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Long Price Quartet or Acts of Caine

Michael Seswatha Jordan

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I have not finished Long Price or Caine, but through 3 books of each, I prefer Cain.

Well, yes, what the spock dog hybrid thing said. Also if you, say, don't do ebooks, the second Caine book will cost you about 9 million dollars or so. It's why I've never read them. *ducks rocks*


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I found Caine to be intense and exciting, cynical, brutal, and gripping. Long Price starts very slow—the prologue was embarrassingly cliched—, understated, mildly annoying, but ultimately satisfying. Still one of the better completed series around, so absolutely worth reading.

They are very different. What you prefer may depend very much on how cynical your view of human nature is.

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I'm really looking for a lot of intrigue and something to make ya think.

I haven't read LP yet, but Acts of Caine will definitely fry your brain, especially book four. Stover's fantastic and vastly underrated (even if it's not the case on this board).

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Late to the party but Acts of Caine is by far the superior of the two series. Long Price is still absolutely fantastic but it gets a bit weaker as it gets along. Caine is structurally one of the most inventive fantasy series ever written and is a brain-fryingly smart series whilst not skimping on the action.

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Many people disagree but I thought the fourth book in TLPQ was the weakest, while the third was the best. I didn't like the way the central conflict was handled in the final book.

I also think the first Caine book is the best one overall (again though, I haven't finished the last one).

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I thought the first Caine book was excellent and genuinely innovative in its genre mashupness, but I got less and less tolerant of the "Instead, it's actually THIS" and the bland philosophical preaching in the later books, so I admittedly started to skim. Long Price just got better and better.

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I thought the first Caine book was excellent and genuinely innovative in its genre mashupness, but I got less and less tolerant of the "Instead, it's actually THIS" and the bland philosophical preaching in the later books, so I admittedly started to skim. Long Price just got better and better.

This was my issue with the sequels, or really just the second book in particular. I didn't really like how crazy and "metaphysical" it got, especially since it wasn't really doing anything philosophically that hasn't been done in other works (and done better, in my opinion).

Basically once it started to really delve into the various gods and their associated magic and stuff, the world-building started to get...I don't know, too vague? I have no problem with magical solutions to problems in a work of fantasy, but I think it needs to feel internally consistent and not as if the magic can basically do anything. It felt like I was being introduced to the existence of all this stuff at the exact moment it became relevant to the plot, as opposed to feeling as though these things all worked and existed in the world already. Overall, I just didn't like the approach to magic in-general, honestly.

To be fair I thought this was somewhat rectified in the third installment, and I've heard a lot of people say the fourth book enhances earlier events in the series.

Contrast this with the magic in TLPQ, which I thought was pretty well realized and very unique.

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I didn't really get on with the magic system in Acts of Caine, but then if I recall correctly MSJ you're a Malazan fan so I can't imagine it'll bother you.

Yes and the whole magic and it HAS to make sense doesn't get to me. Its magic, so therefore.....it doesn't have to make sense. I guess I like there to be some consistency, but I don't worry about dotting every I and all.

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Hmmm... so I'm getting some flack for not having read this series then, and yet I'm a dinosaur who doesn't do ebooks. So I'm pretty much SOL? Will there be a future release much like the omnibus editions of TLPQ?

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