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US Politics: What will the InJustice League do next?


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1 hour ago, Week said:

Bad example -- I should have used the name of the thousands of others that disprove this anecdata (or millions in jail). Mea culpa. 

Is Guantanamo a shining example of US exemplar too? There have been many exposés, protests, etc and yet --

Eta- looking back, the point was state assault on civil liberties of individuals. George Floyd is certainly an example of that.

Again, you can find all kinds of problems with the US, but we are not anything like totalitarian China, and you think you can equate the two you have no idea what you’re talking about. Your anger towards the US is completely blinding you.

You mention Guantanamo, I’ll bring up a million plus Uyghurs facing concentration camps and genocide. These are not the same things bro.

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8 minutes ago, Heartofice said:

Not sure how concerns about true authoritarianism , actual concentration camps, genocide, drowning babies is ‘white and male’ 

But thanks for completely destroying your own argument 

That's not what I was responding to with that comment but go off queen.

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4 minutes ago, Tywin et al. said:

Again, you can find all kinds of problems with the US, but we are not anything like totalitarian China, and you think you can equate the two you have no idea what you’re talking about. Your anger towards the US is completely blinding you.

You mention Guantanamo, I’ll bring up a million plus Uyghurs facing concentration camps and genocide. These are not the same things bro.

Yeah the for profit prison system with forced labour is the think one could compare it to. Less bad than the stuff China does but still horrible.

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8 minutes ago, Luzifer's right hand said:

Yeah the for profit prison system with forced labour is the think one could compare it to. Less bad than the stuff China does but still horrible.

Which again is terrible and something I wouldn’t defend, but the point remains you can cite as much wrong with the US as you want and I can cite stuff from China, all of which is worse, and that’s before we touch on their likelihood of invading Taiwan which will make the global consequences from Russia invading Ukraine look like a mild annoyance.

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Just now, TormundsWoman said:

Oh wow, completely off topic but not sure where this should go: Shinzo Abe was assassinated. I mean I’d expect this in US but Japan?! I wonder how common is assassination of political figures in Japan since the industrial revolution.

I was just looking at that.  Really scary shit.


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1 hour ago, IheartIheartTesla said:

I would like also to point out that the Chinese government probably shouldnt criticize other nations about human rights violations, unless they want to be accused of hypocrisy in turn.

But private citizens of any nation? Go right ahead. Just because Germany has a better freedom score than the US doesnt mean I wont criticize their government for what I think is not acceptable.

Agreed. Like, when the leader of a state that doesn't submit to Den Haag calls for a terrible human rights violator and war criminal to be tried in Den Haag. Hypocrisy at its best.

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13 minutes ago, TormundsWoman said:

Oh wow, completely off topic but not sure where this should go: Shinzo Abe was assassinated. I mean I’d expect this in US but Japan?! I wonder how common is assassination of political figures in Japan since the industrial revolution.

This is being discussed in the "International Events" thread:



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Seems I started a bit of a firestorm, I just want to say I wasn't intending to equate China with the US or say both sides are the same. It's just this moment effected me quite a bit and well all your criticisms of China are right. Doesn't it make it sad that China now has guaranteed actualized (not just on paper) human rights that the US doesn't?

14 hours ago, Tywin et al. said:

Or maybe just an example of really effective propaganda. That's not to excuse the US for anything, but China doesn't get to lecture us and their citizens are for the most part unaware or supportive of their countries own horrible policies. 

I suppose it is, but in this case it's the unvarnished truth.  Usually my students come at me with something insane they heard on state news or just random weird ideas picked up about the west. But in this case it's true the CCP will absolutely protect their right to choose more than the US Supreme court will. That's a fact, not all the other bad stuff China has done and not all the other bad stuff America has done and if we tally that score America will come ahead by a mile. But we weren't tallying everything we were tallying one thing and it really failed. They came to me honestly curious about how such a thing could happen in a modern developed country. I explained as best I could how it came to pass, the pro life movement, the supreme court, it's role ect. If we believe democracy is a moral good all I can say is it lost three potential converts as they concluded (somewhat correctly though with a big fucking asterisk) that it was incapable of protecting their rights. 

4 hours ago, Tywin et al. said:

If the same thing happened in China we'd probably never even hear a word about it.

I mean here is a word if you'll have it. Recently there was a video of graphic violence at a BBQ restaurant in which three women were brutally assaulted after resisting sexual harassment.  The video has spread like wildfire and ignited a whole conversation about gender relations in China. I teach English majors which are 95% female and per my contract am required to hold my final exam in the form of a presentation. Multiple students asked to change their topic talk about this and one even scrawled on her topic change form in all caps "IT'S NOT POLTICAL!" since we are not allowed to talk about political topics. Of course it is political and of course I gave my approval to all of them and we had some very nice speeches on feminism, gender equality, and institutional discrimination against women in China. A word yes. A muted word also yes. And will all this kerfuffle on social media cause real change I doubt it. But it might be the seed of something and regardless if it is or isn't it happened.

I dunno if this is really an argument a response or what. But it's stuff that happened and China is a society of more than a billion people. Stuff happens here besides boots stamping on faces. Though that happens too.

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I will be interested to see how China handles its upcoming population growth crisis , and whether it’s position on abortion will stay the same when it’s faced with a western style aging populace with not enough young people to pay for them 

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2 hours ago, Heartofice said:

Its a strange comparison, in addition to the above, entire cities have been locked down in China to reach zero Covid, people have been put into camps and facilities for weeks on end, pets were shot, people starved and not allowed out their houses.

We've seen the way the Chinese authorities have treated the people in Hong Kong who have dared to protest against the government.

Abortion rights and what has just happened in the US is shocking, but not long ago babies were being drowned in lakes in accordance with the one child policy in China, and absolutely horrific events occurred which are beyond imagination to Westerners. 

I just don't see there is any comparison at all. 

I haven't compared anything and I've posted some about people I know during the lockdowns. I posted because I felt a bit disturbed to have people from such a society pitying American women, and also being in rather awkward place with democracy the facts. and THIS SPECIFIC right. 

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