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Cartoon Crushes?


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Caught this as a link off of Black Nerd Rants.

I did once accidentally confess to a girlfriend that I found Kimpossible attractive while we were flipping through channels.

Andre on the other hand seems to have put way more thought into this, though I do recall people talking about how busty the X-men females were on the 90's cartoon.

I remember liking the woman who wears a blind fold in the G.I. Joe Movie where they go to Cobra-la, but that was more about her being bad-ass. And maybe Belle from the first time I saw Beauty & the Beast?

And don't worry about confessing - I had a friend who had a crush on Kit the car so nothing can be more ridiculous than that.

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Everyone in the 90s Xmen was pretty cute, at least it seemed that way when I was 9. I think I had a thing both for Gambit and Nightcrawler. And maybe Jubilee. And the Biker Mice from Mars. They were just so dashing. :dunno:

Some day, I'll figure out why I had more cartoon crushes than live-person crushes at that age.

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Smurfette. April. Elisa Maza.

Oh, definitely Elisa Maza!

Blonde girl from Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs, but it's really any blond girl from any cartoon when i was a kid.

Also, check out this:


Heh, I'd forgotten about the E-surance Girl. Definitely attractive, hits my Kimpossible spot.

Would comic characters count? I know it's not a cartoon...

Will forever have a crush on John Constantine though.

Sure, comic characters count. I have man-crush on Metron from the New Gods.

Also, for video games it's a bit of a weird reference but Erana from the Quest for Glory series.

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