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  2. What is annoying is that he did say early on that Way of Kings would be the longest novel and the rest would be shorter, and he's since bemoaned how big the books are because of the time they take, so if he reduced the books from say 1,400 pages to around 750 pages, they'd still be bloody big books, but much more digestible and he'd shave at least a year off the writing of each one. I do wonder if he's planning to significantly shorten the books in the second half of the series, bearing in mind it's taken 15 years to produce the first half and will presumably take the same to produce the second, if not longer as he's likely to slow down as he gets older.
  3. Ugh. You know when you baby sit your sister’s sick kids? And you just know your’e gonna get sick yourself in 2 days now? I just hope it’s not that bad.
  4. Cooking in the sense that your gaming room will be a sauna from the heat the GPU will be exhausting in to it, I assume?
  5. In later seasons, particularly 4, Burnham develops a very strange way of speaking, a sort of whisper-rasping thing. It's not quite as bad as Aidan Gillen's inexplicable Batman voice as Littlefinger in later seasons of GoT, but it is equally inexplicable that they both use their perfectly fine, normal human speaking voices in earlier seasons and abruptly switch 2 or 3 seasons in for absolutely no apparent reason.
  6. I think it's become increasingly clear that Sanderson has no editorial hand constraining him. I believe he's stated outright that he enjoys vomiting all his ideas out onto the page but dislikes rewriting and editing, and at this point sales juggernaut that he is nobody's going to make him carve out the good book from the surrounding bloat when it'll sell hugely regardless.
  7. Yesterday
  8. My brother calls it Whisperboarding. i.e. Once again, Michael Burnham resolves the plot by whisperboarding a galaxy-threatening threat into submission.
  9. I think it was Monday or Tuesday. But I can't be at all certain. Might have been last week, lol. He was talking to women who have decided, for whatever reason, not to have children. We heard how society drills into girls, from a very early age, the idea that motherhood should be their ultimate goal in life. And how, if you weren't a mum, there must be something wrong with you. They also spoke about the demands of parenting being vastly different, depending on your role. Apparently, many women who have chosen to remain childless would have kids if they could take the "traditional" role of father.
  10. BTW -- her church taught her, as so many have believed since the Greeks lost their dominance in the world of thinking and culture, that gay men weren't men either. This despite. you know, having all the items, including prostates. I'd kinda like some of those who are still saying this stupidity to meet some gay men from around the way and see them with their manly weapons and their fists, for that matter -- since so many of them think gay men aren't men because, you know, they can't fight (tell it to Alexander, Hadrian, etc.) IOW, we contemporary enlightened ilks really should know better than have this endless scroll as to who is what, where and why, gender, sexually, etc. But no we'd rather go around hurting people, insulting people because -- l guess it makes us feel good.
  11. Had to Google him, as we don't get BBC Radio here. Interesting. Is it one of the episodes listed here? I was thinking it was the Haidt episode but that was aired yesterday, so I'm guessing it's something older.
  12. One assumes there is support in some quarters for ethnic cleansing. Problem is it's really genocide that's needed if the aim is to permanently rid Gaza of all Palestinian presence, and given it would remain an irritant that means the West Bank population must also be obliterated. If you merely relocate people to a place they don't want to be there will always be a strong desire for return. The Jewish people themselves know this given the many centuries of longing to return to the Holy Land. The tricky bit is the 7.2 million Palestinian refugees not in Gaza or the West Bank, how to eradicate them needs a bit more planning.
  13. But not at all uncommon. Nihal Arthanayake dedicated a large part of his show to this phenomenon just the other day.
  14. I didn't give a damn, knowing better, and as I said, not giving a damn. Ya, by the end she was sorry for the many and variety of harms she caused with her faith in her religion, which ultimately let her down. She even came to the shocking irreligious conclusion that Gay Men were actually OK.
  15. Neither a kind nor a right a thing to say. I hope she repented of that at some point.
  16. My own mother, no less, told me in no uncertain terms, that if I didn't get pregnant and have babies, I wasn't a woman. That's what her church was starting to say. This, despite possessing uterus, etc. all these items, despite having periods starting at age 11, etc. I find these sorts of wide-eyed we care for the health and well being and safety of anybody out and out liars, or at the very least deeply in denial about their own motivations and certainly don't want the rest of us to know (coz rhese ilks don't give a shyte about safety of anyone, from unborn children to women, to antisemitism, and certainly not women AT ALL anymore than LGBTQ+AI people). However, yes, lets grab on this manufactured issue in order to further divide and hurt more and more and more people -- for political power and even for, you know the lols. If any of these sorts of ilks cared at all we would have gun control, decent health care for all, not only women, not only pregnant women, etc. -- but we hardly have health care for anybody, and particularly anybody who isn't rich. So these ilks should just stop with this bad faith pretense of care about anybody's welfare because the bad faith declarations are as transparent as just Windexed windows.
  17. Irt the population(s) in general, it's easy to believe b/c you have both the MSM and the politicians you like/vote for - meaning dems & republicans - spouting the same fucking shite into people's ears nonstop, while also suppressing information about the other side of the story.
  18. Jace since you're going mask off "open war will set us free" let's hear your honest opinion about how to avoid future insurgency in Gaza. Do you think the Palestinians should just be pushed out as part of this operation so Israel doesn't have to face this threat again, or is that a step too far?
  19. Lol if it wasn't so tragic. So there are people who unironically think all out war will not increase the number of people willing to become terrorists? Worked so damned well with Iraq and Afghanistan. Got rid of the head of Al Qeada in dramatic and much celebrated fashion. We got ISIS for their troubles. The US and its friends keep assassinating heads of terror orgs and yet it seems to have little effect. It's almost like demonising and oppressing whole populations makes them not like you very much and creates people willing to do bad things. When are people going to learn that Islamic terror isn't a snake, it's both a hydra and a worm. Cut off a head and two grow back. Slice up the body and each bit grows into a new worm. Peace is the way to kill the hydra and the worm, but it seems a bunch of people persist in believing it's war that will do the job. Violence begets violence. In nature positive feedback loops pretty much always end in an explosion, I think that is also true about human conflict. If someone doesn't break the cycle what we're seeing now is just a prelude to something much worse. For those thirsty to see certain people suffering, it won't just be the one's you want to suffer who will suffer.
  20. I don't want to quibble, but because this is relevant to health of transwomen, the "tiny fraction" is that transwomen appear to be 42% as likely as cisgender men to develop prostate cancer (14 in 10,000 vs 33 in 10,000). This is a not a negligible change, it's a reducton little over half, but I think "tiny fraction" might be taken to mean it's non-existent. If you were likely to be subject to screening at some point in your life before transition, you should still get screened post-transition.
  21. You'll have to ask @Heartofice why he believes what he believes. That's certainly not what I believe, if you're referring to me as a cool gotcha. They were the one wanting to refer to biological sex as a euphemism for sex assigned at birth. But yes, I would imagine that it shouldn't be that weird to think that if you have your genitalia changed you would not be subject to illnesses specific to that genitalia. If you don't have ovaries it would be difficult to get ovarian cancer. Is that a real gotcha then? My point all along is that if you're going to view certain characteristics as defining biological sex then you need to also assume that the lack of them also implies a lack of that biological sex. I don't personally view it as so easily cut and dried, and as usual making things that are complicated simple makes things stupid and more wrong.
  22. I really do think he decided to write a 10 X 1,000 page series first, and then tried to figure out a story that would fill it rather than coming up with a story and figuring out how many pages/books it would take to tell it. The result is bloat.
  23. From December 2019: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/dec/13/antisemitism-executive-order-trump-chilling-effect
  24. My comments haven't even focused on the Gaza protests. They are more general. By that logic, every other comment on some other topic has distracted from the horrors the students are protesting. Why am I singled out? I wasn't trying to be condescending; just confused and exasperated with this suspicion around my comments. If you don't want to follow the particular thread I've been responding to, by all means ignore it.
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