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Mr. Robot (spoilers).... 'cause I suck at this stuff

Martini Sigil

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1 hour ago, Corvinus said:

I think the reason why Dom bolted out of the diner, even though she could clearly see that the cops were there and had taken the shooter down was because she is not worried about her prime suspect getting away. So Cisco was clearly shot, more than likely won't survive. But I think Darlene, which immediately became another suspect for Dom, was also shot. But I doubt she will die at this stage of the story.

That and the fact she knows the Dark Army kill themselves rather than be captured - Cisco and Darlene were unlikely to do this.

I still think Darlene's alive but they may yet have killed off Tyrell - who had far more plot armour around his character than Darlene's.

I should check to see whether the actor playing Tyrell had schedule conflicts this year as it still seems really odd to sideline him for an entire season. I just had a look and the actor was cast in Feb 2016 as the male lead in "ashes in the snow" and it was filming in eastern europe until at least May. Thinking about it that probably overlapped with Mr Robot's filming (assuming they have it in the can before airing). It could well be that the story decision was a compromise allowing the actor to do the film yet remain on the show? Unless he's simply dead and that's why he did the film. The former makes more sense to me.

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11 hours ago, Dr. Pepper said:

I don't know.  Darlene had just come to the conclusion that she was basically useless throughout this whole thing.  She didn't really do anything, it was all Elliot.  Is there any further need for her?  Alive, at least?  I think chances of alive are more likely, but I also wouldn't be surprised if she were killed.  

Yeah, that could've been either foreshadowing or misdirect. Either outcome--she lives or dies--could be plausible. That's the sign of good episodic storytelling on the part of writer/director Sam Esmail.

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Ok so that finale didn't save the season AT ALL. If anything it just made everything even more frustrating. So after 10 episodes this year the story seems to have no moved along at all. 

I was prepared to think the early season drag was worth it because episodes 8-9 were getting good. But the finale seemed like an enormous waste of time. By the end of it I learned almost nothing. We were just left in limbo, with no real story conclusions and a bunch of open threads that don't seem to want to resolve themselves any time soon. 

Wouldn't have been a problem if the show wasn't so self indulgent in its use of time, more interested in dragging out a scene because it will be cool or artistic, than actually entertaining us. 

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So I watched the latest episode, in preparation of the finale tomorrow. Great episode very tense. However, as per the usual, there are so many questions to be answered:

1) Have Darlene and Cisco been sent to the eternal hunting grounds? Or did some switcheroo happen? Or was Cisco the only one to die? 

2) From where did Tyrell's calls come from? At first, I thought Eliot would trace the phone calls back to his own flat, but when that didn't happen I sort of can't decide what the most likely place is. Since the bodyguard guy seemed to recognize the adress I was thinking that Tyrell's own house, the house of Scott Knowles and the E-Corp HQ are the most likely possibilities but I could be wrong.

3) Was Angela wearing a wire? Those two actors at the end looked suspiciously like handlers to me and she did ask Eliot why he started Fsociety. That's kind of fishy.

4) Is there a third personality inside Eliot's mind? 

5) Who are the people who Price believes are more powerful than him? I guess White Rose and Eliot/Mr. Robot are a good guess. Or is he talking about Eliot/Mr. Robor and a third personality inside Eliot's mind?

6) What happened to Mobley and Trenton?


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There's almost certainly a third personality which i think merges Elliot and Mr Robot together into the kind of person who actually gets shit done. Plus, Mr Robot seems clueless about some things in that i think he thinks tyrell is dead too.

Out there theory is that the third persona is a lover of Tyrell and they have been in cahoots at least since the arcade meeting.

The final reason and probably the most convincing is that it's yet another twist and one that can spin the show out further in terms of giving them things to do. Would they cast another actor for the third persona?

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8 minutes ago, Veltigar said:

So I watched the latest episode, in preparation of the finale tomorrow. Great episode very tense. However, as per the usual, there are so many questions to be answered:

1) Have Darlene and Cisco been sent to the eternal hunting grounds? Or did some switcheroo happen? Or was Cisco the only one to die? 

2) From where did Tyrell's calls come from? At first, I thought Eliot would trace the phone calls back to his own flat, but when that didn't happen I sort of can't decide what the most likely place is. Since the bodyguard guy seemed to recognize the adress I was thinking that Tyrell's own house, the house of Scott Knowles and the E-Corp HQ are the most likely possibilities but I could be wrong.

3) Was Angela wearing a wire? Those two actors at the end looked suspiciously like handlers to me and she did ask Eliot why he started Fsociety. That's kind of fishy.

4) Is there a third personality inside Eliot's mind? 

5) Who are the people who Price believes are more powerful than him? I guess White Rose and Eliot/Mr. Robot are a good guess. Or is he talking about Eliot/Mr. Robor and a third personality inside Eliot's mind?

6) What happened to Mobley and Trenton?


I believe Price put it as there is one, maybe two, rooms in the world where he is not the most powerful person in the room. He may think White Rose is more powerful, but considering their last face to face, he may not care. The Oval Office is possibly one of these two rooms, and assuming he is married, his bedroom would be another. JK :P

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1 hour ago, Corvinus said:

I believe Price put it as there is one, maybe two, rooms in the world where he is not the most powerful person in the room. He may think White Rose is more powerful, but considering their last face to face, he may not care. The Oval Office is possibly one of these two rooms, and assuming he is married, his bedroom would be another. JK :P

I don't know if it's because of the discussion about Angela last week but I couldn't help wondering if her name was playing on his mind during that discussion.

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2 hours ago, red snow said:

There's almost certainly a third personality

Fourth, I guess, if you include us the audience.

It's a bit weird because Mr Robot's freak out was triggered when he was talking to Darlene and not Elliot, as if that were strange......but Season 1 was littered with times when he took over and 'was' Elliot for a time.

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The Angela scenes on 2x11 were straight out of a David Lynch film. Probably overtook the 80's sitcom hallucinations as the weirdest thing the show has done to date. I liked it. Even if find myself somewhat lost about a lot of the White Rose/Washington Township Plant stuff. 

Glad they finally brought back Tyrell! It was getting ridiculous. Not sure what they're trying to tell us with the nods to Back to the Future, with the music? Also, guess Darlene is alive, and is who Dom wants to interview.

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4 hours ago, Nictarion said:

Glad they finally brought back Tyrell! It was getting ridiculous. Not sure what they're trying to tell us with the nods to Back to the Future, with the music? Also, guess Darlene is alive, and is who Dom wants to interview.

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed the instances of the Back to the Future soundtrack.

I was pretty annoyed with this episode. So much wasted time. 

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Is Esmail trying to catch up to The Walking Dead on leaving the audience hanging? Seriously, I screamed at the TV at the end WHAT ABOUT DARLENE?

The part with Angela definitely went off the rails. And I was sure the lawyer was going to get assassinated when Angela showed up.

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This show should really stop fucking me. It was pleasant at first, but damn, I'm ready for some actual answers for a change. I agree with the reviewer over at the AVclub, who believes that next week's episode will either pivot the series in an astonishingly brilliant direction or be a total jumping the shark moment. I hope it's the former, because the way this show is directed is still so damn great. The whole sequence with the fish tank was really delightfully creepy.  


EDIT: In fact the only scenes that really annoyed the crap out of me were the ones with Dom in it. I cringed when she started to talk to her Echo/Siri/Cortana/whatever. 

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