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Worst dialogue yet


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another thing people is forgetting.

Jon being so casual about sex somehow diminishes his own relationship with Ygritte. It was a conflict for him. For a guy who was definitely very brokenhearted about leaving his first and (so far) only love because he chose duty instead, it makes little sense to say "yeah, go and play house with Gilly in Oldtown!". bookJon actually tells Sam "I know you love Gilly as I loved Ygritte, but none of that could have happened at all".

A dude can be a dude with the dudes and still have a chick that holds a special place in his heart - just not let the dudes see that, coz well, that's how dudes think dudes get respect from dudes.

In a way, Jon and Sam talking about love, at their ripe young age, always felt kind of corny. They are barely more than boys, sex should be an adventure still, not a commitment yet.

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It's terrible but not as bad as I'm a queen not a politician what the fuck does that even mean

It means that they should not expect her to maneuver politically, but follow her with absolute obedience. Look it up: Despotism ( / Absolute Monarchy )

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It means that they should not expect her to maneuver politically, but follow her with absolute obedience. Look it up: Despotism ( / Absolute Monarchy )

Ive heard the term and understand it but the line annoys me because a monarch in got setting is a politian balancing the church the lords and knights opinions trying to get what they want I guess that's also what they were going for with break the wheel thing meant hmm youve made the line seem better than "bad pussy" so that's something

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A dude can be a dude with the dudes and still have a chick that holds a special place in his heart - just not let the dudes see that, coz well, that's how dudes think dudes get respect from dudes.

In a way, Jon and Sam talking about love, at their ripe young age, always felt kind of corny. They are barely more than boys, sex should be an adventure still, not a commitment yet.

Hm. That's not entirely true though, is it? They are not 'boys'. They way you put it it's like they're two teens hanging out in some mall. In the story they're young adults. But besides that, the dialogue is completely wrong. Jon saying stuff like 'So, you're shagging Gilly' and Sam replying, 'damn right' is beyond stupid. Not to mention that Sam would never abandon Jon like that, making the scene even more idiotic.

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Everything about the sand snakes was super shallow and unwatchable. It's seriously bringing down my overall impression of this season. Even if they all get recast, I don't think they could make me care about them anymore.


Tyene's tits. 'Nuff said. This is how they casted them.

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There was a lot more bad dialogue this season than in previous years where there was some absolutely fantastic writing.

I have no idea why it was so bad this time but the "bad pussy" thing was so cringey that even Bronn had no idea where to look or what to do with himself when Tyene said that line. I suppose it was meant to be cutesy - like the scene where the snakes played that slapping game in prison, or the "who is the most beautiful woman in the world" bewbs scene. I'm just amazed that no-one in the production team decided it would be weird for a teen to say that bad pussy line to a craggy faced fifty something man. Also: Why didn't he have a huge bruise after getting elbowed in the face? Why did Elleria stand there on the dock for so long with the poison lipstick on? And where are the rest of her kids? A fourth child was mentioned at one stage but we never saw her. Why didn't Jamie deny to Elleria that Myrcella was the product of incest when she mentioned it? Him keeping quiet was confirming it and surely there's the huge risk that Elleria could then tell Doran that the rumours are true and Jamie didn't even deny it when she mentioned it and that would not only mean that the engagement would be called off it would put all of the Lannisters in terrible danger.

Another thing: how did Brienne know what Stannis looked like? Surely it wasn't possible to Google image search people in those days. And why didn't Ramsay go and find him to take his head/ or body back to Roose to flay him?

I felt it was weird that all through season 4 there was a gigantic fight with the Night's Watch fighting so savagely against the wildings and then suddenly Jon's off an a suicide mission to Hardhome to go let them through the wall. I know it wouldn't have made good TV but surely all this could have been discussed and agreed with Mance and agreed peacefully. (Ok so then we wouldn't have had that awesome giants riding mammoths fight at the wall in season 4, Stannis turning up and saving the day and then the Hardhome fight too, but it all seemed a bit weird and rushed. I'd have liked to have seen where the wildings camped once settling on the other side of the wall and heard about what Jon did with all the ships). Also, what's going to happen to and who has all of Stannis gold that the iron bank loaned him and why did he do SUCH an about face on the issue of burning Shireen? It went from "are you crazy" to "yo let's burn my heir".

So many things didn't make sense or explained properly. Jon being okay with Sam playing house with Gilly and her attempted rape by the three NW brothers being barely mentioned after it had happened. Gilly seemed so unfazed by her attempted rape that she left the baby on his own in her room while she had thank you sex with a wounded Sam. Myrcella being totally down with the idea of being the product of incest (which would mean she's not even a princess) was vomitous :ack:. There were lots of little things like that which seemed to be there only for shock value to make the next scene even more horrifying which could have been tightened up with just a bit of careful writing and editing.

I am totally hooked on the show though and absolutely love it - I do understand with TV that often you have to suspend some sense of logic - and I will watch every single episode like the hopeless addict I am until the very end of the end. :cheers:

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They took a complex family tragedy in a beautiful world and turned it into a buddy comedy with an Oriental backdrop.

The beauty of the Dornish desert reduced to a somewhat stuffy grass field. The brilliance of Doran and Arianne as individual characters with a complex relationship gone, with the former being a non-entity and the latter being phased out of existence. The five Dorne chatpers we have in the books get better and better on rereads.

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Being in Renly's kings gaurd did she not attend their parely?

She did indeed... in a silly little helmet being subjected to bad dialogue. Compare the book version to the show version of the parley. Oh, wait... you can't! One is clearly utter shit and one is perhaps one of the finest bits of dialogue GRRM has written in those books. Almost every line is explosive or with meaning and depth.

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She did indeed... in a silly little helmet being subjected to bad dialogue. Compare the book version to the show version of the parley. Oh, wait... you can't! One is clearly utter shit and one is perhaps one of the finest bits of dialogue GRRM has written in those books. Almost every line is explosive or with meaning and depth.

Really? I don't remember/research these things religiously but I thought the show version of the parley included many of the book lines?

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I think the Break the Wheel speech might be the worst dialogue, because it is meant to be 'bad-ass' and 'meaningful'. Danaerys isn't going to Westeros to abolish the monarchy and install some kind of democracy; nor would I expect her to. She's a noble in a feudal system; she wants to be Queen of Westeros because she believes it is hers by birthright (like Stannis). She does want to rule justly and fairly when she becomes Queen (again, like Stannis) but she's perfectly prepared to kill a lot of people to get there (once again, like Stannis). And that's fine; we shouldn't expect these people to want to fundamentally change the system; that wouldn't be realistic.

But the Break the Wheel speech makes it sound like it's democracy that she wants to bring to Westeros. And that, frankly, is ridiculous.

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Fat Pink Mast are the words of a boy who is having sex for the first time and it's very much a foreigner about his own body. He has never seen his own penis "acting" in that way with a woman.

Reread Arys' chapter when he's with Arianne. She pretty much tells him the same Tyene tries (and fails) to say but she's waaaaaaaaaaay classier about it.

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I think the Break the Wheel speech might be the worst dialogue, because it is meant to be 'bad-ass' and 'meaningful'. Danaerys isn't going to Westeros to abolish the monarchy and install some kind of democracy; nor would I expect her to. She's a noble in a feudal system; she wants to be Queen of Westeros because she believes it is hers by birthright (like Stannis). She does want to rule justly and fairly when she becomes Queen (again, like Stannis) but she's perfectly prepared to kill a lot of people to get there (once again, like Stannis). And that's fine; we shouldn't expect these people to want to fundamentally change the system; that wouldn't be realistic.

But the Break the Wheel speech makes it sound like it's democracy that she wants to bring to Westeros. And that, frankly, is ridiculous.

Ugh that break the wheel speech made me cringe de la cringe. It was as bad as that time Dany said: "I shall doooo what Queefns do.... I shall roool". :bang:

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