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Doctor Who: Regenerated discussion

Jon AS

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*knock on the door of the TARDIS*


Stuck 'In The Loop' on in celebration.

:lol: Roll on the sonic screwdriver GIFs! I'm happy with Capaldi - great actor. Not the most daring choice, but a hell of a lot better than another twenty-something. Wonder what kind of persona he'll go for. Presumably something as unlike Malcolm Tucker as possible.
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I'm very happy with the choice of Capaldi. a very good actor, and I think he'll play the role a little similarly to Ecclestone, who I preferred to David Tennant. I wasn't a fan of the Matt Smith years (not really his fault, but the most consistent thing about those were the good assistants); I hope this signals that the series is going to improve.

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Having watched a re-run of the announcement I have to tip my hat to the BBC for having the gall to air a 30 minute masturbatory pat on the back that existed solely to promote their own product :)

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Oh, they do that all the time, red, and they still have the audacity not to bring the TV License down or abolish it, when most people already pay to watch TV generally through their satellite subscription. Plus, they also buy up material they've theoretically payed for already through the license when they buy BBC DVDs. In this day and age, the license simply cannot be defended; it's a money-raking anachronism belonging to a vanished age.

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I'm really pleased with this choice, although Mr. Eyelesbarrow thinks he's got a lot of baggage from being Malcolm Tucker and this could be the case for a lot of people. But this makes me all the more excited about the next season - it would be interesting how Capaldi will play the Doctor and separate him from his other iconic role (shouldn't be that hard though since there will be no swearing on DW. I will miss Tucker's creative cursing).

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So Capaldi has already played the douchey mid-level bureaucrat on season 3 of Torchwood that shoots up his whole family because they're about to give his kids to the 456. He also played Caecilius in the Fires of Pompeii. So I know he's a good actor at least, even though it's odd that he's already appeared in the Whoverse as two different characters.

Or at least a ginger.


Romana II, Martha Jones, and IIRC the Ochoa (8th Dr.) and others have all had small/ single ep parts before becoming series regulars.

11th doctor said that right before meeting Amy Pond, I think they meet the ginger quota, at for a few years. What they really need to do is have a male as a lead/stand alone companion( while Rory was great, he was more Amy's, then the doctors.)

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Having watched a re-run of the announcement I have to tip my hat to the BBC for having the gall to air a 30 minute masturbatory pat on the back that existed solely to promote their own product :)

They then had a couple of minutes on BBC News reporting on the earlier BBC TV show that was promoting a future BBC TV show.

I think Capaldi is potentially a good choice. He is a good actor, and I think having an older actor is a nice contrast to Tennant and Smith.

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I'm really happy with the choice; about time we get a grey-haired Doctor on new Who! :bowdown:

Assuming the Doctor-Clara dynamics will change now that the Doctor will look older and, by the rumors going around, darker, Eccleston-style, I wonder if series 8 Clara will be more interesting than what we've had so far.

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Oh, they do that all the time, red, and they still have the audacity not to bring the TV License down or abolish it, when most people already pay to watch TV generally through their satellite subscription. Plus, they also buy up material they've theoretically payed for already through the license when they buy BBC DVDs. In this day and age, the license simply cannot be defended; it's a money-raking anachronism belonging to a vanished age.

makes me laugh when people complain about the BBC, especially the TV liscence, you do realise it's probably the best public service broadcaster in the whole world right???
  • website that contains thousands of news stories and important issues
  • crimewatch, panorama, newsnight, question time, democracy live
  • comedy
  • radio 4

essentially you're paying about 3 quid a week for all that and more

do you have Sky television?

srsly, never understand this harping on at the BBC crap. so ya, the BBC is more than worth the money in my humble opinion.

it's not perfect but it's not as bad as many make it out to be, especially when you watch some american news programmes, wow...thank goodness for the BBC.

though i'm pretty sure you'd probably argue BBC is much too PC, huh.

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