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Terminator Genisys (spoilers... beyond the trailer)


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Like Humble said, I'm joking. Skynet appeared at one point as the hologram of a kid. Even the voice sounded a lot like the holographic kid from ME3.

I woke up randomly in the middle of the night a few days ago, and the gloomy Reaper music from ME3 was playing as the background for some sort of proto-human documentary on NOVA. /aside

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LOL. Yeah, you have to assume if they couldn't even make a good trailer out of it...the movie they want to resurrect the franchise...it has to be bad. I'll definitely see it some time, netflix, cable, whatever, but in the theatre? Ridiculous.

What are you talking about? The trailer was absolutely amazing.

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Went and saw this by myself yesterday.

I enjoyed it while watching it, but I wouldn't say it was that good.

Arnold was awesome, a real throwback to 80's Arnold.

I also liked the way the redid the parts of the original two movies (the fact that the liquid metal terminator looked like the original was great, hell it could have been the original actor).

While Sara Connor and Reese weren't well acted, I did like the way they flipped the dynamic a bit, even though I think they could have went farther with that.

Overall, worthy of a cheap matinee ticket if there isn't anything else out you want to see, but otherwise, wait til netflix.

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Saw it liked it. Arnie is by far the best thing in this movie, just for nostalgia purposes alone it's worth a ticket to see his performance. Otherwise a pretty good action movie. I'd say a 7/10, about the same as the Mad Max movie in terms of enjoyment for me.

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I saw it on friday. It was really enjoyable and entertaining to watch, and "worked" as a cash-in film trading on the nostalgia value of better movies much better than Jurassic World (although not at the box office, where it's under-performing). I've read some complaints that Emilia Clarke doesn't channel T2-Sarah Connor's "toughness", but why would you expect her character to be the same as a Sarah Connor that went through nearly two decades of isolation and hanging with crazy ex-military types before ending up in a mental hospital?

8/10 for me. Definitely worth seeing, but not great.

There were only two problems:

1. The film relies too much on What a Twist! style plot twists-n-turns to keep things going. "OMG John Connor is killed as Reese is being sent back!" "OMG He's Yet Another New Type of Terminator!" "OMG Old Arnold/T-800 kills the new one from the first movie!" It's not that it wrecks the movie or anything like that (and I thought Old Arnold killing New Arnold was awesome to watch), but it would almost certainly make it much harder to watch a second time around.

2. The movie introduces all these interesting plot complications - the mystery of who sent back the T-800 to save 9-year-old Sarah Conner, Skynet-as-Genisys, the new split timeline idea to resolve the plot hole back in T2 - but then does nothing with them. The movie ends up exactly where you think it's going to end up, with a fight between two Terminators and the "destruction" of this version of Skynet. It's especially disappointing because we see them actually interact with Skynet before it goes live and becomes genocidal, and you think the movie might be hinting that it's precisely their attempt to kill Skynet that causes it to turn against humanity (which would be fitting with the first two films, where IIRC Skynet initiated Judgment Day to save itself when the humans monitoring it got scared and tried to shut it down). But nope - we get a bunch of scenes where Skynet interacts with our characters, and they're more or less completely redundant.

I get that maybe they're saving stuff for future films, although it's bizarre for them to leave hanging loose ends so blatantly there. Like with the mystery of who sent Arnold back to save 9-year-old Sarah Conner, which involved a "memory wipe" (unlike all the other times) and is likely a set-up for another Big Twist in a sequel (if it gets one). If I thought it would be a smart film, I'd guess that it's some future version of Skynet that sent Arnold back, after coming to the conclusion that Judgment Day isn't in its best interests either. We know it survives to fight another day in a mid-credits scene.

Oh well. It was fun, if a bit insubstantial. It's funny to hear that Cameron and everyone else are trying to pretend that Terminator 3 and 4 never happened. I can't say I blame them, either - T3 blatantly spat on the theme of the second film ("No fate but what we make"), and T4 was a giant pile of nothing that did effectively nothing meaningful in terms of the storyline.

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I get that maybe they're saving stuff for future films, although it's bizarre for them to leave hanging loose ends so blatantly there. Like with the mystery of who sent Arnold back to save 9-year-old Sarah Conner, which involved a "memory wipe" (unlike all the other times) and is likely a set-up for another Big Twist in a sequel (if it gets one). If I thought it would be a smart film, I'd guess that it's some future version of Skynet that sent Arnold back, after coming to the conclusion that Judgment Day isn't in its best interests either. We know it survives to fight another day in a mid-credits scene.

Damn it, I didn't stay for the credits.

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In the movie, it's the name for a heavily anticipated AI/cloud operating system that's going to revolutionize the web - it basically becomes Skynet. Which makes it rather amusing - it's a corporate-speak dumb name both in-universe and out-universe.

Come to think of it, that's something else that it might have been cool for the movie to touch upon. Is Skynet different when it's a user-friendly operating system versus a super-computer that was designed in the original timeline to control the US's nuclear missiles? But again, the movie doesn't do anything with the interesting ideas it brings up. It's fun but ultimately empty, like watching one of the new Star Trek films.

I condemned Terminator: Salvation upthread, but it does at least do one thing: it breaks away from the repeating pattern that three out of four Terminator sequels got caught into, where they rehash the basic dynamic of the first film with the time-traveling robot assassins and the shock by the non-robot protagonists. It's like how the Men in Black sequels kept repeating the same dynamic over and over again rather than expanding out into new kinds of stories with the characters and shared universe. The only pity is that having done so, Terminator: Salvation then failed to replaced it with anything good.

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I went to see it today. Wasn't expecting much after the trailers, but I'd say the film is a bit better than the trailers made it look (although I'd probably have enjoyed it more if they hadn't given away many of the significant plot twists in the trailer). I thought Emilia Clarke did a decent job as Sarah Conner (although not as good as Linda Hamilton or Lena Headey in the role), but I agree with some of the other posters that I'm not sure why Jai Courtney keeps getting given big film roles - he's certainly no Michael Biehn. Schwarzenegger may look older and greyer but playing a robot who can only vaguely approximate human emotions is still the ideal role for him and did have some funny scenes.

All of the sequels have had issues with the time travel plotline getting increasingly convoluted and this one was probably the worst for that, I think it's best not to try to think too much about many aspects of the plot. The action scenes were OK but felt a bit little bit tired as if we'd seen it all before (a bit of a shame for a series that used to be groundbreaking in its action and special effects). Like most of the other Terminator films the competence of the liquid-metal Terminators seems to vary depending on how much danger the main characters are in, there did seem to be several occasions when they should have been able to easily kill Sarah and/or Kyle.

Overall, it was a reasonably entertaining action movie but felt a bit like someone had been given $100+ Million to film some Terminator fan-fiction.

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This was better than I expected. Arnold still has more charisma than the rest of the actors combined, his one-liners and 'smiling' were great. Some of the action scenes were cool, some weren't. Emilia Clarke is no Linda Hamilton. She looks so soft - is it too much work to lift some weights before starring in a blockbuster action movie? Jai Courtney didn't cover himself in glory either, but he has a lifetime pass from me for playing Varro. Overall I liked it a little better than 3 & 4, way less than 1 & 2.

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Well, I also went with low expectations and it was better than expected. Yes there are some obvious plot holes and enough loose ends for another movie, but don't all action / sci fi movies do that anyway?

For me the acting was fine, better than I could do so who am I to judge!

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Ok, I just want one thing spoiled. What's a Genisys? It is a completely stupid and irrelevant title?

It's a software that allows people to connect all their devices, with all the clouds, networks, everything out there.

In reality, unbeknownst to the company (Cyberdine) that is about to release the software, it is in fact Skynet.

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I feel like people are wayyyyyyyy too harsh with movies.

For the record, if I were to review Terminator Genisys I'd probably give it 4 out of 5 stars.

Here's the thing. I guarantee you that if T1 and T2 were released in *this* day and age, they would be critically panned and considered stupid, boring, and whatever. In T1 all we have is a robot going on a homicidal robot trying to hunt down Sarah Connor. In T2, there's two robots, one is a protector. Either way, in today's day and age, people would be all over it like they are with T-G.

The fact is, the series has never been literary quality entertainment. When dealing with future wars, robots, cyborgs, and time travel, there's a certain level of "this is absolutely silly" that we all agree on by watching it. It's a great kind of this is silly. It's sci-fi that is more -fi than sci-.

The fact is, this movie delivered EVERYTHING and MORE than what the previous movies had. It had Arnie? Check. Time Travel? Check. Big action set pieces and special effects? Check. Convuluted plotline that was already there in the first two movies? Check. If anything, it actually moved the story forward. We're no longer harping on certain characters, while others get their time to shine.

Maybe it's just me, but I am easily entertained to begin with. And I feel bad for people who feel the need to savage movies so readily. There's more to do in life than be a harsh critic.

As far as Jai Courtney goes? The dude can act. Go watch Spartacus. I don't know why people give him such flack. He makes an excellent Reese, and Emilia does an amazing job as Sarah.

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Here's the thing. I guarantee you that if T1 and T2 were released in *this* day and age, they would be critically panned and considered stupid, boring

Im sorry, but that's a poor argument, it's different era's and different standards, with different technology and resources for making movies.

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