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What is really annoying you today 2.0: Pigeons, smokers and cyclists abound


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Don't give up. We haven't ever talked, but from your post it seems we've had similar experiences. It took me over a decade to graduate because i couldn't get out of bed in the mornings. And when I did I would be way too anxious about what my profs would think to ever go in. Its important to make issues like this talk aboutable, which is what you just did. Thats really good.

Also be aware of your thought processes. They can impact your actions in a big way. Negative thoughts will always sink you.

ETA: Even something so small as recognizing when you're thinking negatively about yourself, and consciously making an effort to stop can help. Cause its those moments of recrimination for percieved fault that always got to me. Being concious of what you're mind is doing is just one way to help rewire your brain.

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when i have a purpose in getting out of bed like work, or if someone forces me out of bed i'm ok.but if not i just don't see a point. i tried anti depressants, they did nothing for me, the two different sort i tried anyway, and my doctor seemed to think i wasn't the sort of person to benefit from pills either but counselling just isn't happening, i have a course i might go to but its like a well being Buddhist type lecture thing and that doesnt start till may. i have been living like this for years now. i think i've just sort of accepted it's who i am, just a part of my personality to be a miserable joyless lump im just glad i have no alcohol in the house right now i really don't need any ADDED depressants im such a terrible student ive missed more than half of my lectures and i dont deserve to get a 2:1 and i probably wont and i'll end up with a 2:2 and not even be able to do my masters and just work in my shitty retail job which i hate forever bcus it at least gets me out of bed and gives me enough money to occasionally get drunk dont worry anyway i get like this all the time and its always a bit better in the morning i guess well by better i at least cant really think much in the morning i hate how miserable ive become it doesnt suit me i used to have something in me that others could see, especially a few teachers, something interesting and worthwhile now im just useless i have a major major anxiety about food preparation and i really dont eat very well at all often just letting myself get hungry before i eat something completely devoid of any nutrition or goodness so im probably quite physically ill as well as mentally ill so theres basically like no point to me lol

I felt quite similar in 2009 through to 2011, where I was just this moping hunk of meat drinking and smoking each day away. I was on prozac but dropped it for a less-than-legal high, I was going to counselling but it didn't feel like it was helping or going anywhere, and I bombed out of a simple cert -> diploma course. I was getting anxiety attacks every second day, I was depressed as shit... It's such a sucky place to be in, and I'm fighting off getting back into that mode now. I hope you find the drive you need to get out of this funk. Keep fighting!

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I´m annoyed that I am procrastinating...

And I am annoyed because of these blockupy crazy folk in Frankfurt. I am all for getting the jackasses in the banks. And the EZB is the mother of the evil.

But burning down Frankfurt like in literally burning it down won´t help no one... They are loosing sympathy all over the place. Stupid dumb idiotic little... I´ll stop here.

These rioting "activists" could very well be the reason why the population will turn against any anti-banking-protest-movement.... Idiots!!!

Edit: great now they are attacking fireworkers... I can´t believe what lowlifes actually creeped out of their holes...

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My idiotic neighbor whom decided to buy a beagle just to strap it to a tree and let it bark all day/night is at the top of my shit list.

There's times where it's 2 AM and the dog is outside barking for an hour straight, and he won't come out to bring him/her in.

He either A.) Doesn't give a fuck, or B.) Doesn't hear it. I'm gonna go with the former because many of my neighbors have complained about it, so I think it's safe to say that he can hear this shriek in the middle of the night, and just chooses to let it play out.

Fuck this guy.

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Theda, I do not know what to say that would be helpful, but I really really wish your situation improves step by step. :grouphug:

Drac, maybe they are waiting for you to call them back? Anyway, good luck with that too! :)

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I think dogs are kind of like a status symbol to some people...

I just dont understand the mentality of buying something you dont intend to look after. Especially when that thing is a live animal.

Nothing says "I've made it, World!" like a beagle chained to a tree. Except maybe a studio apartment-bound Newfoundland.

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I think dogs are kind of like a status symbol to some people...

I just dont understand the mentality of buying something you dont intend to look after. Especially when that thing is a live animal.

This is the question I keep asking myself.

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Well theres a point to everything really...

At the darkest moment, things always seem like they can't get any better. But they can.

And I mean its not exactly good advice, but at its worst life can seem awful. Everyone has something that makes them laugh or gives them some enjoyment, even if its just for a few moments...

And I've come to see those few moments we all enjoy as been worth all the other shit.

I'm really sorry to hear you're having such a tough time of it, Theda. If the above advice doesn't help... maybe try the exact opposite? Maybe staying in bed all day and getting up for class are both going to be shit, but one of them is going to be boring and shit, where at least getting up and going to class might be shit in a new and interesting way. You might get angry. You might be sad. There could be puppies. A bird might poop on you. Theda's Fucking Awful Adventure :p

I guarantee you that the lack of food is making the situation worse. I've had problems with an eating disorder in the past, and even though I'm naturally one of the most irritatingly optimistic people you will ever meet, I got depression along with it. In a way I'm almost glad it happened (see above: irritatingly optimistic) because before I never could have really understood what it's like. Sometimes the bad emotions are all you're capable of feeling, but IMO anything is better than being in the middle of that big grey plain of meaninglessness.

Get mad. Get sad. Smash (non-valuable) things, if it helps. I find tomatoes and apples pegged at a brick wall splatter in a very satisfyingly violent way. Mutter unpleasant things about cyclists and give the side eye to people who cut you off on the footpath. Be embarassed, be scared, be defiant. Feeling things is a habit - your brain needs to learn how to do it again. If you can't jump straight to rejoicing in the joy of the sunset and singing in the rain, that's okay. You can start by resenting the rain and work your way up from there.

Just my two cents :)

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Thanks to everyone in this thread for the nice words; I'm, sorry to be such a downer lol. I'm actually full of emotions all of the time when I'm actually out of the grey, it's just the grey low moods keep me down. Currently screaming along to loud garage rock in my bedroom and feeling a lot better for it. :P

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Today I have a beef with the Social Security Administration. In a world where we get new Driver's License and Credit Cards every few years, the SSA issues one SS card for life. It is not even cardboard, just heavy paper stock. We are specifically forbidden to laminate it.

What the suffering fuck?

In my line of work and with recent-ish regulations regarding proper verification that one is a US citizen eligible for work, I have to show my SS card frequently. I try to take good care of it but after 20 years the ink is fading. Why the hell can't we have a more durable representation of our SS number?

[quibbles and gripes and walks away]

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litechick, you can get replacement cards, I've done that twice I think. Those times my old cards were lost/stolen, I had to show my birth certificate or passport, but it was pretty easy, and they mailed me the card. They also put medicare cards on the same type of paper, and since that's also used a lot, I think I will need a new medicare card sometime soon.

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My neighbors are like that, I just wanna take their dogs into my house when I hear them barking in the middle of the night.

i have taken a dog or two in my life that were getting a raw deal...and will again if i stumble across one...

Nothing says "I've made it, World!" like a beagle chained to a tree. Except maybe a studio apartment-bound Newfoundland.

i have decided you speak with my mind, Imp....because i agree completely...people who get dogs they can't deal with or provide for deserve to be ground into dog food and left to dry in the sun for a year...it is known!


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My 6th period class was so irritating today that I started looking up job postings in the middle of class while pretending I was still taking roll.

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