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Suicide Squad: Real Life or Just a Fantasy?


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The volume of unsolicited dictures I receive has given me a backlog of them to use to send a larger one in response. It is similar to be policy of sending valuable coupons I am mailed in the prepaid response envelopes from credit card offers.

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28 minutes ago, Myrddin said:

Note to self: Never piss off Kay Fury.

Sage advice, which I'll duly follow :) 

41 minutes ago, Kay Fury said:

The volume of unsolicited dictures I receive has given me a backlog of them to use to send a larger one in response. It is similar to be policy of sending valuable coupons I am mailed in the prepaid response envelopes from credit card offers.

:lol: Brilliant! 

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  • 1 month later...

I was going to come in strong with a Harley Quinn/Always Sunny in Philadelphia crossover joke, but as I searched for the video I came to realize they were the Birds of War.....


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3 hours ago, Mandy said:

I hate it when actors say and do this kind of pompous, pretentious crap.  I would, guaranteed, not like someone who even thought this kind of thing was necessary.  It's taking yourself WAYYYY too seriously.

Here's a picture of Common all dressed up for the flick http://ll-media.tmz.com/2015/06/11/0611-suicide-squad-pcn-3.jpg

Agreed.  Whenever I read about the lengths some method actors have gone to for their roles or the fact that they never break character, etc. I often think it comes across as quite dickish.  Oh sure, there are some truly legendary portrayals that have happened this way but I think there's often a very thin line to walk between great and, as you say, pompous.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
15 hours ago, Manhole Eunuchsbane said:


Are people seriously going to buy those things? It's not like it's cosplay, those are real clothes.

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15 hours ago, The BlackBear said:


Are people seriously going to buy those things? It's not like it's cosplay, those are real clothes.

Already tons of pics of girls with that Harley shirt. The girl stuff ain't so bad, i know emo's and goths that wear way weirder stuff, the Joker stuff on the other hand? I can only imagine that cosplayers will be buying that. 

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Does it seem to anyone else they peaked a little early with the marketing? It's less than a month away so I'm expecting a big push in the next few weeks, but even so we haven't had anything new or big for a while now. The international trailers are almost entirely footage seen elswhere, though the new one has the tiniest amount more of the Joker.

I'm still pretty optimistic about it, it should be good, but there is potential for it to suck.

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I'm assuming they will be back on the marketing train once the Comic-Con begins. That's a good thing. A non-stop and intense campaign since December could be overwhelming and people could grow tired of the movie months before the release.

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On 7/11/2016 at 1:53 PM, Tywin et al. said:

Maybe they're trying to distance SS from BvS, so they decided to go quiet for a month or two? 

Hm, i wouldn't think so. When BvS was bombing, that was the time they actually promoted the most. As Steelborn said, i think it's mostly to not overwhelm and get people annoyed. 

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13 minutes ago, DunderMifflin said:

"We're bad guys, it's what we do"

Ughh, no thank you.

I cringed at that line.  

I've seen a lot of people excited for Margot's Harley Quinn but the character turns me off. Adult women who sound like little girls is not something I want to see nor hear. I don't get the character's appeal tho I do like Margot. 

DC and their movies don't interest me at all. But I want them to do great and I've been trying to talk myself into seeing this movie but I have absolutely no interest in it. 

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This film has the potential to drive me absolutely to despair, I have no doubt. Her 'Krazy!' Thing is pretty annoying.

But I think the focus on HQ in the trailers won't be as extreme in the film (though certainly present,) outside of comic readers (who make up most film audiences) she's the best known with the exception of the Joker who's role isn't entirely clear yet. It's an ensemble and we've seen glimpses of these other charatcers doing more than just making up numbers, El Diablo got a lot more focus in the BallRoomBlitz Trailer than I was expecting, Boomerang is notable, and we know we're getting at least a little background for Deadshot and Enchantress.

They haven't given the entire plot away, we can speulate the general run of the film, but we don't know who the villain is for definite. The action all looks pretty promising. Leto's Joker has been consistently growing on me, love the shot of him lying with all the knives.

So lots to go wrong for sure, but overall still pretty excited, and this is before the big marketing push to come (though I have started seeing posters popping up around town.)


Also as an aside IMDb tells me it's generally being released over the 3rd to the 5th, I'd kind of gotten used to films being released in some quarters (the UK being one of them) before the 'domestic' US release, which makes discussing films shortly after release a bit of a pain.

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