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Meera of Tarth

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  • Queen of Sapphire Island. Bran is my Prince
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    cinema, reading, learning languages, promenades, aller en vélo, travelling, drawing, photography, astrophysics' documentaries and science, Smallville, hairdressing, Bran's growing powers....

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    Meera of Tarth

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  1. Yeah, I saw that first we need the questionnaires. Mmmmmhhh Wow, the idea is very exciting! If someone organises this I think I'd be in. Although...maybe if it was a little less than $50 would be better.
  2. Oh I am so happy I finally get paid for that proofreading/translation job, even if much less. And I will be finishing it.
  3. I'd like to have a normal job once I finish this also in order to socialise, even if just a little. Now that classes have started in that master, it felt so good talking with new people. Yeah totally! I much prefer the latter, it's also easier for bad translations to guess the initial point. And now it comes a crying rant.... The project is over. I didn't make a contract 'cause the work, initially, was supposed to be of just a week and I calculated it would not be worth it for payments to Tax Office. Moreover, the contact was a colleague of a good friend of mine, but in the end, after 2 weeks working and telling them I'd prefer to have a first payment, they said "we're just a start-up, the budget was just 600, you have changed the conditions, this is too much for us, you have weird things of doing business, we are accustomed to receiving the work and you didn't send us anything, it's just checking some words come on!, we can't pay, we have someone else who could do it, the translation was 1000 euros, we can't pay more for proofreading" so bye bye. Still baffled to the fact how 1000 euros could turn into euro/h for a translator, for that project. Much less than the minimum salary, that for sure. And now I understand how it smelled s google translate. Needless to say the terms were never changed by me at all, they were clear, and everything I was doing was discussed by them transparently, telling them how this was much bigger once JPEG banners started popping up, saying the words already done every 3 days, etc. It's just two weeks of work done lost though, they didn't receive anything from my part as they never asked me for, everything was going to be sent at the end. I felt terribly angry, sad and frsutrated for two days, especially for the condescending comments, lies, and how they have tricked me on this... Today I feel better, though. I guess I should have always mistrusted from the moment they said "we dodn't know how large our website is". Something to learn of, I guess. I thought of all that too later, yeah. I will probably do it differently next time, even go alone on my own, or ask her to go to the next one (this would be better). With cinema it's different, I have internalised it's perfectly fine to go alone there, something I normallly do (except for the fact I have not gone to the cinema since February 2020...), so yeah, it makes sense with theatre and opera and concerts as well. It's just, I guess I need to do it once on my own first...?? Thanks! In my city it's not very practical, steep streets, and too many cars and motos... But I usually cycle around my neighborhood and sometimes go to the beach to exercise a little.
  4. Ok...I just discovered that proofreading and translating is terribly boring and this project is much longer than I expected. My thesis needs to start, and I haven't. I started one subject of a new Master, but I'm pending of some validations; otherwise not sure what I'll do with it. I went to see a county basquetball match and some players were handsomish. I bought a decorative rope with hanging little balls covered in 3-coloured blueyish threads that get illuminated. It's so cosy for the rest of the bedroom. The other day I was about to go to the opera with a friend, but at the end we had to seat separated and buy the tickets last minute, and since I have not gone tere ever, I preferred to decline the invitation because I wanna sit next to someone the first time I go.
  5. Fine! Getting into routine again, proofreading a website, studying in order to start my thesis and I tried climbing wall for the first time, with no much success, but it was fun What is the audiobook about???<
  6. Oh that's my big issue, I'm struggling to get rid of clothes cause I like them.so much and my weight changes drastically. Should definitely do it though next time! (as for party dresses difficult to wear them in corona times so good!) I also bought a mushroom night light from Ikea, and I can't like it more.
  7. So...after several days of hard work organising, money spent on decoration stores...I managed to finally organise all my clothes, make up and other stuff My favourite are the turquoise velvet basquets to separate different types of clothes: home clothes, sport ones, etc...
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