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UK Politics - police blackmail edition


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Given how unpopular Scotland releasing Megrahi was in America, and talk of an independant Scotland giving Snowden asylum, I'm not too surprised.

It was hardly a scathing opposition; he basically said it's up to Scotland but he'd kinda prefer it not to happen.

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The Tories retain Newark comfortably. I'm wondering about the Labour (23% to 17%) and Lib Dem (20% to 2%) vote - was this staying at home, or was it voting for either the Tories or UKIP as the "lesser evil"?

(I'd imagine the Tories would be more likely to benefit on the lesser evil front).

One of the BBC articles suggested that there might have been some anti-UKIP tactical voting from Labour/Lib Dem supporters.

The unstoppable rise of UKIP continues unabated

Apparently, nobody is better at coming second in by-elections than they are, although it's an achievement even more meaningless than doing well in a European election.

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It's not a bad result for UKIP, viewed objectively.

Viewed through the lens of having just won the Euro election, and supposedly having momentum and being a serious contender and having the chance to win multiple seats at the general election - it's not so good. The narrative doesn't work too well. 'We came first and then we got a respectable second place'. Not what they would have wanted. A win was maybe too much to ask, but they needed to push the Tories a lot closer if they wanted to maintain any momentum.

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In referendum news today, Gordon Brown says something the SNP agree with for the first time ever:

On Monday, Mr Brown told journalists at a Westminster lunch: "I think it would be a good idea if David Cameron did debate Alex Salmond, but I'm not involved in the negotiations."

And the Better Together campaign decide to change their official message to 'No Thanks'.

You couldn't make it up, could you?

Rumours that they also considered 'We're alright for now', 'I just have to do this thing first' and 'Honestly, I have a headache' cannot be confirmed.

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But at least there are still racists enough for everybody. It would be a terrible worry if there weren't enough racists to go round.

Well quite. I'm also surprised that our racists aren't racists anymore, but I guess if they wrote a letter about not being racist then that makes it alright.

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No serious person can doubt the integrity of the self reporting of people writing letters to explain to UKIP that they are not racists in the context of them all becoming eligible for EU cash money if they can meet the criteria for forming a group in the EU parliament.

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So Coulson is going to spend some time in the big house. Cool. Brooks has been acquitted on the grounds of her having no idea what was going on in her newspaper.

I find it inspirational that despite total and complete incompetence she became the youngest ever editor of a national newspaper. Truly inspiring.

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The Brooks verdict is a classic case of what we in Scotland would have returned as a 'Not Proven'. That is, we think you did it but the prosecution can't prove it. Her story (and her husband's) was full of holes and obvious BS, but there was no smoking gun. She hasn't been convicted, but does anyone really think she's innocent?

I note without comment that Piers Morgan is still prepared to publicly describe someone found guilty of invading the privacy of complete strangers for money (and lying about it in court) as 'a good man'.

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The Queen and Prince Phillip visited Northern Ireland including the Game of Thrones sets. "In the Game of Thrones one wins or one flees to France and drinks oneself to death".

They also visited the now-closed Crumlin Road Jail, being given a tour by two former inmates; First minister Robinson and Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness.

I'd love to have been a fly on that wall. I can only assume Phillip's jaw had been wired shut beforehand. "So which cell was yours, eh, McGuiness? Pity they didn't throw away the key."

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