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Controversial ASoIaF Opinions

Craving Peaches

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2 hours ago, Craving Peaches said:

A place to share any unorthodox opinions about characters, theories etc. I will go first. I feel (almost) no sympathy for Cersei. I didn't feel much even during the 'Walk of Shame'. Her killing of Barra stole all the sympathy I had for her.

That's.....not very controversial lol

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1.  The Faceless Men have no intention of making Arya an assassin and never did.  She's more useful as an undercover agent for them in Westeros.

2. Davos will be our eyes on Hardhome and the Land of Always Winter.  He and Rickon will not get south of the Wall in TWOW.

3. Sansa is one of the most intelligent characters in the series.  She just didn't bother early on.

4. Jeyne Poole is pregnant with Ramsay's child.  Jeyne Westerling is not pregnant with Robb's.

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Ancient prophecies, Azor Ahai, Nissa Nissa, Lightbringer, the Prince that Was Promised will not come to be, nor will the POV's reenact other myths or stories, including The Last Hero, Brandon the Builder, and Symeon-Star Eyes. 

The current POV's are informed by myths, stories and prophecies, but have their own original stories to act out and history won't repeat itself.

Except for Cersei, she is making Maggey the Frog's prophecies come true because she's stupid. 


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32 minutes ago, Craving Peaches said:

I don't know, I've seen quite a lot of people who feel sympathy for Cersei.

The forums tend to be a bit of an echo chamber though.  There's a whole bunch of stuff I never heard anyone say about characters in this story....until I came here lol

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  • "A song of ice and fire" refers to the Others and the dragons.  Both are deadly threats, but the political scheming and greed of all the political players in their reaction to those threats is the biggest threat of all.
  • The Others aren't full-blown villains.  Humans vs Others are like Team Stannis vs Team Lannister or any other war.
  • I think Coldhands is possibly "the Night's King", but the Night's King was a misunderstood gray character or possibly a hero who was villainized over thousands of years of history re-writes.
  • The return of the Others was precipitated by Bloodraven becoming "the three-eyed crow".
  • The dragons weren't extinct before Dany's pyre.  Sheepsteeler or her descendants still live in the Mountains of the Vale, worshipped by some hill tribes whom none of the "civilized" people of Westeros would believe.
  • I like every POV character's viewpoints, I like all the substories, and I don't regret any chapters that were written.
  • I hope there are no new POV characters (except prologue/epilogue) and I hope that only the "6 main characters" are POVs by the second half of the last book, or maybe the entire last book.
  • All of the ancient prophecies are relevant, but none of them are reliable.
  • No family is entirely good or entirely bad, which should be a given but is definitely a controversial concept on this forum.  I don't care how evil the Stark ancestors might have been; I like these Starks.
  • There are plenty of Targaryens I like too, but their legacy is repulsive to me: an incestuous family who lives by "fire and blood" and hijacked a religion forcing to be named as "exceptional" to support their racial supremist narcissistic ideology.
  • I don't care who the "rightful Targaryen heir" is, because the Targaryens lost their claim to the throne by conquest in the same manner that they seized it.
  • If any of my predictions are wrong and my assumed heroes becomes the villains or vice versa, I won't be upset and will be happy with whatever George Martin gives us.
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2 hours ago, Nevets said:

4. Jeyne Poole is pregnant with Ramsay's child.  Jeyne Westerling is not pregnant with Robb's.

I hope not . the only thing worse than being married to Ramsey , is to have a constant reminder of your time with Ramsey .

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38 minutes ago, Tyrosh Lannister said:

Tysha didn't love Tyrion. Westeros is a harsh place for the lowborn. She wed him to have a better chance of surviving this world. 

Well, that's the logic of the situation.  Tyrion got her drunk, took her maidenhood, and then discarded her because ME GOLD!  ME GOLD!  SHE'S AFTER ME GOLD!  You can blame pappy for the general idea, but it looks like Tyrion internalized and adopted it.   He decided he owed her nothing, and that his vows meant nothing.  Because ME GOLD!

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2 hours ago, Gilbert Green said:

Well, that's the logic of the situation.  Tyrion got her drunk, took her maidenhood, and then discarded her because ME GOLD!  ME GOLD!  SHE'S AFTER ME GOLD!  You can blame pappy for the general idea, but it looks like Tyrion internalized and adopted it.   He decided he owed her nothing, and that his vows meant nothing.  Because ME GOLD!

Tywin forced Tyrion to abandon her though (although I believe tyrion should have run away with her after killing him...if he knew where she was)

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29 minutes ago, Tyrosh Lannister said:

Tywin forced Tyrion to abandon her though (although I believe tyrion should have run away with her after killing him...if he knew where she was)

He never looked for her.  Because she was after his gold.  The whore!  She never really loved him.  The bitch!  That he ought to have kept his vows and loved her never occurs to him.  He sees everything through the lens of his envy, greed and insecurity.  It's all about poor Tyrion.  Her needs are not a factor.

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- Cersei is my favorite character, followed by Aeron and Sansa. 

- Greyjoys are interesting. 

- Obsessed Dany fans (both books and show) who see her as a saint who can do no wrong kind of ruined her character for me. It's not like I dislike her, but I like her a bit less than I used to and see her negative traits more clearly. A lot of her story post 1. book is not as good as it could have been too.

- When Dany invades Westeros, I hope she does it with any force other than Dothraki. The people of Westeros have suffered enough and do not need a Dothraki pillaging and raping them. 

-  I want Young Griff to be the real deal.

- Considering how harsh Westeros is, the hate Catelyn gets in regard to Jon is unjustified. She allowed a child she thought to be the result of her husband's affair to grow up among her children. She disliked him and said some harsh stuff, but she never actually did anything to him. That is a better fate than Robert's bastards.  People just like Jon so they cannot see the situation from both sides and paint Catelyn as some monster she is not. 

- I am satisfied with all POV's, but if I could wish for another POV it would be a Hightower. I find Oldtown fascinating. 

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11 hours ago, astarkchoice said:

Its never said they mate in fact their breeding and mating habits are apparently unknown..they either can switch sex or just breed without mating.


Either way 3 is enough to begin a dragon armegeddon

switching sex based on the situation is possible, creatures who reproduce without mating don't lay eggs

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41 minutes ago, Alden Rothack said:

switching sex based on the situation is possible, creatures who reproduce without mating don't lay eggs

Parthenogenesis, explained: How some animals have ‘virgin births’ (nationalgeographic.com)

Egg laying parthenogenetic animals exist.  

Some stories such as virgin women giving birth may actually have some basis. Who knows, perhaps there are or have been at some point that humans who could do parthenogenesis. The child being a male isn't any issue either since there are 44 + XY women (nope, not talking modern bullshit declaring yourself as women and then joining female contests etc) who are fertile and have given birth to children.

Of course, Mr. Martin didn't know any of this when he was writing the books.

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58 minutes ago, Alden Rothack said:

switching sex based on the situation is possible, creatures who reproduce without mating don't lay eggs

Actualy they do 

Its.been observed in sharks, komodo dragoms,whiptail lizzards , burmese pythons, armidillos and even found in common turkeys!!!

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