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Watch, Watched, Watching: The Workprint Prototype Version


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On September 5, 2016 at 9:22 PM, Veltigar said:

I'm trying to watch the first episode of Outlander's second season. I'm really struggling with it. In particular 

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I find that I'm completely uninterested in Frank and Claire's reunion. I don't give a crap about the romance plot of this series, never have really. I just want her to get her ass back to 18th century Scotland to travel around and experience some swashbuckling adventures while (futely) trying to change the course of history. And without either cows or that fucking annoying voice-over. Those elements should be dropped from the show alltogether. 

So a couple of questions to everyone who has finished season two:

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Does it take a lot of time before she goes back to 18th century Scotland? 
Do you think this second season was better than season one?
Are their cows/a lot of voice-over?


I'm almost finished S1, and mostly my issues with it are pretty similar to the flaws in the book; Jaime's a bit too perfect, Claire's existential rationalization for 'cheating' seems the kind of thing that someone would only think in fiction, the pacing is a bit formulaic and it's a bit annoying that like every single historical detail she heard in the 40's has a bearing on her past travels. All that said it's good fun, the cast is solid ( especially Tobias Menzes) and...I've never said this before...the sex scenes are actually well done.

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2 hours ago, James Arryn said:

I'm almost finished S1, and mostly my issues with it are pretty similar to the flaws in the book; Jaime's a bit too perfect, Claire's existential rationalization for 'cheating' seems the kind of thing that someone would only think in fiction, the pacing is a bit formulaic and it's a bit annoying that like every single historical detail she heard in the 40's has a bearing on her past travels. All that said it's good fun, the cast is solid ( especially Tobias Menzes) and...I've never said this before...the sex scenes are actually well done.

Oh boy, wait until you reach the final episode of S1 :P If you have read the novels, you know what is coming, but for me (who did not, so I had no clue what I was in for) that ending was absolute shite. 


Fucking cows, I'm still sour about it.

That's why I'm torn about starting season 2

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17 hours ago, SpaceChampion said:

Watched the first two eps of Atlanta, Donald Glover's new show.  There's a lot of awesomely super cringey humour.  Gambino is a mastermind.

"This is definitely going on Worldstar!"

"No it ain't!!"

"Don't do that to us!" 

I watched the first two episodes last night. I really like it so far. It's funny as hell but goddamn does it get dark in a hurry. 

For anyone interested FX put the full first episode up on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qaqwio0bbG4

Might not work outside the US though. 

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Just watched the Jaco Pastorius documentary, appropriately titled Jaco, on NetFlix last night. Really well done, what a sad end to such an amazing talent.

3 hours ago, Nictarion said:

I've been thinking of finally starting Hannibal as all 3 seasons are on Amazon Prime, but I'm not too enthusiastic after hearing how bad much of the first season is. Sounds like another Black Sails...

I wouldn't let Channel4s-JonSnow's assessment turn you off, I loved Hannibal from the get go. Every season improves on the previous one, but I don't think the first one is bad by any stretch of the imagination. YMMV. 

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2 minutes ago, matt b said:

Just watched the Jaco Pastorius documentary, appropriately titled Jaco, on NetFlix last night. Really well done, what a sad end to such an amazing talent.

I wouldn't let Channel4s-JonSnow's assessment turn you off, I loved Hannibal from the get go. Every season improves on the previous one, but I don't think the first one is bad by any stretch of the imagination. YMMV. 

Well I thought Black Sails was appalling after 2 episodes as well, and that turned into one of my favourite shows, so shows can grow into a special flower :)

So far I find Hannibal to be hilariously formulaic and cliched for me to enjoy, but there is something in it that might keep me coming back

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4 hours ago, Nictarion said:

I've been thinking of finally starting Hannibal as all 3 seasons are on Amazon Prime, but I'm not too enthusiastic after hearing how bad much of the first season is. Sounds like another Black Sails...

Ehhh the first season is kinda like Justifieds. Starts off a bit stock case of the week procedural but then turns into something much more (and much better). The second half of season one through the end of season 2 is top notch imo. 

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Watching Once Upon A Time in America for the first time...don't really like mob movies, but I'd always heard good things. And, er....there's a lot of rape going on. Going to try a bit more, but this is getting pretty hard to stomach.

Edit: at the intermission, and well. Progress of a kind, RdN's latest rape appears to be more of your consequential kind...messing up his romance with the victim a bit. This is a step up from your previous, more introductory rapes, but still...I think I'm done. I'm sure they're allegorical and there's also a lot of killing which should bother me a least as much, but i guess I was prepared for that more than all the sexual assaults. Pretty brutal.

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I finished The Wire, and now that I have the complete picture that David Simon spent 60 episodes on, I am blown away by how impressive it is. This is one great fucking show, and I already want to rewatch it.

On season 5 in particular, it was way better than some reviews led me to believe. I get the criticism some people have about the journalism plot, but the flaws didn't bother me; I started studying Journalism while watching this season, so it was very interesting for me to see regardless.
I also think this was a really great way for the show the end, and that's oh so satisfying.

And now for something completely different - I started watching Star Wars Rebels, which I've wanted to do since they announced that an iconic SW character will be in season 3. It's no Wire of course, but pretty enjoyable, and funnier than I thought it would be. Pretty good for binging too.

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2 hours ago, James Arryn said:

Watching Once Upon A Time in America for the first time...don't really like mob movies, but I'd always heard good things. And, er....there's a lot of rape going on. Going to try a bit more, but this is getting pretty hard to stomach.

Edit: at the intermission, and well. Progress of a kind, RdN's latest rape appears to be more of your consequential kind...messing up his romance with the victim a bit. This is a step up from your previous, more introductory rapes, but still...I think I'm done. I'm sure they're allegorical and there's also a lot of killing which should bother me a least as much, but i guess I was prepared for that more than all the sexual assaults. Pretty brutal.

I remember only one sexual assault, the one in the car, and yeah, that bothered me too. I think it's a good movie but i believe many viewers took issue with that scene.

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34 minutes ago, First of My Name said:

I remember only one sexual assault, the one in the car, and yeah, that bothered me too. I think it's a good movie but i believe many viewers took issue with that scene.

He rapes a woman during a diamond heist earlier, and half-way rapes a girl in a w/c, when they were kids. Tbh, the heist one was worse because he later looks down on the victim for suggesting a three some, saying 'I'm not that kind of man. I'd belt you across the face but I'm afraid you'd enjoy it.' Yeah...like, I'll rape you and we're good, but suggest we get kinky and you deserve a punch'...wtf?

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47 minutes ago, James Arryn said:

He rapes a woman during a diamond heist earlier, and half-way rapes a girl in a w/c, when they were kids. Tbh, the heist one was worse because he later looks down on the victim for suggesting a three some, saying 'I'm not that kind of man. I'd belt you across the face but I'm afraid you'd enjoy it.' Yeah...like, I'll rape you and we're good, but suggest we get kinky and you deserve a punch'...wtf?

Okay, that's definitely worse than I remember it being. I wonder why the writers chose to go down that road.

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11 hours ago, Channel4s-JonSnow said:

I'm now 3 episodes into Hannibal and I cannot say its getting better, if anything it has got worse. The writing is lousy, full of utterly illogical moments and coincidences that would be unforgivable in an episode of Revenge or Bold and Beautiful. 

 I  see the huge logic gaps and thinly drawn cartoonish characters, and I am struggling. I'm going to try and get through the whole season in the hope that Mads will save the show.

I only got 3 episodes in before calling it quits, but have also heard from several people here that it just gets better. I might go back to it sooner or later.

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2 hours ago, Ramsay Blow said:

I only got 3 episodes in before calling it quits, but have also heard from several people here that it just gets better. I might go back to it sooner or later.

5 episodes in now, the Mrs quite likes it but I can't tell if I'm supposed to care about any of the paper thin characters. Their relationships with each other seem to be almost random and nothing builds on anything. Waiting for something good to happen.. 

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I don't think I mentioned that I watched Flowers? It's a Channel 4 mini-series that aired in the Spring. I didn't catch it at the time because I was in the middle of watching a couple of other shows and I am hopeless at watching shows in real-time on TV but ANYWAY...I loved this! It's really quite dark and gloomy in the mood, the colouring, imagery and setting (the theme and subject material is depression, basically) but it has a fantastic dark humour to it. There are some great performances, especially in the concluding episode. Olivia Coleman was the only actor I recognised properly when I started watching it but the son (still don't know what the actor's name is*) I also vaguely recognised from various British comedy things. Most of the story takes places in the weird old family home and surrounding land; there's a real fairy tale feel to it. It's bloody brilliant and you should definitely check it out.

*I just looked him up, it is Daniel Rigby and he is in the new Watership Down playing Dandelion. :)

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7 hours ago, Isis said:

*I just looked him up, it is Daniel Rigby and he is in the new Watership Down playing Dandelion. :)

I have said it before and I'll say it again, the world doesn't need another Watership Down adaptation, unless it's live-action with all the actors dressed up like bunnies!!!

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2 hours ago, Veltigar said:

I have said it before and I'll say it again, the world doesn't need another Watership Down adaptation, unless it's live-action with all the actors dressed up like bunnies!!!

Yes, it's a bit like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in that the original was amazing and there was no need to remake it. I'm not sure about the format that this version is taking actually. I'm sort of trying to not learn too much about it in case I get emotional in advance.

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I watched the movie "The Wailing" yesterday. A Korean supernatural thriller from director/writer Hong-jin Na that's getting rave reviews(100% on rottentomatoes). It was long as hell but very good. It was all pretty straight forward, until the end where things get pretty crazy and kind of complicated. I had to youtube an interpretation of what the hell just happened. It didn't help that I watched over 2 days either but there was some stuff I missed and some lore that I just didn't understand. The main character was annoying as hell sometimes but overall it's very well done. A rewatch is definitely in order at some point.

Also, anyone ever see "The Chaser" or "The Yellow Sea" by Na? This guy has me very intrigued with his other stuff.

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10 hours ago, Isis said:

I don't think I mentioned that I watched Flowers? It's a Channel 4 mini-series that aired in the Spring. I didn't catch it at the time because I was in the middle of watching a couple of other shows and I am hopeless at watching shows in real-time on TV but ANYWAY...I loved this! It's really quite dark and gloomy in the mood, the colouring, imagery and setting (the theme and subject material is depression, basically) but it has a fantastic dark humour to it. There are some great performances, especially in the concluding episode. Olivia Coleman was the only actor I recognised properly when I started watching it but the son (still don't know what the actor's name is*) I also vaguely recognised from various British comedy things. Most of the story takes places in the weird old family home and surrounding land; there's a real fairy tale feel to it. It's bloody brilliant and you should definitely check it out.

*I just looked him up, it is Daniel Rigby and he is in the new Watership Down playing Dandelion. :)

I really need to watch this, I love Julian Barrett of The Mighty Boosh and Olivia Coleman 

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