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Scariest Movie you saw when you where WAY too young?


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The only scene in any movie that ever creeped me out in any movie... I was probably like 8 or 9 and at a friend's house and his dad was watching this movie 'Shocker' on TV and there's a scene in it where this guy was in jail and he faked like he was choking or something and someone went to give him mouth to mouth and he just bit the person's lip off. I was not a fan of that scene and I think I had a nightmare about it.

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No joke, the movie that gave me the most nightmares was Honey I Shrunk the Kids. I used to wake up vomiting because the idea of being super small in a world of giants who might squash me with their foot was so terrifying. I still feel nauseous if I accidentally think about being shrunk and surrounded by giants.

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Alien, when I was 8. My dad let it slip that he and my mom were going to watch it that night, so I spent all day pestering them to let me watch it with them. Early on I realized my mistake, but I watched the whole movie just to prove I was old enough to handle it. Couldn't sleep, of course, but I got all the cool Xenomorph action figures after that so I'd say I handled it well.

Strangely it wasn't the alien that scared me most, but that damn cat. Everyone is screaming and getting butchered, but the cat just watches the carnage with a gleam in its slitted eyes...

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I and my little brother were allowed to watch the original "Psycho" when it was first released in theaters.

My parents must have been out of their minds. Not only does it have those horrific murders, but a psychosexual angle. Plus, there was a creepo who sat right in front of us two kids and insisted on turning around and letting slip clues as to what was going to happen, so you knew he had seen it before.

We were actually more creeped out by him than the movie, though.

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Also, those fricken ear-worms in Wrath of Khan made me sleep with a pillow over my head for weeks.

No kidding, man. Those fucking things lived under my bed at night for months afterwards, I had to become a mini parkour expert just to get to the bathroom at night without stepping on the floor and letting them get me. :uhoh:

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Poltergeist scared the crap out of me when I watched it as a kid on tv. No idea how old I was.

Oh yeah, that scene in the bathroom when a character's peels off his face (or did I imagine that?)

The Exorcist III had a scene that really made me jump a few feet.

Flash Gordon wasn't too scary, except for one scene where is some sort of test involving putting your arm near some sort of (poisonous?) weird creature. Yeah, I was really young when I watched that.

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The Wood Beast! Poor Peter Duncan. Yeah, that was terrifying. And the bit at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark where the Nazis all get eaten by ghosts and that guy's face dissolves. 80s kids' movies were pretty hardcore :lol:

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I'm ok with horror/slasher movies tbh (even tho i'm not that fussed on them) I remember I was watching the Saw films at around 11 or 12 just the scene in Jeepers creepers with the people on the walls and then the creature biting someones tongue out of a decapitated head ARGH, now - i'd not flinch at all, but then I was so scared and disturbed lol

it's supernatural/paranormal ones that tend me weird me out now because the idea of ghosts absolutely terrifies me

2 things I can remeber viewing young that had a real effect on me. The Incredible Hulk tv series (one with Lou Ferringo as the hulk), and Threads.

I used to get really upset because the Hulk had to runaway and never made friends. Threads mainly because it was pretty horrific

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I don't remember how old I was but Jaws really ruined my relationship with bodies of water.

Silent Night, Deadly Night was banned on video in the UK for a while in the '80s. i own it. It's a hoot. There's also Christmas Evil, for those looking out for another enjoyable serial killer Santa film.

How could you leave out Black Christmas, it's probably the best of the three.

John Carpenter's The Thing and its knock off Leviathan. (the one with an underwater miners)

as a fan of The Thing, is Leviathan worth watching?

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