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The best comic strip ever made


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I've been reading it for a while, so boo-yah to you.

It is very good. Better than many actual DC comics around these days.

Ha, well i'm behind the curve in terms of interweb comics. I got on board with penny arcade, xkcd, and diesel sweeties for a while, but lost interest about two years ago.

If you got some good ones, post them. I've got a day to kill.

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Ha, well i'm behind the curve in terms of interweb comics. I got on board with penny arcade, xkcd, and diesel sweeties for a while, but lost interest about two years ago.

If you got some good ones, post them. I've got a day to kill.

Well the two big dogs for me are Order of the Stick (which quickly grows beyond its fairly common D&D mick-take roots to bust out some of the best meta-fictional humour I know of, and a very good story to boot) and Gunnerkrigg Court. Which does look like a kind of cyberpunk Harry Potter for teenage girls but is some of the best long-form storytelling you'll ever read. And the art does get better.

The other one I read regularly is Questionable Content - there's nothing remarkable about it, it's just a very likeable slice-of-life humour strip.

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I was a big fan of Darths and Droids (all six Star Wars films reimagined as a crappy roleplaying campaign) but it's gone on way too long and the metaplot has gotten impenetrable. 926 pages and they've only just started Empire Strikes Back. It does, however, genuinely make Jar-Jar an awesome character and turns R2 into a power-crazed lunatic, which is very entertaining.

DM of the Rings, which does the same thing for Lord of the Rings, is much better because it's finished and much shorter (144 pages). It also explains the most fecking random scene in the entire movie trilogy (when Elrond somehow teleports to Argorn's tent to give him a sword he could have given him months earlier).

For normal webcomics, I did enjoy Shortpacked for a time but again it's gone on way too long (and has quite complicated ties to two or three previous webcomics by the same guy) and the 'main' plot is very hit and miss. I only check it out now for the Batman one-shots (like the latest one, which makes a good point).

I used to read CAD during their heavy ASoIaF-referencing page, but then it went shit (and was never brilliant to start with) and disappeared up the creator's backside. Penny Arcade's done the same thing, though it's more reliably amusing. But it's been around for so long that a lot of their strips are variations on stuff they've already done.

I did quite enjoy Concerned, which is (bear with me here) a Monty Python's Life of Brian take on Half-Life 2. Just as Brian wasn't Jesus, the hero of Concerned isn't Gordon Freeman, but due to an unfortunately similar name is constantly mistaken for him. It takes place shortly before HL2 and Frohman's crazy antics basically explain a lot of the random shit in the game (like, why the hell are there explosive barrels everywhere?). Funny, but you have to be reasonably au fait with what happens in the game to get the most out of it. For example, the first strip isn't that funny unless you know that Valve delayed the game for 14 months with absolutely no warning.

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  • 7 months later...

I will concede Calvin & Hobbes being the bestest best, but JL8 is my favorite current running strip and comes pretty damn close to C&H enjoyability. Definitely in my top 5 all time favorite (Calvin & Hobbes, Bloom County/Outland, For Better or For Worse, Far Side, JL8 )

Yale Stewart went on a bit of a hiatus at the end of 2013/beginning of 2014, so glad he's back!

Giving this thread a bump to say I'm still reading it and loving it. Great stuff. If you're not reading it...well, you should be reading it!

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I'm not a huge fan of "on-going storyline" comics, so I prefer single-strip ideas with perhaps the occasional 2-3 strip arc (although I don't mind recurring characters). SMBC is the most consistently hilarious comic I've found (especially considering he puts out one per day). I'm also quite partial to Wondermark. And xkcd is basically mandatory reading where I work, so of course I follow along with that as well.


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The best is clearly Piranha Club. God I hope that Bud Grace does an anthology (either electronic or a book) like Far Side did. Speaking of which..

Gary Larson's The Far Side. Still makes me laugh out loud and snort beer through my nose. After all these years.

I'd rate #2. Own the Anthology, great investment.

Of the on-line ones I like Bruno the Bandit.


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This is clearly a thread about Calvin and Hobbes.

(I tried to add a link to my favorite strip, the Sunday edition where Calvin and Suzy debate the definition of supply and demand, but sadly failed.)

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