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Things you Enjoy, But Everyone Else Seems to Hate

A True Kaniggit

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Like rice pudding? I love rice pudding, but most people seem to hate it.

I love rice pudding. It kept me alive when my mouth was mangled from chemo, and helped prevent that emaciated look often associated with cancer.

I also love lumpy porridge. If my spoon stands up in it, all the better. I'm a product of my mother's terrible cooking.

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Like this. It's served hot and traditionally eaten as a midday meal on Saturdays and around Christmas (ex. as lunch on Christmas Eve.)

Looks very similar. I have jam and sugar in my rice pudding. Like SheRa, I love porridge too, done the same way. Based on my experience, we tend to eat rice pudding for Sunday tea, in the evening after a big roast lunch. Others may vary.

I actually bought a tin of rice pudding the other day. I've never made my own before.

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Is this a thing you invented, or is there a cultural tradition associated with it?

Invented at a party when both options were available. It's a salty/sweet thing and it works. If you can get blocks of chocolate with gooey caramel inside then that's even better and it's basically some kind of warped salted caramel.

Just guessing.

I refute all accusations along these lines!

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I like being outside in really bad weather. Something about getting all geared up for a walk on the beach in pouring rain and gale force winds, or prowling around in my 4x4 during a blizzard. Nature!

Invented at a party when both options were available.

Mmmhmm. No need to explain, I've been there. :drunk:

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Yeah, I don't like getting wet either. When I said "all geared up", I meant with actual rain gear. Coat, boots gloves, etc. Though I had a good laugh at the thought of me psyching myself up to run out into a storm in the buff.

"Ready, GO! ok, GO! aaaannnd Now! 1..2..3 GO!..."

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I also love fruitcake, even bad fruitcake.

Here's a small list of things I love that the world loves to hate on.

  1. The tv show "Hoarders" - I feel very organized and good about my life choices whilst watching.
  2. Velveeta cheese - Yes, I know it's not really a dairy product, but it makes the best mac n' cheese and rotel dip ever. Yes, it's trashy. I don't care.
  3. Old time country music ala Buck Owens and Loretta Lynn - I can't get enough of the stuff. I listen to Willie's Roadhouse and Outlaw Country constantly. Good stuff.
  4. I dislike "Love, Actually", but I do love me some "The Holiday", which is a similar movie.
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I love the rain. I often go on longish walks when it's raining, though it's not always too heavy. Then again, I'm the sort of person who loves the grey, overcast sort of weather so it's not too much of surprise.

Also, Love Actually :leaving:

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Taylor Swift. Yes I know she is running the music world but she gets a ton of hate as well. Don't love every song obviously but I respect the hell out of her.

Sour Beers of the kreik style. I am the only one of my friends who will touch them. And I will order one anytime I see it.

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