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Community: #twentyseasonsandabuttflagonthemoon


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I've been re-watching Northern Exposure, and besides being reminded of how good that show was, I totally recommend it for anyone looking for a Community fix. It's got a very different atmosphere, but a lot of the same, meta kind of humor. "Of course he has to go to Murmansk! Remember your comparative mythology."

Also kicks in the fourth wall at one point and openly mocks contrived over-the-top tv show drama. Loooove that show. And The Goonies. And Community. I am all about the love, baby. <3

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Yeah, but me? I'm mostly a hater.

And NE spent a lot of time brushing up against the fourth wall...I just watched the ep where Maggie dreams Joel giving a WW2 air force briefing, asking for volunteers for a suicide mission while brandishing Joseph Campbell.

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Wish the show had a better finale. The last season, while definitely better than the abysmal season 4, was really up and down for me, and both parts of the finale were pretty bad. I hope they just put a bullet through its head and end it without the endless string of unfulfilled promises of wrap-up movies so that Dan Harmon can concentrate on putting something fresh and new out.

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He already does: Rick and Morty. I haven't watched any but I've heard it's a bonafide hit for Adult Swim.

It's great. Honestly, I'm far happier that show is around next year than community. Would have been happy with both but I definitely feel like there's more energy to "rick and Morty" and I think we were lucky to get this final batch of very good community episodes.

Sony is already shopping around online networks to see if they can get another season. Not sure if old seasons are on netflix, etc but now would be a good time for folk to rewatch it on there if they want to boost chances of a revival

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Regardless, I hope someone gives it a chance. I will never not want more Community.


I have loved this damn show for years. It's not necessarily the greatest show ever or even my favorite, but it's got a special place in my heart and I don't think there will ever be another show like it. I knew cancellation was possible, but I'm more upset by it than I expected to be. The thought of not spending any more time with these characters just sucks, and I'd be absolutely thrilled if they found a way to do more.

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