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Scariest Movie you saw when you where WAY too young?


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I don't remember how old I was but Jaws really ruined my relationship with bodies of water.

How could you leave out Black Christmas, it's probably the best of the three.

as a fan of The Thing, is Leviathan worth watching?

It's been ages since I've seen it. I couldn't even remember its name. I had to look it up on imdb via Peter Weller's filmography. It's probably worth watching, but it's inferior to The Thing.

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When I was 6 my mom dropped me off at her friend's house (who had children my age). They were watching Return of the Living Dead, because their mother was a horrible idiot. Even though that movie is more corny jokes than actual scares, to 6-year-old me it was absolutely 100% terrifying. So much so that I recall running out of the room screaming at least twice (only to get yelled at for being scared... as I said, she was a horrible idiot).

This helps explain my nearly lifelong fascination with zombies.

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Ha, as soon as I saw the thread title I opened it up to say "Event Horizon when I was about 8!" I feel ya, OP. I watched the whole thing and was utterly terrified.

In general, I do not deal well with suspense/scary stuff even as an adult.

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This reminds me of something I saw at the theater once.

When the re-make of Nightmare on Elm Street came out in the theaters, my brother and I went to a 4pm showing on the opening day of it. We were sitting in the theater waiting for the movie to start when a man walked through in front of us with what appeared to be a 4 year old.

My brother and I just looked at each in stunned disbelief that a father would bring a kid that young to that movie.

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The Wood Beast! Poor Peter Duncan. Yeah, that was terrifying. And the bit at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark where the Nazis all get eaten by ghosts and that guy's face dissolves. 80s kids' movies were pretty hardcore :lol:

I must have been four or five when I went with my Ma and my older sisters to see Raiders. I couldn't handle the face melting scene. Threw up in the middle of the movie theater.

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My parents ordered the HBO package with their cable subscription when I was 8, and a few nights after we got the channel, I waited until they went to bed and sneaked into the living room to see what was on late at night.

It turned out to be The Shining.

The opening credits with the musical score was enough to make me change my pants.

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definitely "IT" takes the cake when i was about 14 (?maybe younger).



More than that, it took about a week, maybe two before I was comfortable going to the bathroom again. Probably a month before I wasn't expecting something to come out from behind the shower curtain. The fucking clown came up through the plumbing. Nothing is as horrifying as a monster that gets you at home.

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More than that, it took about a week, maybe two before I was comfortable going to the bathroom again. Probably a month before I wasn't expecting something to come out from behind the shower curtain. The fucking clown came up through the plumbing. Nothing is as horrifying as a monster that gets you at home.

hahaha the night i watched it i actually hallucinated there was a clown in my room i was so terrified

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2 things I can remeber viewing young that had a real effect on me. The Incredible Hulk tv series (one with Lou Ferringo as the hulk), and Threads.

I used to get really upset because the Hulk had to runaway and never made friends. Threads mainly because it was pretty horrific

When I was a kid that show terrified me! It was Banner's eyes and the music when he began to change that really freaked me out.

I don't remember how old I was but Jaws really ruined my relationship with bodies of water.

Again - when I was a kid - I lived for swimming in the summer whether in pools or in the ocean. I refused to watch Jaws even the commercials for it. I wanted nothing to interfere with my enjoyment of going to the beach.

I eventually saw the movie when I was in my 30's.

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When I was a kid that show terrified me! It was Banner's eyes and the music when he began to change that really freaked me out.

Again - when I was a kid - I lived for swimming in the summer whether in pools or in the ocean. I refused to watch Jaws even the commercials for it. I wanted nothing to interfere with my enjoyment of going to the beach.

I eventually saw the movie when I was in my 30's.

The head scene did it for me.

And for some reason, I always imagined him being able to swim to the mountains and through my bedroom floor.

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Every Saturday after morning cartoons, the local TV station would play old horror /monster films from the 50's and 60's. You know like Godzilla, Attack of the 50 Foot Woman, Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Great stuff when you are 7-10 years old.

The movie that terrified me the most, beyond all others, was The Blob. I had horrible nightmares, couldn't sleep right for weeks. I just knew that it was going to come alive and that thing would devour the entire world.

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When I was 6 my mom dropped me off at her friend's house (who had children my age). They were watching Return of the Living Dead, because their mother was a horrible idiot. Even though that movie is more corny jokes than actual scares, to 6-year-old me it was absolutely 100% terrifying. So much so that I recall running out of the room screaming at least twice (only to get yelled at for being scared... as I said, she was a horrible idiot).

This helps explain my nearly lifelong fascination with zombies.

I remember that too. I seem to remember a part where this kid was goofing off around a fallout shelter when some zombies grabbed him?

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