2,000 years.

In greek halo means "to ruin, to break, to demolish" and vouleeazo means "to sink, to be ruined" and Valusia / Valyria sunk below the waves and was ruined.  And I think Valyria was destroyed when the weirwood hills there erupted to birth a comet.  (when Caesar died he was turned into a comet--look up Caesar's Comet, and the Khals believe they turn into comets when they die, and Dany has dreams about flying with the Red Comet)

And in gaelic, dragon is synonymous with meteors.  And the Red Comet is called the Dragon's Tail, and Ketu from Hindi astronomy is called the Dragon's Tail, and ketu means "comet, banner, flag, demon" and rahi/rahu means "wanderer"


On the same page as haly, is halcyon, and Ashara is the halcyon/kingfisher/iaschaire

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On 3/22/2022 at 11:15 AM, Takiedevushkikakzvezdy said:

Why did Robert keep Varys as Master of Whisperers after taking the throne? Quite a dangerous figure to keep around.

Because Varys knows things that distracts crazy murderers like Robert, Aerys, JonA, Cersei, Tyrion etc.

A useful master of whispers probably knew about Oberyn and his on going rebellion or maybe later the Greyjoy rebellion.

Spider spins the web. Tyrion's plan was to listen to dad and kill Varys and Petyr, they convinced him thatd be a bad idea. Then Tywin came and also realized that's a bad idea

22 minutes ago, Takiedevushkikakzvezdy said:

How does knighthood work in Westeros? If any knight can make a knight, can't literally anyone claim to be one? Or is some sort of certificate needed?

Anyone can claim to be one (see Dunk), well, any man (see Brienne). 


These are more like small questions then random comments

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15 hours ago, The Bard of Banefort said:

I knew that there was a house Lancaster and York in the War of the Roses, but I didn’t realize there was also a Tyrrel. Oh, George.

Wasn't the Tyrell in question one of the alleged murderers of Edward V?  If so, that makes two Tyrell kingslayers in English history, as it was also the name of the archer who supposedly shot dead William II.

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25 minutes ago, Lord Browndodd said:

Wasn't the Tyrell in question one of the alleged murderers of Edward V?  If so, that makes two Tyrell kingslayers in English history, as it was also the name of the archer who supposedly shot dead William II.

Yeah, he confessed to killing the princes in the tower (who I’m pretty sure are the inspiration for Bran and Rickon in ACOK). Maybe he was under duress, but it could very likely be the truth. 

Now that I think about it, wasn’t Tyrion originally supposed to sack Winterfell, not Theon? Tyrion’s often compared to Richard III, so that would make sense.

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1 hour ago, Hugorfonics said:

Because Varys knows things that distracts crazy murderers like Robert, Aerys, JonA, Cersei, Tyrion etc.

A useful master of whispers probably knew about Oberyn and his on going rebellion or maybe later the Greyjoy rebellion.

Spider spins the web. Tyrion's plan was to listen to dad and kill Varys and Petyr, they convinced him thatd be a bad idea. Then Tywin came and also realized that's a bad idea

Anyone can claim to be one (see Dunk), well, any man (see Brienne). 


These are more like small questions then random comments

I love when Cersei’s small council can’t remember who the Lord of the Pyke is, and she thinks about how Varys would know. It’s funny in retrospect because Aurane Waters is sitting there not saying anything and as a sailor, there’s no way he hasn’t heard of Euron Crow’s Eye, the mad pirate with a crew of mutes. What a little trickster.

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16 hours ago, The Bard of Banefort said:

I knew that there was a house Lancaster and York in the War of the Roses, but I didn’t realize there was also a Tyrrel. Oh, George.

Plus, the chapters The Queenmaker and The Princess in the Tower are wordplay related to the War of the Roses.

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2 hours ago, The Bard of Banefort said:

I love when Cersei’s small council can’t remember who the Lord of the Pyke is, and she thinks about how Varys would know. It’s funny in retrospect because Aurane Waters is sitting there not saying anything and as a sailor, there’s no way he hasn’t heard of Euron Crow’s Eye, the mad pirate with a crew of mutes. What a little trickster.

Eurons been gone for almost 20 years which is coincidentally almost Waters' age, he doesn't know him.

Everything about Euron is mysterious to ironborn, including his direct family, perhaps Varys may have known Balon had an exiled brother but that's probably it.

Its kinda surprising that Victarion and Aeron are forgotten, although I guess theyre not very memorable. Its funny that they tried to think of Theons name or if Balon had brothers but no one thought of the poor heir, the crown princess Asha, which either shows how far KL politics is removed from it's kingdoms or how far Balon was removed from his, maybe both.


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