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Daenerys is Azor Ahai Reborn

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14 minutes ago, KingAerys_II said:

Is this interrogation?

No need to be so defensive. No, it’s not an interrogation, just curiosity. 

14 minutes ago, KingAerys_II said:

There is no need for you to know, it is a theory, if you think is not good, it is not a problem, do you need the name of the author, why? To prove the inconsistency ? It is all not official, I took this from a comment and it had some sense, that's it, my opinion is that after everything is over after the Others, Bran has no sense anymore, it has more sense if he uses his skinchanging ability to give influence to the past, the main idea is that the female direwolf didn't cross the Wall randomly but to give the Starks children the pups

Right. Have fun. :lol:


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/12/2023 at 6:01 AM, X-Buster said:

One of Dany's visions showed old kings in faded clothes holding glass candles.  They were rooting for her to succeed.  Those guys were her ancestors.  Dany is Azor Ahai reborn for this time. 

Jon Snow is the return of the Night's King and Arya will be his corpse bride. 

The kings had flaming swords so they were earlier versions of Azor Ahai.  They failed.  Dany will be successful. 

The Jon-Arya, Nightsking-Nightsqueen dynamic will continue.  Jon will be the Corpse King though.  The Others will bring him back and it will be Arya who will be lured to him. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/8/2023 at 11:02 AM, Aerodimas said:

Dany is more than likely AA but you give her to much importance

She's got the hart i'll give you that but even Robert was a better ruler.


It is all Bloodraven fault.

Dany gets the praise and credit she deserves. She already is a much better ruler than Robert. She is definitely a better leader than Robb Stark and Jon Snow.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 6/23/2023 at 3:42 AM, Targaryen Restoration said:

The kings had flaming swords so they were earlier versions of Azor Ahai.  They failed.  Dany will be successful. 

The Jon-Arya, Nightsking-Nightsqueen dynamic will continue.  Jon will be the Corpse King though.  The Others will bring him back and it will be Arya who will be lured to him. 

The men were her ancestors.  The swords were Lightbringer for that person.  Dany's weapon will be the most powerful because she has three dragons.  All the men had were swords. 

The Maiden Made of Light, the sun personified, has returned to the world to push the Others and the Starks back to the land of always winter. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/4/2020 at 10:47 PM, James Fenimore Cooper XXII said:

I pulled up an old topic from long ago.  I thought it worth the effort to widen the scope of this discussion. 

We started off talking about the "ghosts" in the hallway and their swords.  I want to bring in additional materials that may help in the discussion, for those who would care to talk about this old topic.

From Pate:

There are at least four of these "candles."  Valyria is the accepted origin.

From Armen:

Why would a candle have sharp edges?  Only weapons have sharp edges.  Knowledge can be dangerous but not as dangerous as ignorance.  I don't agree with this part of Armen's opinion.

From Leo:

The source of light is obviously not a flame. 

From Armen:

No it does not.  Marwyn thinks it's obsidian though. 

From Samwell:

So what kind of light makes whites look like that?  Something that has ultra-violet.  The perfect light to use against creatures who live at night.  They burn instead of getting a sun tan. 

From Will:

So once again, we have swords that glow in the dark.  This one gives off blue light. 

From Ned:

Arthur's sword glows in the dark?  It is described as glass-like.

From Daenerys:

We assumed in the first discussion that these men were not the Targaryen kings of Westeros.  The Targaryens do not name themselves or their reign in terms of gem stones.  These men were older, from a long time ago.  These men were Azor Ahai of his time.  Their clothes were ragged because they were living through the long night.  So why is Daenerys important to them?  I believe it is because she is Azor Ahai for this time.  She is the one who can "wake the dragon."  The dragon represents fire and light. 

From Quaithe:

It is my opinion that the death of Khal Drogo lit the candles.  Khal Drogo is Nissa Nissa. 

From The World of Ice & Fire:

So it is believed the Blood Betrayal caused the Long Night.  I'm doubtful, but let's continue.  It is obvious to me, Maiden-Made-of-Light is the Sun.  Lion of Night is the Moon.

From Old Nan:

This looks like a climate change to me.  Change the environment and it favors another species.  The definition of who is fittest can change.  Darkness and cold favor the white walkers.

From The World of Ice & Fire:

This is clear evidence.  The threat existed long before the blood betrayal took place.  Why else would the effort to build and guard these fortresses be sensible.  The size of the defense is equal to the seriousness of the threat.  The blood betrayal did not create the threat.

From The World of Ice & Fire:

The "ghosts" must have failed.  They are hailed as heroes in the records but I think the climate changed on its own.  The long night ended but the empire remained broken.  I believe this is important, but more on this later.  Parts of the old ruling families still exists and rule fractions of what was the old empire. 

From The World of Ice & Fire:

Amethyst is a purple-blue color.  This guy, Bu Gai, must have descended from the Amethyst Empress (family) of old. 

From George Martin: (not an exact quote)

From Quaithe:

From Daenerys and Quaithe:

From The World of Ice & Fire:

No people in their right mind would build with this stone in a place like this.  Unless it wasn't like this when it was built.  Asshai must have been normal in the past.  Something happened to corrupt the very stone of the city itself and contaminate the land around it.  Perhaps this is the after effects of the long night.

I know.  Whew that was long.  But I hope you will agree with me.  It is important for Daenerys Targaryen to learn this truth to avoid a repeat of what happened in this part of the world.  The Amethyst Empress was not an individual but a political faction and family branch.  The Red was also a political faction.  Much like the Tigers and the Elephants in the free cities today.  The blood betrayal caused a political and social divide.  The empire could no longer properly defend its borders because they were divided.  Daenerys assumed Asshai but Quaithe probably meant Yin.  Lightbringer's role is to restore and to rebuild after the end of the long night.  It is easier to accept Lightbringer being glass lanterns to light the world through the long night.  It may even be a weapon because it is sharp.  At least some enable communication.  I don't rule out that there is an actual sword called Lightbringer but an object with multiple uses, weapon, lantern, and telephone, is much more useful.  The Valyrians perhaps didn't know what it was and repurposed the glass objects into communication devices.  The phrase "to touch the light you must pass beneath the shadow" mean the long night cannot be stopped nor avoided.  Daenerys will have to live through the darkness before she can again enjoy light and warmth.  Which is fitting because the last title will be A Dream of Spring.  Knowing this truth will help her prepare herself and her people to live through the long night and rebuild afterwards.  The last part is something the previous Azor Ahai was never able to do.

The worldwide change in climate is part of the planetary cycle with bits of magic worked into the formula.  Azor Ahai can manipulate the bit under the influence of magic but the planetary rotation and the angle of the axis are controlled by physics.  The magic sword is the sceptre of Azor Ahai.  The symbol of power.  Daenerys is much stronger compared to her previous lives because she has dragons.  Dragons are Fire made flesh.  And Fire is power.  She will have the power to give Ice a good beating and basically send the wolves back to the north where they can lick their wounds for the next ten thousand years.  The season will change according to the planet's axis.  Azor Ahai will kick Ice and their wights back to the hell they came from but still will have to await the end of winter. 

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2 minutes ago, Bowen 747 said:

The worldwide change in climate is part of the planetary cycle with bits of magic worked into the formula.  Azor Ahai can manipulate the bit under the influence of magic but the planetary rotation and the angle of the axis are controlled by physics.  The magic sword is the sceptre of Azor Ahai.  The symbol of power.  Daenerys is much stronger compared to her previous lives because she has dragons.  Dragons are Fire made flesh.  And Fire is power.  She will have the power to give Ice a good beating and basically send the wolves back to the north where they can lick their wounds for the next ten thousand years.  The season will change according to the planet's axis.  Azor Ahai will kick Ice and their wights back to the hell they came from but still will have to await the end of winter. 

Fire is as much a danger to Westeros as Ice is. So spaketh the Lord George RR Martin 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/4/2020 at 7:47 PM, James Fenimore Cooper XXII said:

I pulled up an old topic from long ago.  I thought it worth the effort to widen the scope of this discussion. 

We started off talking about the "ghosts" in the hallway and their swords.  I want to bring in additional materials that may help in the discussion, for those who would care to talk about this old topic.

From Pate:

There are at least four of these "candles."  Valyria is the accepted origin.

From Armen:

Why would a candle have sharp edges?  Only weapons have sharp edges.  Knowledge can be dangerous but not as dangerous as ignorance.  I don't agree with this part of Armen's opinion.

From Leo:

The source of light is obviously not a flame. 

From Armen:

No it does not.  Marwyn thinks it's obsidian though. 

From Samwell:

So what kind of light makes whites look like that?  Something that has ultra-violet.  The perfect light to use against creatures who live at night.  They burn instead of getting a sun tan. 

From Will:

So once again, we have swords that glow in the dark.  This one gives off blue light. 

From Ned:

Arthur's sword glows in the dark?  It is described as glass-like.

From Daenerys:

We assumed in the first discussion that these men were not the Targaryen kings of Westeros.  The Targaryens do not name themselves or their reign in terms of gem stones.  These men were older, from a long time ago.  These men were Azor Ahai of his time.  Their clothes were ragged because they were living through the long night.  So why is Daenerys important to them?  I believe it is because she is Azor Ahai for this time.  She is the one who can "wake the dragon."  The dragon represents fire and light. 

From Quaithe:

It is my opinion that the death of Khal Drogo lit the candles.  Khal Drogo is Nissa Nissa. 

From The World of Ice & Fire:

So it is believed the Blood Betrayal caused the Long Night.  I'm doubtful, but let's continue.  It is obvious to me, Maiden-Made-of-Light is the Sun.  Lion of Night is the Moon.

From Old Nan:

This looks like a climate change to me.  Change the environment and it favors another species.  The definition of who is fittest can change.  Darkness and cold favor the white walkers.

From The World of Ice & Fire:

This is clear evidence.  The threat existed long before the blood betrayal took place.  Why else would the effort to build and guard these fortresses be sensible.  The size of the defense is equal to the seriousness of the threat.  The blood betrayal did not create the threat.

From The World of Ice & Fire:

The "ghosts" must have failed.  They are hailed as heroes in the records but I think the climate changed on its own.  The long night ended but the empire remained broken.  I believe this is important, but more on this later.  Parts of the old ruling families still exists and rule fractions of what was the old empire. 

From The World of Ice & Fire:

Amethyst is a purple-blue color.  This guy, Bu Gai, must have descended from the Amethyst Empress (family) of old. 

From George Martin: (not an exact quote)

From Quaithe:

From Daenerys and Quaithe:

From The World of Ice & Fire:

No people in their right mind would build with this stone in a place like this.  Unless it wasn't like this when it was built.  Asshai must have been normal in the past.  Something happened to corrupt the very stone of the city itself and contaminate the land around it.  Perhaps this is the after effects of the long night.

I know.  Whew that was long.  But I hope you will agree with me.  It is important for Daenerys Targaryen to learn this truth to avoid a repeat of what happened in this part of the world.  The Amethyst Empress was not an individual but a political faction and family branch.  The Red was also a political faction.  Much like the Tigers and the Elephants in the free cities today.  The blood betrayal caused a political and social divide.  The empire could no longer properly defend its borders because they were divided.  Daenerys assumed Asshai but Quaithe probably meant Yin.  Lightbringer's role is to restore and to rebuild after the end of the long night.  It is easier to accept Lightbringer being glass lanterns to light the world through the long night.  It may even be a weapon because it is sharp.  At least some enable communication.  I don't rule out that there is an actual sword called Lightbringer but an object with multiple uses, weapon, lantern, and telephone, is much more useful.  The Valyrians perhaps didn't know what it was and repurposed the glass objects into communication devices.  The phrase "to touch the light you must pass beneath the shadow" mean the long night cannot be stopped nor avoided.  Daenerys will have to live through the darkness before she can again enjoy light and warmth.  Which is fitting because the last title will be A Dream of Spring.  Knowing this truth will help her prepare herself and her people to live through the long night and rebuild afterwards.  The last part is something the previous Azor Ahai was never able to do.

George didn't say how many of these ancestors of Dany there were in total.  Should the number turn out to be 7?  They might be the source of the Seven and worshiped by the Andals.  Dany has many godlike qualities.  She is not only the one Targaryen who brought life back to the dragons.  She is the most beautiful woman in the world and one very intelligent woman. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/25/2023 at 10:23 PM, Roswell said:

George didn't say how many of these ancestors of Dany there were in total.  Should the number turn out to be 7?  They might be the source of the Seven and worshiped by the Andals.  Dany has many godlike qualities.  She is not only the one Targaryen who brought life back to the dragons.  She is the most beautiful woman in the world and one very intelligent woman. 

Indeed she has many of the qualities one would credit to a goddess.  She had or has the ability to bring life to a stone object.  She has the power to grant life.  She must have other powers she doesn't yet know about. 

Arya and the Starks bring nothing but death and ruin to whoever and whatever they get near.  The Starks are the dark elements.  I think Daenerys is the AntiStark and therefore the protagonists. 

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On 8/25/2023 at 10:23 PM, Roswell said:

George didn't say how many of these ancestors of Dany there were in total.  Should the number turn out to be 7?  They might be the source of the Seven and worshiped by the Andals.  Dany has many godlike qualities.  She is not only the one Targaryen who brought life back to the dragons.  She is the most beautiful woman in the world and one very intelligent woman. 

I am working on a theory about the existence of an ancient race of Gods who ruled during the time before recorded history.  At least before history as recorded by the maesters.  This race taught the ancient ancestors of the Valyrians what they knew about Dragons.  They built Asshai and were the founders of The Great Empire of the Dawn.  This race survives today and Daenerys comes from that race.  She comes from the ruling line, the Amethyst Empress, of the race.  The family ruled over the other families who in turn ruled over the primitive humanoid species.  The man who committed the betrayal and usurped the throne would later become the Redstone emperor.  His bloodline was punished and had to scatter.  At least one of its descendants made it to the western North and were influential with the primitive tribes of the First Men.  I believe this person was the ancestor of the white-haired woman who was present during the blood sacrifice in Bran's visions.  They bred with the very primitive tribal leader of the First Men and the Starks carry some of the tainted blood of the Redstone emperor.  Somewhere in the Winterfell crypts is the black meteor.  

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On 9/5/2023 at 12:26 PM, H Wadsworth Longfellow said:

Indeed she has many of the qualities one would credit to a goddess.  She had or has the ability to bring life to a stone object.  She has the power to grant life.  She must have other powers she doesn't yet know about. 

Arya and the Starks bring nothing but death and ruin to whoever and whatever they get near.  The Starks are the dark elements.  I think Daenerys is the AntiStark and therefore the protagonists. 

Only the most worthy could pull dragons from stone.  She is that.  Like King Arthur pulled the sword from the stone. 

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