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Wheel of Time 4: Burning Threads [Book Spoilers]


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The only thing show Uno has in common with book Uno is the cussing (and the eye patch). Book Uno was certainly more careful and cautious. But it makes sense for show Uno to need to die (and be a Hero of the Horn) because he would never allow Masema to become a preaching, rabble-rousing, religious zealot.

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@IFR Well, I've never seen Fast and Furious, but the comment about fist pumping when you recognize that one guy made me smile cause I feel that Jordan pulls that quite often. Bayle Domon comes to mind. I think it happens quite often because no one ever just dies.

Edited by Gertrude
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8 hours ago, Gertrude said:

@IFR Well, I've never seen Fast and Furious, but the comment about fist pumping when you recognize that one guy made me smile cause I feel that Jordan pulls that quite often. Bayle Domon comes to mind. I think it happens quite often because no one ever just dies.

It's a fair criticism of the books that no one dies. I speak as someone who prefers the more grimdark sort of entertainment (good writing is the most important quality, but I would rather have a well written grimdark story than a well written light fantasy).

I don't object to the show killing Uno. I am amused that the show did it in the stupidest way possible. In another reality, WoT found itself in the hands of a talented show runner and Uno's death was written in a intelligent fashion that improved upon the books. It's possible. 

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Reading through all the posts now but just wanted to say I really enjoyed Season 2.  I hated Egwene in season 1.  Actually hated the actress.  Her and Perrin were horrible.  I take it back.  Egwene was great in Season 2.  Perrin, not as much but he was better in the latter episodes then he was in season 2.  I am really looking forward to Season 3.  I really hope they don't ditch Mat's foxhead amulet though.  They showed him hanging in his "memories", so I am wondering if that was a past life or foreshadowing.  I really hope they don't get rid of that part though.


And badass Lan was great.  Catching arrows out of mid-air and killing Seanchan. 

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41 minutes ago, ASOIAFrelatedusername said:


I admit I haven't watched season 2 and I only looked into this thread out of curiosity, but these statements do nothing to change the awful impression I got from season 1.

Also why isn't "Selene" wearing white?


Rand and Lanfear have sex in the show. Their relationship is much closer at the beginning of season 2 than in the book until Rand learns who she is. But these changes weren't necessarily bad, I think it mostly worked for the TV medium. The actress was one of the highlights of the season and based on online reactions Lanfear quickly became a fan favorite.

Fares Fares, who plays Ishamael, and had a lot of screen time in season 2 was another highlight. They made him more believable and human than the book version, as they didn't much care to continue with the devil-looking Ba'alzamon persona.

Edited by Corvinus85
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1 hour ago, ASOIAFrelatedusername said:


I admit I haven't watched season 2 and I only looked into this thread out of curiosity, but these statements do nothing to change the awful impression I got from season 1.

Also why isn't "Selene" wearing white?

In the show, Rand doesn't really have much agency. He's effortlessly manipulated by Lanfear, and only the intercession of Moiraine saves him from being Lanfear's puppet.

It is, by the way, Lanfear and Moiraine who plot an elaborate spectacle to fulfill the prophecy announcing the Dragon Reborn. Rand is virtually uninvolved in this too (Egwene is the main force in defeating Ishamael, with Rand and Perrin serving minor roles).

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13 minutes ago, ASOIAFrelatedusername said:

Thank you, now I know that the series is irredeemable. It doesn't matter whether or not it "worked" for TV, this is just too big of a character assassination for Rand.

In what sense? He does show Rand as undeniably horny for her in the middle of book 2 in the portal world and their little stint together in whatever that small town outside Cairhien was where they were excavating the Cheodan Kal, but then she buggers off mysteriously for reasons and just lurks around in the shadows being thirsty and jealous for the rest of the series rather then following through on the seduction until he's had plenty of time to grow in power and confidence and be warned off of her. Rand is consistently useless around women in general and women he's attracted to in particular, and early books Rand is easily controlled/manipulated. Honestly the show succeeds where Jordan fell short in a lot of areas with his villains - with Lanfear he clearly wanted to position her as a real and dangerous temptation for Rand, even including a potential future where he's totally in her thrall, and tells us that she's a master manipulator but from a reader perspective it mostly falls flat on all counts (as with most of the Forsaken, who we just see fail/be defeated easily by a teenager with no idea what he's doing over and over again and quickly lose all sense of threat).

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58 minutes ago, Jace, Extat said:

What you dweebs have failed to lament is that the end of season 1 declined to introduce Aginor and Balthamel.

#justice for #Osan'gar and #Aran'gar 

The Chosen will rise again! 

I'm still holding out hope for Aginor. He is sufficiently different from the other male Forsaken to meet the criteria the show writers seem to be going for.

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The series often is boring because there is basically no threat to the main characters. You have a bunch of untrained kids just beating these baddies because of the plot armor that T’avern was. Balefire was also introduced as a nice way to take back shocking deaths but somehow the villains don’t get to use it that way. Villains were both egotistical maniacs as well as at the same time holding back their power and getting killed for it. Forsaken were a cool idea but other than Moridin they were very lacking. Aginor, Balthamel, Messana, Semirhage, Sammael, even Lanfear were all pathetic.

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35 minutes ago, Arakasi said:

The series often is boring because there is basically no threat to the main characters. You have a bunch of untrained kids just beating these baddies because of the plot armor that T’avern was. Balefire was also introduced as a nice way to take back shocking deaths but somehow the villains don’t get to use it that way. Villains were both egotistical maniacs as well as at the same time holding back their power and getting killed for it. Forsaken were a cool idea but other than Moridin they were very lacking. Aginor, Balthamel, Messana, Semirhage, Sammael, even Lanfear were all pathetic.

I would dispute that the Forsaken are any more effective in the show. Ishamael was taken out by some random novice, and all of his plans kicked to shambles by bringing Lanfear in the game, whom he *knew* would betray him.

Rand wouldn't have been proclaimed Dragon Reborn without Lanfear. Moiraine was also saved by her.

The Forsaken have been comically incompetent if the idea is to turn Rand al'Thor.

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12 minutes ago, ASOIAFrelatedusername said:

Well if that's your opinion, you are free to hold it. Others will disagree. However the solution would be to enhance what is already there, not to destroy it and replace it with your own fabrication.

They have enhanced what is currently there. Lanfear is way better than the books and with Ishy they just moved Moridin up and got rid of books 1-3 insane Ishy. Heck even Brandon’s first thing he said in the episode 8 watch along is he was very happy with how the show has enhanced the forsaken and they are better than what came across in the books.

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